So how did you guys witness 9-11?

So how did you guys witness 9-11?

>be me
>be young fuck
>oh shit it´s nearly time for Dragonball Z
>rush to living room
>turn on TV
>Channel which should prodcast Dragonball shows some shitty towers burning
>check other channels
>every channel shows towers
>go to mum
>she´s on her mobile talking to somebody
>she puts her phone down and tells me something like "something really bad happened.....etc."
>(she was talking to my dad telling him about the attack, he was at work and he´s also a burger)
>Bitch who cares I want to watch Dragonball

Too bad I was too young to really appreciate the happening of the century.

Other urls found in this thread:

I was there to document the event.

>Republican national security

You fags will never reach Australian banter just leaf.

My dad worked 2 blocks away from the WTC and I didn't know if he was ok until he came home so, that's how that day was for me.

He had dust on him when he came home and had to toss his clothes in the trash.

I didn't witness it grandpa. It happened before I was born.

Came out of the shower into the living room where my clothes laid I had to wear for work. Turned on the TV and wanted to pull up my trousers as I saw the news.
Half an hour later my girlfriend came into the living room and laughed at me.
I sat there on the couch, almost naked with the trousers around my knee and was watching TV.
Guess I looked like I was watching some porn.
I worked as a security at a federal building that time. Everyone was alarmed and there were stricter rules than ever before.
The next two weeks were shit.

>the happening of the century.

Brexit was bigger

i was 3 and i watched the second plane hit
i don't remember the collapses tho


I was 10 at the time but I understood the severity of what happened. I was a fairly innocent kid around then but that day changed me, especially since my dad was in Lower Manhattan.

Two of my friends lost loved ones. One's dad was hit by debris. The other's uncle was never found, at least in once piece IF he was found.

The week after, things were just very weird. My dad couldn't get to work because he would get off at the train at the WTC and the area was on lockdown so he has to work uptown at a secondary office after about 2 weeks.

>be me
>flatmate wakes me up
>"some planes crashed into the world trade centre in NY"
>go back to sleep

I was working in my old mans factory with some turk listening to the happening unfold over the wireless, it was a comfy time to be alive.

9th grade. Didnt see what the big deal is but at school we watched it all day and I learned to appreciate the enormity of it

>be in 4th grade
>get out of school early
>get home
>parents are watching news, don't notice me come in
>go up to my room
>play RE3 and Spyro the Dragon for the entire day well into the night
>wake up next day
>no school fuck yeah

Thanks Saudi Arabia, it was a pretty sweet two days.

I was at home playing Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds against some Aussie or some shit.

My mom called home and told me to turn on the TV "Ohmygaud a plane crashed against the Twin Towers put the TV on it's a mess".

I wasn't even sure where the Twin Towers were. I turned on the TV and left it in the background and kept playing my game.

That week the entire country was paranoid that the muslims would poison our water supply or some shit.

(We had a Muslim terrorist attack in 1995 because of the Gulf War)

>Be sent to principals office.
>About to be grilled for skipping school a lot
>Font office lady barges into office
>Tells the principal what happened

I got off the hook, but was told not to tell any of my classmates what happened because they wanted to make an announcement. Guess they didn't want to cause a panic? Most of the students didn't care.

>tfw I got to spend the whole day in the front office doing nothing but drawing and listening to music.

t-thanks 9/11

wake up about 10 pacific. see shit on tv. call gf. she says she had been watching for two hours. break up with her for letting me miss some of it

This was me except I watched toonami and played gamecube

i remember my dad saying:

>now everything will change.

shit was strange for me because i was like 10 years old at the time.
For me america was at that time some far away place full of fat people.

Ew there are people who were under 15 on 9/11 on this board?


the entire school watched it live when i was in 8th grade.
once they realized people were jumping out of the towers they shut it off and we went home early

>Trying to save face pointing fingers at everyone else
You're not fooling anyone

daily reminder that nothing was done to avenge 9/11,burgers had the opportunity to nuke the entire middle east and get away with it

>Sitting in class
>Teacher from a different class bursts in and babbles about what happened and switches on pic related because it was in our class
>Been on about 30 seconds and the second plane hits
>No one knows what the fuck is going on
>Kid next to me says he's flying to America in two days

Did not witness it on TV because of school. All the kids were talking about it but no one really knew until they got home. A bunch of kids left school early, I think all the jews left by noon that day.

