Did this whore immigrate illegally to the United States?
Did this whore immigrate illegally to the United States?
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pretty much
literally who gives a shit
she couldn't wait to find a rich sucker to snatch up her used commie snatch
Well find out soon enough.
"Trump Shattered As Legal Request Made For Melania Trump’s Immigration Records"
Shes also been here for over 20 years and still can't speak English properly
>Shes also been here for over 20 years and still can't speak English properly
This fucking triggers me. WTF has she been doing?
>Claim that no one is illegal and that anyone should be free to come to America
>Complain about Melania's immigration
>Claim that slut shaming is real and that no woman should have to be subjected to it
>Complain about Melania posing nude 20 years ago
nice looking slovenka you got there
10/10 would marry and have autistic child with
when she met Trump she would have been visiting for business purposes and after they married she would have had a marriage visa.
so no you chinese retard, she immigrated legally
her english is fine albeit her accent is very thick.
Looks like a fucking mongol. I guess the memes were true about Eastern Europe.
>her english is fine albeit her accent is very thick.
It's understandable but she doesn't speak correct English. It's really broken.
Married an American, gained citizenship legally.
Fucking retards...
Yes kek, she's legal now though so it doesn't matter.
is that article written by a fucking teenager?
I wouldn't know, but even if so, I would rather a hypocrite willing to deport 11,999,999 illegals and shielding his wife than a known criminal who would let them all remain.
If she was working - without a work visa that's illegal. That's the point being debated.
as if a chinese immigrant to canada would know
The nude photos she took are from 1995. She started modeling(working) legally in 1996
Yes but she is white
i guess you are the expert on mongols, since you live close to finland.
She's a model you idiot, she doesn't have to speak English kek. Like damn, do you guys not know what a trophy wife is? She's arm candy for Trump because he's rich and it would be really weird if he married some typically ugly American woman who'd be 400 lbs by now and only uses the English language to complain non fucking stop.
She doesn't need to speak English to produce offspring.
>as if a chinese immigrant to canada would know
Actually we would know just how shitty her English is, because we try very hard to not sound like a immigrant.
Hey Crobro, remember that good old adage:
>don't reply to snownigger posts
>ignore snownigger threads
>hide snownigger threads
Here are the names of all the fags on Hillary's shill payroll:
honorary immingrant serving trump
good enough, as long as she obeys the man
>She's a model
A whore*
I don't blame him, american woman are disgusting.
>meanwhile, Obama's birth certificate took over 7 years to forge and make believable.
All that needs to be said on the subject:
this man deserves a medal
Here are the names of all the people on Hillary's shill payroll:
Slut SHAMER, check your privilege faggot
considering how this has never been an issue until today, im going to take a gander and assume that this is yet more conjecture pulled out of someone's ass in a desperate attempt to stump Trump.
for autism?
>now she is liberal
Trumps already been stumped, his numbers are tanking. This is yet another thing which will cause a drop
why do leaf care so much about US politics.
also, which one is supposed to be Melania?
They are usually not that bad (except Sweden of course).
Liberals who hate women and illegals. Such bigots.
But YOU care
>also, which one is supposed to be Melania?
the right one
She's ugly tbqh familia
has he been on John Oliver show yet??
> gender parity because it's 2016
> Still has more men than women because Trudeau is a man.
She married an American born. Really? You aren't even American. Why the fuck do you even care? Learn how the American system fucking works before you post, Canadian pacifist cock sucker. I hope a Muslim blows shit up on Montreal Canada. So you can join the fucking club.
All Trump supporters should, after all Trump is so popular mainly because of his strict immigration policies.
But Trumpbots won't care because
>muh god emperor
>conjecture pulled out of someones ass
Look at the facts, faggot
doesnt look like her though
>She married an American born.
You retard.
She married Trump in 2005.
She came to the US and worked illegaly in 1995.
ultimately, what it comes down to is if the person is contributing to the society.
I'm pretty sure she's better than a faggot sellings drugs or something
stupid pollack, one should only restrict immigration to nigger and white nigger countries (like poland).
