Do you trust your country's army?

Do you trust your country's army?

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the fuck Poland, why?

I trust the USA armed forces 100%, God bless. :)

Why Poland?

>20% muslims
>fist of a socialist power
Not really.

Because Poland has a history of getting fucked, so they always want America nearby.

More than the government

More like why Turkey, their army actually tried to Roach them.

more than i trust our football team

I didn't know Monaco had an army.

False flag

Because 80% of our fucking army is officers.

We have so called "paper squadrons" where majority of squads are just fucking officers and non-existant troops.

I blame the disparity between how overpaid are officers and how underpaid are regular soldiers, on top of it's easy as SHIT to be an officer.

Those 15% motherfucker traitors in Turkey are either isis-tier hardcore isl*mists or illiterate k*rds. The Armed Forces is still the most trusted institution even after the pathetic coup attempt.


So while our Bundeswehr uses Broomsticks for training, you guys just need pencils because you even lack the actual soldiers?


We are a pacifist nation, also completely disarmed by postcommunists.

kek. I´ll remember that next time when a pole says you guys will invade germany and destroy our bundeswehr in a week...


>kek. I´ll remember that next time when a pole says you guys will invade germany and destroy our bundeswehr in a week...

I can't really imagine that somebody could say it in different form than a banter

Why would i? We have russia, they will do all the shit instead of us if anything happens.

>We are a pacifist nation

Yeah, because you were beaten to near death by us and Kolja everytime you tried to be something else.

Whole region from Eastern Germany to border of Estonia will be used as a war-theater of war between Russia and NATO. You will be simply wiped out. Poland too, i guess

If USA decides to have a war with Russia, it would be better for Poland to not have army at all, but instead act as a corridor for your forces and other NATO members. Less deaths.

Turkey 75% lol

So it's like Spain a couple of centuries ago?

There is reason for this.
History shows Polish farmers and laborers make some of Europe's best Warriors. When total war happens, no one honestly gives a fuck about wasting funds for uniforms and fancy outifts. They have crops to tend and kids to raise.
The Military is there for the eventual rank n file needed in larger strategy. LIKE IN MOST WARS EVER. Polska is not America, we no longer need to prove ourselves, so ad hoc faggotry like Marines never seeing action isn't necessary. When the time comes Poland meets the call of battle. The army IS the people.

Army in Poland is not a real military force but a family business. It is an organisation where you get a nice salary while doing nothing. I think that we should completely liquidate it and give money to people in form of benefits.

Looking at the US Cold War plans, basically everything from cologne to moscow would be nuclear wasteland with the big cities receiving 50-150 nukes each, so .... of course, the USSR was a bit bigger than current russia but nukes would probably only be used to stop a russian advance while already in central europe.

>and give money to people in form of benefits.
Fuck off lazy gibsmedat commie.

Not a chance, nor police.

If USA plans to nuke Poland to stop advance of Russia (kek), it only proves my point that Poland doesn't need any army at all.

We genuinely are pacifistic, we never committed any war crime. You never heard of any Polish war criminal, majority of our wars were defensive or religious against pagans.

We don't have an army. We just tell our enemies to take a deep breath and count to ten.

Or form a real army.

Not anymore. The US military has been recruiting illegals and the officer corp seems to be heavily politicized towards the left.

>Or form a real army.

What for?

>When the time comes Poland meets the call of battle. The army IS the people.

Kek, nobody is going to fight Russia, maybe except 20k of volunteer soldiers who feel like they want it. Whole population will be sitting at homes, watching TV or smth. Russia uses Poland only as a corridor to Germany, so may Germans and USA worry, we don't have to.

Deterrent force, you shouldn't depend on foreign aid for defense purposes.

How could we detter Russia? They have a big ass army that could easily conquer whole Europe, not only Poland. If they want to take Europe, they will take it, we can do nothing about it. I am afraid that even USA is too scared to do anything.

>History shows Polish farmers and laborers make some of Europe's best Warriors
maybe im being ignorant but hasnt history shown them to be devastatingly useless

The other commie cuck is half right, if Russia wants to take over, they pretty much could, the only way to stop them is to make it too costly for them. Cripple them on every meter of land, irregular warfare and plummeting of morale.

Being annexed so many times we've learned to be cheeky annoying cunts to the people trying to take over.

Farmers and workers didn't fight during WW2, only 600k soldiers. Today it would be less than 100k, i think, because morale is much lower and youth is not even in 1/10 as patriotic as it was in XX century

Partitions happened due to internal treason, so yes. Fairly ignorant.

Do you think a bunch of civillians with no guns or some basic training can do guerilla warfare?

They've done pretty great, dude. The Poles continuously score enormous victories against shit-awful odds. They still lose often, but they're never invaded by fewer than two of the great powers simultaneously when they do.