I was in high school. Watching all conversation about the five dancing israelis get slid to oblivion (or censored) was my first redpill.

They will never be forgiven by me.

freshman year high school, just getting out of gym class and someone just mentions "a plane just hit the world trade center". i thought it was bs, but by the time we got from the gym to the main buildings everyone was running around

watched it on tv in the first level in someones small office. don't remember who. the whole thing seemed odd, like i didn't fully get what i was seeing.

I remember thinking the USA is going to nuke some mudslime cities and finish the religion off.

Instead we get a few limp wristed wars and a bunch of leftists defending Islam.

>Pussy amerifats
>even once

I remember discussing that and how much it was being forced out of the picture. Same with the van that had the decal/paint job on it.

mods, ban this little roach

Be Canadian in school, its early morning, the secretary makes an announcement for classes to stop and turn on the news. Turn the tv on, watch for a few minutes wondering whats going on when the second plane hits the towers live. Teacher starts crying.

West Coast high school freshman. Morning news was on the living room TV when I woke up. Only the 1st tower was hit at that time, so I saw the 2nd plane impact. Classes were quite somber that day.

same fucking thing. channel 10, cheez tv.
took like a week for that shit to come back. i still haven't forgiven these seppo pieces of shit for ruining my cartoons by assuming i give a shit about them.

>be me
>whole life revolves around that romanian chick i met a few weeks ago at work
>when the first tower collapsed i knew i had an excuse to call her
>we meet in a bar in vienna
>she's constantly stroking that highball glass in front of her
>cant help but think its the north tower
>later she blew me like the whore she was

>th-thanks, ragheads.

I'd say theyre on equal level

>letting a gypsy get close enough to place a curse on you
i thought you guys were more weary of gypsy curses in austria.
are you a fucking lefty?

I was 15, off school and watched all day. What I remember most is how for a while it seemed like it was just raining planes and everyone was shitting it waiting for more after Pennsylvania and the Pentagon. It wasn't until much later that the WTC part kind of blocked out everything else.

Brexit was way more fun

i was 17, in my AP chemistry class.

all the science physics/chemistry teachers were convinced all day that there was a bomb.

being that i was a burgeoning ancap at the time their speculation did not, shall we say, help me take a calm, non-conspiratorial view of the event.

Don't remember that shit


I don't even think I got a day off school for 9/11.

kinda jealous

>lived on chambers street
>went to ps 231 near stuyvesaunt
>school evacuated after second tower was hit
>walk home with my cousin in 4th grade
>building collapses
>smelt like burnt steel for about a year

not good times friend

i'm have a much higher cancer risk now pretty gay shit thanks Osama

I remember I was watching the Simpsons when it happened and had the same reaction as yours

i certainly was, m.j.
i certainly was

a gypsy she wasnt - but cursed i was nonetheless

>be 5 years old
>at this ladies house who ran a daycare.
>watching Dora the Explorer
>pm kindergarten so it was about 8 am.
>running around like a typical kid.
>news is on
>see the north tower burning.
>think to myself "the twin towers caught fire, when was this?"
>Second plane hits
>think nothing of it
>later at school
>Teachers tell us to stay in the closet
>teachers all watching in the classroom next door
>mom leaves work to pick me and my brother up.
>get home
>wonder why every channel is news even nickelodeon.
>starts sinking in
>start crying
>my grandfather says "enough of this"
>puts in "The Phantom menace" vhs tape.
>introduced to Islamic terrorism and jar jar binks in the same day
September 12, 2001.
>mom brings me to dad's house
>ask my dad "what if a plane hits our house?
>Replies "well then atleast we'll die together"

I lived in southwestern Connecticut so it was pretty close to home. I was fascinated by it. I remember for weeks after words I would build Lego towers and chuck this F 14 tomcat toy at them.

Thus started my interest in war and history.

Following Israelis in a van on the cote ouest of the river along the NY metropolitan area Manhattan.

9/11 here is teacher's day so we had no class. I went with some friends to the field to eat glorious asado and get drunk with vino en cajita.

Came back to my house at 18:00~ (8hs after the happening). Laugh.

