Sup Forums, what your opinion of avatar?
Sup Forums, what your opinion of avatar?
>cowboys are bad guys
>indians are good guys
whoa really made me think for a bit.
#1 movie of all time that changed cinema forever
I'd fuck the giant blue alien woman.
was a very impressive movie on a technical scale. i did not know it was fully animated till after i watched it a few times.
story wise its a cut and paste 'dances with wolves' clone that made giant blue girls acceptable by normies
>Dances With Space Wolves in 3D
Overhyped crap.
Made a lot of $.
I'd fuck the giant blue alien woman.
Liberal bullshit but still a fun movie.
This is what butthurt haters actually believe.
Still salty that the """"""evil"""""" white guy didn't win
Overpriced Pochahontas remake.
Sigorny Weaver looks better as a 7 foot mutant Amazonian woman than she does as a blue alien
>maximum tipping
It's a movie I don't mind watching when bored and high as fuck.
I zero political emotions/feelings towards this fairy tale.
Like a very long trailer for a video game.
Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.
apparently it was valuable not because it floats, but because it was superconductive at any temperature
it made me want to get off this fucking doomed rock even more
even though they clearly have an organised military who were ready for the white man to come take their things.
All the humans had to do to not fuck up was to give the blue cats some shiny beads for the unobtainium instead of going to war for it.
it floats b/c it is superconductive at any temperature
inb4 imma physics fag
Never watched it. Heard it was shit.
found the autist
I wanted the blue aliens to get blown the fuck up though.
Very impressive from a technical standpoint, from a story standpoint not so much. Still has enough good visuals and fights scenes to keep me entertained through most of it though.
Good, stupid fun with some pretty good effects.
>Sigourney "Nuke the entire site from orbit" Weaver is part of the movie
>Nothing remotely close to a nuke is used to eradicate the blue infestation
Stupid plot.
I thought it was ok, I was actually rooting for the aliens, which I didn't expect. My main reason for this was that the humans wanted to blow up a natural wonder instead of studying it, and less actually liking the aliens. They're a primitive and superstitious culture which I'd say is vastly inferior to human civilization, but their planet is so amazing the humans deserved what they got for being shekel loving Jews first and scientists second.
I want to FUCK NeyNey!
Implied humanity wouldn't take the internet tree for themselves. Unless... We already had something like that.
If so, humans did the right thing. Fuck the blue aliens.
The humans with advanced weapons lost to primitive natives. Enough said.
Too bad that it didn't have this sort of dialogue.
Smurfniggers try to beat a human corporation, little do they know an entire fleet of nuclear bombarders are on their way to destroy their "home"
It was fun because the film was 3D and that was something new amd special back then
Also, the 3D glasses used to be decently sized back than. That is something to cherish and remember
Cool CGI. Would've loved if it was just a movie about exploring an alien CGI world, as those non-action non-story pan-shots were what I enjoyed about this movie.
Stroy and fighting are trivial and boring.
>alien sex in a pg13 movie showing penetration... or "docking" or something
>alien beasteality on a pg13 movie like multiple times again "docking" or something shown. to graphic for daytime television on a non pay channel
ron howard is a monster and needs to pay for his crimes and he plagiarized "fern gully: the last rain forest"
>gauged ears
Into the trash it goes.
It was visually stunning at the time. I cant over analyze hollywood anymore because its fiction
pol will go on about muh indians and pocahontas but miss out that it is extremely red pilled:
>earth full "diversity" and what a surprise a giant shithole
>whites (and some white washed pickers of cotton) literally fly to another planet to mine the shit that keeps earth going
>in the end the only one who can and will defeat the ebil whites are (white) traitors.
not to mention that the whites in the movie were extremely reasonable and went out of their way meet the blue fucks midway instead of just gassing them.
I would bang the blue pussy.
A bunch of big blue niggers got killed for the good of the white race but somehow fought back and won despite superior technology thanks to some nu male SJW faggot with no legs
It reminded me of the Zulus
This triggers the British man
Although the night time glowing bioluminescence really made me happy inside for all the right reasons...if only our planet had shit like that on that scale...would be dope as fuck
Also I got creeped the fuck out by the human blue niggers avatars having like human hands and feet, more humanoid features and shit...race mixing is fucked up
I like Armond White's take
>"The corniest movie ever made about the white man's need to lose his identity and assuage racial, political, sexual and historical guilt."
Giant cat people give me boners.
I really liked all parties involved in this film. Both sides were correct and the best men won the fight. Spirit ayylmao science vs the brawn and brain of the human spirit.
time to rewatch the movie so I can masturbate
I'm not sure if I'd want to be half nigger half blue cat, but adding direct neural interfacing more than justifies making the switch. But forget the stupid native american shit. I'd immediately try to develop an interface to connect with existing tech
Would have been perfect if it didn't have such a cliche story. Hope 2 and 3 improve in that aspect.
