>People say that Dr. Strange won't have magic because magic is banned in China movies

>>People say that Dr. Strange won't have magic because magic is banned in China movies
>>Warcraft is one of the highest selling movies this year in China, and definitely has Magic and a demon

Explain Sup Forums

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It wasn't magic, it's super-science.

>magic is banned in china
The fuq?

It encourages imagination which is free thought

Since the tie-in issue I'm just scared it's gonna be a flashy kung fu movie.

>People say that Dr. Strange won't have magic because magic is banned in China movies

I don't know about China. That doesn't make sense. I've only heard of people saying Strange wont use magic is because Marvel went out of their way to tell the audience in Phase 1 that sorcery doesn't exist in the MCU and that every great occurrence and use of power is just highly advanced science and technology.

This China anit-magic shit is news to me.

I was told that magic in film was not allowed in China because it encourages superstition and that's why Marvel has been making all their magic into science. For example, Ghostbusters is banned in China because of the ghosts. But now I'm doubtful because Warcraft clearly had magic in it.

>magic is banned in China movies
>Explain Sup Forums
the explanation is that you're a moron, OP. You don't believe everything you're told. Except that you're a moron. That's true.

magic isn't banned in china lmao wtf

No that's because the Chinese are fucking terrified of the Dead and Necromancy. As in showing-a-skeleton-can-get-you-jailed terrified.

You can bet your buttons that the Warcraft sequel, if there ever is one, won't feature any form of Undead, period.

>magic in film was not allowed in China because it encourages superstition

That still doesn't make sense to me. Literally the only parts of China that would buy into superstitious crap would be the parts that are still stuck in 19th century living conditions or worse. It seems kinda bullshit to me that the modern parts would be that gullible.

>You can bet your buttons that the Warcraft sequel, if there ever is one, won't feature any form of Undead, period.

Or they simply just wont... Nah. Who am I kidding? Yeah. They'll probably omit the first incarnate of Death Knights along with Teron Gorefiend.

So, if WoW is playable in China, are the Undead just not allowed on the servers?

>are the Undead just not allowed on the servers?

The Forsaken are playable. They just have no bones showing and tone down the decayed look on them.

Chinese people are very superstitious, don't even know what this shit is about. Why do you think there's the huge ivory and shark fin soup trade and shit? They believe in all sorts of old wives tales and shit, ghosts and all.

Forgot my pic.

Top is regular, bottom is china.

>Why do you think there's the huge ivory and shark fin soup trade and shit?

I don't know the significance of this.

Superstitious nonsense about it being an aphrodasiac or something iirc, or just medicine for cancer, don't remember but it's clearly pointless shit.

They also ban time travel.

Why're they terrified of the dead and necromancy?

Image for ants

Huh. That's kind of crazy.

Really?! What the hell!

Also, they ban Homosexuality, which is kind of weird seeing how they are dealing with overpopulation and kill second daughters.

because they're not stupid

>Explain Sup Forums
I can't speak to Warcraft particularly, but I do know that for a lot of films, it essentially comes down to the difference between magic and mysticism. Basically, the "supernatural" versus a "spiritual discipline"

>I don't know the significance of this.
Then learn yourself some Wikipedia motherfucker

Fuck pandering just make a good movie jesus christ. Fucking jews ruin everything.

>They also ban time travel.
True. Chinese authorities hold history (rather, their version of history) in high regard. It's arrogant to claim that history can change or be re-written.

>According to the Administration for Radio, Film & Television guidelines, any film which “casually make up myths, have monstrous and weird plots, use absurd tactics and even promote feudalism, superstition, fatalism and reincarnation" will risk also being banned.

it was ALWAYS about money

Fuck money just make a good product and people will give you money

>Explain Sup Forums

>I'm a goddamn moron who believes bullshit and doesn't know fucking shit about Chinese cinema.

There, problem solved.

No magic, for fucks sakes

Poor baby, it must be so hard to realise that someone is being pandered to that isn't you. How will you eve cope?

not remotely true

But the dead can't hurt you, and necromancy doesn't real.

It doesn't really make sense to fear that culturally unless you had a huge disease problem from improper corpse disposal.

It is an absolute.

>wanting a good movie makes you a baby

fucking summer, gtfo and go play with your dick faggot

I wish Sup Forums was a little less tumblr.

>As in showing-a-skeleton-can-get-you-jailed terrified.

Who keeps feeding you this horseshit!?

This is like saying showing boobs in video games will get you banned because NOA keeps censoring shit. Just because SOME companies make concessions in their knee jerk reactions to stuff doesn't mean the government bans or restricts it.

Pictured, the final boss of the blockbuster Chinese movie, The Monkey King 2. It is made up of hundreds of other Skeletons the heroes were in the middle of fighting.

Jesus Christ, even the skellington's eyes are slanted.

This movie is literally all about raising the dead, there's a scene near the start where they fight zombie soldiers. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mojin:_The_Lost_Legend

Undead stuff isn't banned.

Blame the current comic industry. I dont read anything made within the last 20 years.

Mostly China is just harsher on foreign media. It's real picky about what does and doesn't get shown and so- in order to avoid any conceivable hiccup, and get product to that sweet sweet Chinese demographic ASAP, people will "self censor" by getting rid of anything really objectionable in their submissions. And toss in a couple pro-Chinese scenes or Chinese characters while they're at it.

ITT: People with no real knowledge of Chinese cinema

Donnie Yen was in Monkey King? Dang.

It's because they have a "perfect society" if people started thinking about how things could have changed their glorious "communist" nation, then those fascists might get in trouble.

Chinese people have NO problem with the undead

It's only skeletons and bones they have a problem with

>Huh. That's kind of crazy.
Re: China

There's both in that movie he listed.

>I don't know the significance of this.
He tells you in the very next sentence you thick mother fucker.

>He tells you in the very next sentence you thick mother fucker.

True, but it's still not very specific. It's like me saying why I'd avoid the New Jersey pine barrens on account of superstitious beliefs. Am I being exactly specific there?

>Literally the only parts of China that would buy into superstitious crap would be the parts that are still stuck in 19th century living conditions or worse.
So 90% of China?

>So 90% of China?

Pretty much. And by that alone they shouldn't even count as part of the cinematic audience. 99% of that 90% have probably never even heard of a movie theater, nevermind been in one and watched a film.


Huh. That would explain why Now You See Me 2 got rid of the "guys this is REALLY magic" feel that the first movie had and made it clear that it was just sleight-of-hand stuff.

You were told wrong and you're a dumb-ass for believing this in any amount

If this is true why did Riot fuck Karthus' design after being bought out by Tecent and expanding into China?

Because the censorship laws are so vague they got worried, same as Wow, because once you're banned(and it can happen abruptly and without warning) it can be difficult and costly to get off that list. There's no real censorship on either skeletons, zombies, undead, necromancy, or anything like that, but they DO forbid

>Anything that violates China’s policy on religion by promoting cults or superstitions.


>Anything that harms public ethics or China’s culture and traditions.

Which is pretty easy to do by accident, so they go super safe while doing it. Local stuff like pic related actually understands it, so they don't worry about it.

Local stuff has more leeway from and connection to the institutions responsible for censorship, not a "better understanding" of what makes a depiction of a skeleton acceptable.

Have you never seen a Chinese movie? They're full of traditional folk magic and monsters and beliefs.

Unless they're making movies in China, in Chinese, with Chinese actors and not selling them there, which I find unlikely.