I remember my parents calling me from that shithole we call a capital very worried cause of my cousin being in NY that day. Call my aunt, my cousin was in Boston and didn't die.

Day ruined.

Nope. I didn't even know what had happened until the following week. I was told I had to stay home for a week (3rd grade) and wasn't allowed to watch any tv. My parents didn't tell me what happened either


Liar. Gamecube didn't come out in the US until November.

I went with my family to visit some caves in the morning, that was fun. We went to eat at a restaurant as we were exhausted. Picked the table next to the TV. I think I ordered some soup but ended up barely eating anything. I think I was 8 and was do scared and sad. Somehow I couldn't stop watching it, though... It still gives me shivers the today

*under 5 on 9/11

Like this

Te tratas de hacer el edgy y no te sale provinciano boludo

Was in irc channel trolling. Someone said plane hit building. Thought it was just a light plane hitting some shitty office block in hicksville. Didn't care. Then they said another plane hit. Switched on TV. It was about 10pm. Watched news until about 2am. I thought it was all pretty cool.

A Juif merde pretending to be an acteur pretending not to be a homosexuel in a Juif merde kino?

My school trip to Okinawa was cancelled due to this plane attack, and destination was changed to Kyushu. Kyushu wasn't that bad though, I wanted to go Okinawa and see girls in swimsuits! Fuck America.

>third explosion

>TFW he realizes it was inside job

hahahah exactly same here! I was just annoyed that I can't watch dragonball z on RTL7

>Be me 2001 9/11
>Be more occupied with parents breaking up than this shit
>See it on news but not think much about it since "terrorist attacks happen all the time".
>In school teacher talks about it all day
Month passes
>Get a nignog visitor from Africa to teach us African culture
>She says she tried to explain to her african kids what had happened by telling them two very large mud houses blew up but her kids didnt understand
>Recall she said she had 12 kids

Apres pulled the gear off this asshole's Fair Lawn home while he was scrubbing the rue Willow nest.

Women in Okinawa are so thin and tiny that when I saw mannequinns in the front windows of slutwear boutiques, I thought it was confirming the Japanese pedophilia meme. Literally grown women the size of children.
Koreans and Chinese are curvy without surgery, Vietnamese can actually be busty, and this is all diet. Japanese eat a lot less meat than their neighbors.

why are you using French in your sentences nippon-san, it confuses the burgers ?

We will be dumping some things pertintentes on the event anniversaire.


Was in 5th grade class, teacher turns on tv for us to watch the news for 30 mins or so.... See replays of first crash, then watched the second crash live before the teacher turned off the tv

My bday is 9.9. That 4 year old me was eating leftover cake and admiring the explosions in the news while my mom and dad were petrified.

l0l i wasn't born yet!!! xD

Looking forward to it.

Was in 3rd grade arithmatic messing around with the 1/10/100 blocks, lived a few hours away from there at the time in upstate New York.

hadn't seen the Tv at this point but the teacher had unplugged it and began trying to call people, seemed like a lot of people but she was crying most of the time we were in class with half the students asking her what was wrong.

Half the class goes home, sitting here wondering why everyone else gets to go but not me.

Dad finally comes and picks me up, tells me to leave my stuff and just comeon.

Get home and watch the Tv just in time to see the 2nd plane hitting the 2nd tower.

School was cancelled for the rest of the week and by the point that we were allowed to go back the anthrax attacks started, i wasn't allowed to get the mail anymore, any mail we opened went in a ziplock bag first and we opened it inside of that just in case, and the school voluntarily chose to stay closed until further notice, about 2 weeks after 9/11 we had decided enough was enough and just took what we could bring in the truck and on the trailer and moved to a town of about 5000 people in the middle of nowhere because people (including my family) were worried they were going to put a plane into the oswego nuclear plant next.

I don't think i fully understood what had happened at the time, i knew it was something really bad though and that i wasn't going to get to see any of my friends again.

>be me
>literally circumventing ban
>u mad mods?

I remember when we could all collectively hate muslims after 9/11 now SJWs and niggers would be laughing about it on twitter

>be infront of electrical jew
>with dad
>he starts explaining to me who Osama is and shit
>watch a funny dressed maniacally laughing sandman shoot ak-47 for the next 3 days
>uneligible to play contra on my busted nintendo snes