>humans in gunships and mechs lose to fucking 3 meter smurfs with bows
Fucking pile of shit movie.
well you also had the environment itself attacking them. and those bows were ~10 feet long and the arrows 4 to 5 feet and several inches thick. mini ballistas really
Hippy shit and garbage of a movie. Main character is a filthy traitor of mankind.
this was the thought in my mind. The human dude knows what Earth is capable of. He really didn't think that another corporation or government military won't come and blow everything away with orbital weapons of mass destruction?
Fuck Jim Cameron so hard, that climate change propaganda he showed at the DNC just about made me puke, and just made him and Sigourney Weaver look like hypocritical, out of touch assholes (because they are)
true. the only way the sequel could turn out is 'nuked from orbit'
but you gotta save the internet hub tree NOW. you have a few months till the next supply ship arrives, sees they are fucked and executes order 66
It is a advocation for colonization.
THink about it,
blueniggas can not beat the whites.
A white manage to help them to repel the whites.
He became the king of bluenigga and got the nigga princess.
Based motherfucker.
Prairie niggers BTFO. I fucking hate those subhumans. I hate seeing them at the supermarket. I hate seeing them passed out on park benches at 2pm. Fucking subhumans.
Sc's Protoss rip off
>maximum leaf
last film I saw with my dad before he died of lukemia, pretended to enjoy it, visuals were ok, story was bollocks
I hate that movie so damn much. Overused cliched cancer shit.
Literally the only similarity between the Na'vi and the Protoss is that they're blue, and have nerve bundles hanging out the back of their skulls.
is it magnets?
Why the heck are Na'vi are so primitive? They have shown better impulse regulation than humans in 10,000 B.C that gored eachother for fun.
they have no need to advance. most conflicts throughout history were because people couldn't understand the other's desires. when you can mind meld with literally anyone and see their point of view, it would defuse most conflicts before they could start
Same fucking shit m8, the only difference is that Navis are a bunch of fucking hippies
It was a shallow and ham-fisted remake of Dances With Wolves set in a bland and unimaginative soft science fiction setting, explored through top-notch digital imagery.
>cats have four legs and a tail
>dogs have four legs and a tail
>therefor, cats are dogs
The Na'vi aren't even psionic, they don't have digitigrade legs, and they have mouths.
did it bug anyone else that the Na'vi were the only 4 limbed creatures on Pandora?
Very much so, in fact.
It would have been interesting to see how avatar pilots acclimated to having four arms.
It was okay. Not really deep like everyone makes it out to be but it still pretty good I guess
Gay liberal movie, I would prefer roaches over any kind of ayy lmao any day, unless it was a hot ayy lmao, but I would still prefer humans
Blue Jean-I just met me a girl named Blue Jean
Blue Jean-she got a camouflaged face and no money
Remember they always let you down when you need 'em
Oh, Blue Jean - is heaven any sweeter than Blue Jean
She got a police bike
She got a turned up nose
Sometimes I feel like
(Oh, the whole human race)
Jazzin' for Blue Jean
(Oh, and when my Blue Jean's blue)
Blue Jean can send me
(Oh, somebody send me)
Somebody send me
(Oh, somebody send me)
One day I'm gonna write a poem in a letter
One day I'm gonna get that faculty together
Remember that everybody has to wait in line
Blue Jean-look out world you know I've got mine
She got Latin roots
She got everything
no, the magnetism of the planet causes the superconductive Unobtanium to levitate. Look up "perfect diamagnet"
Dumbshit cuntstain of a movie.
Da ebil Murican Colonial Whites invaded muh utopia to grab the b̶u̶f̶f̶a̶l̶o̶ g̶o̶l̶d̶ o̶i̶l̶ unobtanium from muh totally not Native Americans who are in touch with nature n' shiet.
Go fuck yourselves, James Cameron. Even your Aliens movie was a hamfisted protest film against the military and capitalism.
yeah with what? using what orifice? it's not clear as to how they reproduce.... or did I miss an episode?
They have mouths, user.
I'm sure those little nerve-tentacles on the ends of their pony tails would also feel pretty good too.
Weren't they going to make a sequel to this hot garbage?
But at the same time, all they have to do is make it uneconomical for them to come back.
no, so there
I was just thinking that as i clicked that image
If they were that based, I'd have bought a fedora.
>Species mixing
Worst movie ever. James Cameron is a disgusting hypocritical Marxist piece of shit. Wish we could just dump his ass in the rain forest