I would be happy if educated white female Slovenkas imigrated into croatia. Cant say the same about pollacks like you
silly you of course it matters, just the rumors matters
enough said
So your argument is that this is comparable to unprecedented hordes of Central Americans invading en masse as part of a deliberate plot to unmake our foundational law? One Slovenian?!
>polland, the white niggers of europe
you are the reason brexit happened you fuck
I know you want to be American leaf, but you are way out of line saying "here" when you live in leaf land
You are blind user
The theory is she may be a Russian spy, planted next to trump who will soon become president.
This would explain trumps bromance with Putin .
Shillary or USA becoming the first state of the new USSR.......
>you are the reason brexit happened you fuck
are you a faggot or retarded ?
What's up? Butthurt about the refugees in your country?
SO? She is a smart illegal alien. Look, part of being a progressive society is how much you can get away with without getting caught. I am talking to somebody who has probably downloaded illegal pirated music and software in their lifetime. So, fuck you.
well, hard to see any resemblance. but not that it matters, even if she starred in porn movies I wouldn't care (would watch the movies though).
but I must say, you are not very progressive leaf. I would expect slut shaming to come from conservatives.
well, you are the second reason for brexit.
relax, its just banter. also, wtf is wrong with you. you cant be against refugee and against Trump at the same time. pick one.
I thought that the Trumpbot motto was "SEND EM ALL BACK"
Do you want me to define "all" for you?
Trudeau is stupid and all, but he is not evil. I genuinely think he is a good man.
Hilary is pure evil filth though. That's the difference.
she married an american. That's 100% citizenship right there.
sage for stupidity
>I would expect slut shaming to come from conservatives.
kek, this election cycle is Insane. Liberals are the ones abusing women and working class folks while conservatives are just trying to figure out how Trump beat their power team.
If anything, I'm glad the liberals are showing their true colors. Doesn't matter who you are, you are shit if you are not part of their cult kek.
>being against illegal immigrants
>against Trump
Trump wants to deport all illegals, not just spics
Give a fuck...she is hot.....
>you cant be against refugee and against Trump at the same time
yeah i can
Also you're acting as if Croatia is some kind of a first world western country. You're literally poorer than us. You're no better so I don't understand why you're constantly insulting other countries when your country is far from perfect.
t.butthurt Turko-Mongols.
Oh the irony.
read this to understand
One word: surgery.
My point is the hypocrisy of conservative people, image all the shitstorm if the Obama wife was Melania.
(((Michelle Obama have '''''''''''no class'''''''')))
Another leaf and I were talking on here a few weeks ago about this. We think the difference between him and the other liberals is that he's sincere. He pushes this cuck shit but he also goes out in the community and spends time with these minorities he worship, he actually goes out and gets to know them and he really does walk the talk.
He's still a cuck but it does to come from a genuinely good place. Probably one of the only globalist puppet world leaders that I don't hate.
Their people either look like Turks or rodents like Modric, it's understandable they hate pure whites.
well, we entered EU too late. we couldnt just send half of our population to work in UK and Germany like certain countries (wont call any names, but pic related)
Obama wife scares me pham. lets not talk about """her"""
How does sending our workforce to another country make us richer?
Damn you're more retarded than I thought, who let you into the EU in the first place?
No, you don't fucking get it. If you are an illegal immigrant and you manage to marry an American. It is a design to "divide and conquer" physiology. Start inseminate ideology.
I said IF Melania was the wife of Obama also stop with this ''her'' nonsense
it has positive and negative consequences. if you lost highly educated workforce, it would have been bad. but you just lost toilet cleaners (who btw return or send money back).
also, you cucked EU pretty hard pham. leeching so much money from their fonds. I remember watching in news the other day our politicians talking about hiring "pollacks" to help us get more out of the EU fonds, since you have so much experience in it.
fucking leeches
whatever you want to believe
Yep, I can't blame the dude for having a heart. I am a good read of character and I think he genuinely thinks he is doing what is best. I would have no problems grabbing a beer with him.
why are Murrilards such hypocrite twats?
if you had such a shit country as Mexico next to you, would you allow them to cross the border illegally?
And? She is legal now dumbfuck. You are reaching desperately at this point. Should adults be held in court as minors because they were kids? Learn to read a book moron.
Tbh it's because you're brwon