Sup Forumsweenies will defend this hick
>Jewberg phone
>im a customer this is a store so this store is public property
>This is a gas station and i worked in a gas station so they must be the same
This guy is an asshole but god do I hate customers
lady shows her cc info at 1:11 how dumb
Fuckin kek
Bring back sun down towns.
Tar and feather all coal burners.
don't know what happened before she started filming so hard to tell. i would have sold her the cigs because then she would have left, but i don't work at 7-11 this may cause a whole other set of problems. why did he refuse her? she black or just looked high? if you refuse service to someone are you required by law to give a reason why? he was pretty calm so i assume he had a good reason not to sell to her.
Thank you based Texas
buy us all shit annon
They are both totally retarded. I side with him because she could simply buy her stuff somewhere else but she insists on destroying his career.
why is he an asshole? The video skips whatever set him off and you are already assuming it is his fault.
no u
>have right to refuse service to anyone
>literally don't have this right though
She was probably tweaked out on xanax or something, she definitely sounds like she's on something.
No, you are not required by law to give a reason. You can literally just tell them to get the fuck out, and if they stay, they are trespassing.
i don't know how to use a cc yet. just get us all amazon gift cards
Dan plz go
sage, reported etc.
this He's still an idiot because he called himself Joseph Mengele and 7/11 is probably going to fire him because of that.
>whats ur name?
>joseph mengele
my sides are in another dimension
I dont think he called the cops or had a legitimate reason for denying her cigs other than probably having a large nose or having something against people who do drugs.
Private establishments have no reason to give service to you if they deem so. She probably said a bunch of stupid shit and he refused her because she was clearly stupid enough to show her credit card info on her video.
How much is the petrol going for a liter now a days you gas huffing son of a convict mongrel.
>video starts after the chimp out
>"this is a public place i know the law i can be here"
>private business
Whore was there with her nigger boyfriend and refusing to leave after being told to is trespassing. This "Me so strong" white woman is exactly what's wrong with the west.
He says "go back out there with Rashad"
rashad might be a nigger but at least he knew to leave the store after being told he was kicked out.
Hope this bitch showed the cops her "evidence" video of her breaking the law and got charged, but I know she got away scot free to upload this.
For non emergencies it can take up to 2 hours for cops to show up. They would have showed up listened to the girl be dumb then tell her to leave because in america store service is not a right.
she takes on this sweet voice during the recording. tsk tsk baka senpai
but how did she looked like tho?
Just use the CC info to donate to Trumps campaign
>My phone ran out of memory for most of this episode so I chose to record the second half using snapchat, forgetting that the sound doesn't work because I recently dropped my phone in water.
This dumb bitch literally shows her credit card on camera and she still has it up
Freeze at 1:11. You can see her id
>This is a public space
Yes I am totally defending this T hat wearing man, that lady is fucking retarded.
can't he eject her from the store by force since shes trespassing after refusing to leave?
>I asked him for his name and he immediately gave me a false name, Josef Mengele, who I later found out was a Nazi doctor that performed human experiments on Jewish people during the holocaust.
>Having to look-up Josef Mengele
>: I asked him for his name and he immediately gave me a false name, Josef Mengele, who I later found out was a Nazi doctor that performed human experiments on Jewish people during the holocaust.
>American education
If he owns the store he can but I bet he is an employee and its store policy that you're not allowed too.
And credit card if I am not wrong.
Can someone write down the number?
Asking for a friend
We need the code on the back as well.
leftscum BTFO
Ah okay, thanks for the info.
Would've been toooooo good :^)
not _that_ joseph mengele
Don't worry, we learn all that we need to know about how all the j00z were turned into soap lamps for not having blue eyes because hitler liked poop.
>untermensch supporting nazi doctrine
wew lad
>retarded beard
>working at 7/11 minimum wage
>doesn't know how to behave himself without chimping out
>no education
get fucked pig
Nice to see a right wing retard finally get a job, but this is just disgusting. Maybe it's better Sup Forums doesn't leave the basement.
Your average Sup Forumstard Trump voter.
>why did you tell me to leave?
>because [video cuts off]
Oy vey
Here are the names of all the fags on Hillary's shill payroll:
>I asked him for his name and he immediately gave me a false name, Josef Mengele
>who I later found out was a Nazi doctor that performed human experiments on Jewish people during the holocaust
This guy's hilarious.
>tfw those are all my alt accounts
Less than a dollar right now. Party time boyos
>Neo-Nazis know anything about National Socialism
Top laughter my dog shagging friend.
Am I wrong or did she not say she wanted the menthols for a friend. By admitting that she was breaking the law
>jewberg phone
Jig's up buddy
He is objectively right, she is objectively wrong. End of discussion.
I know it waddles your walters whenever an eeeeebil Nazi is right, but maybe you should try not being wrong sometimes.
>take your jewburg phone
Hahaha this guy is pretty boss
why do leafs assume every country is just like theirs. seriously the only country that gives advice based on their laws no matter what
>tweaked out on xanax
being tweaked out means you're on uppers dumbass
Because Canadians are the fucking worst humans on earth next to niggers. They used to be ok a while ago but lately in the last 10 years they transformed into the gayest fucking shithole country on Earth
maybe the guy was just fucking drunk. what's the big deal if he made jokes about jews?
yeh he did say it was a franchise, thanks
your sharp
Why do American women all sound like fucking airheads that suck black cocks? lmao
she hopped out of a niggers whip and sounded like a coal burning skank. fuck her and feed her fish heads
employees can refuse service when it comes to alcohol and tobacco and such
Video quits the moment he was about to tell the dumb bitch why she has to leave.
Why would you post this? It's just two low iqs having a disagreement. Nothing exciting. Happens everyday
>7-Eleven Nazi Clerk 2
is that a movie?
Is this the same bitch from the uber video?
Okay m8. Half the time it isn't even us. You burgers just like to use our VPNS because our Internet is more safe and secure, which means we're less likely to create fedora edgelord ITs being praised as the new hero of Western society due to the lack of privacy your country's internet has.
I remember this story. The girl came in asking for cigs for her friend in the car. The cashier said if he wanted them for him to come into the store and verify his age. She then threw a tantrum and said she wanted cigs for herself and he called bullshit.
If you were over 18 you'd know that you need the CVR on the back of the card.
Underage b&
this isn't Germany, we don't actually have to remember anything from history class, nobody is going to get his joke.
That inspired me to hurt people.
Bless you.
>7342 5800 8481 90(7?)X
This man is committing a felony. He is verbally assaulted an article 4 free inhabitant and can be punished by up to 15 years in prison if convicted in an Admiralty Court.
>3 digits
Try it a thousand times.
OKay splice that, enhance, cross reference those numbers with all known valid visa card numbers, good, splice, enhance
Ive used my card on sites and in stores that let my just punch in the 16 digit number and expiration date before.
Its pretty sketchy desu.
No shoes
No shorts
No service
Learn it
Live it
Love it
maybe he thought the credit card will flunk or something?
What'ya give?
elise koller?
im not sure about the owner being able to but you are right about him not being allowed to due to store policies. my friends bro worked at one and he told us employees arent allowed to touch you/check your bags. so we stole all the time. man we were dumb punk kids
Technically, you can get a high on Xanax and booze
It's a weird paradoxical effect
And yet people still want to live in america outside of the liberal paradise (la nyc miami san fransisco etc). Desert + racist hick, what's so beautiful about the conservative america ?
the date is probably 2020
and the last numbers are probably 9077
This is the uber driver all over again. Bitch starts recording after starting shit with the clerk. I
Is there a "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" sign?