Sup Forumsweenies will defend this hick

Other urls found in this thread:

>Jewberg phone




>im a customer this is a store so this store is public property
>This is a gas station and i worked in a gas station so they must be the same

This guy is an asshole but god do I hate customers

lady shows her cc info at 1:11 how dumb

Fuckin kek

Bring back sun down towns.

Tar and feather all coal burners.

don't know what happened before she started filming so hard to tell. i would have sold her the cigs because then she would have left, but i don't work at 7-11 this may cause a whole other set of problems. why did he refuse her? she black or just looked high? if you refuse service to someone are you required by law to give a reason why? he was pretty calm so i assume he had a good reason not to sell to her.