It worked during partitions, it worked during WW2, it almost worked during communism too.
Our entire freedom fighter forces relied on captured weapons, vehicles and ammo. Makeshift explosives too.

Just because you don't have well-made factory produced guns doesn't mean you don't have guns at all. You don't need training in irregular warfare, especially when you are annexed. You just need to be inconspicious, know how to operate a gun and pull the trigger while being close enough.


Nobody is going to fight anybody here. Polish population is completely disarmed, besides nobody is going to die for Western Europe. Russia doesn't want Poland, it wants Poland only as a corridor to Germany. It is German/American interest to fight Russia, not ours. Russian soldiers freewilingly went out from Poland in 1992, you know?

It's amazing people still buy into 60 year old propaganda.

>Russian soldiers freewilingly went out from Poland in 1992, you know?
Shame their politicians stayed, though.

Not really.

Makeshift explosives?

How about Warsaw Uprising MAKESHIFT APC?

No. No more than any other country though our is more recent than some others so I don't know.

Objectively our army is average but all the fucking time we get articles about its state and how everyone around us would defeat us in a day even though it's not really true. Journalists like sensation so when experts criticize every move of our Ministry of Defense (regardless of the ruling party) it creates this situation. To be honest I know people attend like military parades and picnics and are genuinely interested in this so I would need some source for this data here.

Where did you get this pic? I always thought that the Church, police, fire brigade and the military were the most trusted institutions

Hell yes

Too many women these days though

Just like I thought

That's why I smell bullshit. We've always had a than our economy should allow.
Except for the Navy. It's always like this: fantastic special forces, good air force, average infantry and poor horrible navy.

Nice photoshop, pal

Let's be real here, civillians doing guerrilla is nothing more of a headache than a threat, you'll only be a nuisance and a scapegoat for harsher treatment.

An army doing guerrilla, that's another story.

Still bad if we trust them just about the same as the people who use broomsticks as rifles.


Yeah. Been there done that. In 1939 and beyond (and even until the 1950s)

It's pretty good bait though. He got quite a few of them. Not to mention later posts. Well done lad.

Yup. But it just that it is the government that is in charge of the army and for the past 25 years this historical wasteland was immensely corrupt and ruled by a neo-Internationale. Things are improving since some time though

Afganistan and Iraq would like a word with you. That guerilla type of warfare has come a long way since 1940s.

[Gasoline smuggling intensifies]

I still don't like how foreigners think that the "you're always getting buttfucked in a war" meme is how we feel about ourselves knowing our own history and all (and yes that includes WWII).
I know a mediocre cartoon about historu (Histeria) used this as a joke even making shit up that never happened for comedic effect. If I were them I would rather read about a country I didn't know about. At least that's what I do.
Weak bants. There are better out there that apply to us. Like the overrepresentation of our citizens as criminals in other countries.

Yep, they had a commie coup and gave power back to the people.

So no reason to doubt them.

Not at all.

Senpai my country literally has 14 light tanks as its armour. We have fuck all soldiers. Anyone could squish us.

Losing faith now that women are allowed combat roles.

Actually nah they'll all end up pregnant I support our armed forces!

You sound pretty cucked when you laugh at your own country getting nuked.

Sacrificing all those horses when you calvary charged German tanks should of been a war crime and animal abuse.

What, like all 6 of them?

What can we do about it? USA and Russia are ruled by Jewry and Jewry's ultimate goal is a physical annihilation of last catholic people on this planet. If they really want to kill us, we can do nothing about it. I am not going to waste my life on worry, i prefer to enjoy it.

This meme is 60 years old.

I'm pretty sure the only reason our armed forces exists is to stop us from getting ideas about doing our own thing and telling the government to fuck off.


22% dont trust the army.
23% is diasphora

Feels good mang.

Estonian army is so powerful that is surely can be trusted.

> religious
> against pagans

Hell, its so small, that trusting it is like trusting a cardboard box to shield you from a nuclear blast.

But its your cardboard box nevertheless, and its doing its best it can before the inevitable happens.

Yes, we weeded pagans out.

So you invaded their lands?


i'd be more concerned about neighboring countries' armies if i were you IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN

gotten into any poison ivy? you know, after you had to start using leaves for tp.

>tfw abuelita bought tons of tp like a year ago

how are untrained civilians supposed to suddenly become troops capable of taking and carrying out commands? if you give them a rifle, they'll still just be an untrained civilian with a rifle.

pagans were nice people who helped create the fundamentals of modern society, dumb plumbers.

Are wheel and fire from pagans?

Of course, and PLUMBING, you see this is why plumber poles hate pagans, they are like jews, they steal pagan invention and kill them to cover it up.

On the other hand, they pagans, they ...
they were just ... pagans.

