I've slowly started to do more research into what's going on in the world and I...I can't stop.
>mfw reading the election has been rigged
>mfw Hillary is evil
>mfw watching Alex Jones
>mfw reading about the Bilderberg group
>mfw reading about holocaust deniers
I can't seem to stop now. and if Hillary helped with rigging the election AND there's evidence why is she still running?! is Trump truly that bad of a choice that we're rewarding, essentially, a cheater?
Red pill me Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Here are the names of all the fags on Hillary's shill payroll:
i didn't know all this was public...
>Red pill me
I'm all for swaying the masses, but when fence sitters or normies use Sup Forums buzzwords i start to question their legitimacy.
As much as I despise "red pill me on x" threads, this one's as good as any to dump everything
Race is biologically real and has physical and cognitive effects. Affirmative action is based on the idea that we're all equal and any difference in groups is based on implicit bias.
Can't get upset when people start using memes in a board full of em
Gun control increases murder rates.
Read up on the International Criminal Court. Look up who tried to pus it on the US
This is what you have to accept to believe the Holocaust.
Human activities are not going to cause a runaway climate disaster because there is no evidence for a positive H20 feedback.
National Socialism is biology and evolution applied to politics. The worldview that understands the most about nature is best fit to lead the people.
Slow down, you need time to congest all that stuff and see the nuance in everything.
You will become one of those paranoid schizophrenics if you go on like this.
Basically, the world is corrupt and control is only for the evil elite(s), but there's nothing you can do about it.
So either live your life miserably because of muh truth, or live your life peacefully and work on your own life and happiness.
Jews were persecuted in Germany because they were communist subversives.
Jewish business owners turned against Germany during WWI due to the Balfour Declaration.
How blackmail works
Turn back now while you can user, Sup Forums turned me into an anxious tin foil hat Jew hating misogynistic global warming denier.
>it was real in my mind
Yuri's interview is required Sup Forums viewing
Trust me, OP, there is only one book you need to read to understand what is going on in the world.
Of course you should still read other books, but after this, you will know what to continue reading.
Highly recommended post.
I do not think you are ready for this red pill, approach carefully
power shift
lol are you CTR that came here and got redpilled?
They will not allow it
The final pill is the Flat Earth Pill.
You have been warned.
It's impossible to visually prove the Earth has a curve. Zero railroad or bridge builders ever account for the curve of the Earth. A Gyroscope left spinning for 24 hours doesn't move ever (it should move 90 degrees in 6 hours, and 360 degrees in 24)
All the scientists who pushed the Heliocentric model were probably freemasons. They did this to discredit the Bible and drive the population away from God, leaving them open to control and degeneracy, as well as a possible future Alien invasion hoax to seize ultimate power.
Trump was put in to break up the republican side.
Hillary will win 100% now.
>watching Alex Jonestein
Because the world really is turning out like some sci fi novel.
Our government is pretty much entirely corrupt and we are owned by psychopaths.
oh user...
You should also look for good books. For starters I recommend "the ruling elite by signola" and "tragedy and hope" by quigley. Your anus will start bleeding.
You should find these books via google as pdf
Psychopaths are common on the left because they lack the ability to detect threats accurately, while the right can. If you can get inside the left's power structure it's like a wolf in a sheep pen.
Redpilling you on Alex Jones, he's Israel shill
Sup Forums is always right
just because somebody took the time to write it down doesn't mean it's true. this works both ways.
Where can i learn more about this? From what i understand WW1 ended, the Germans were completely fucked and then the Jews decided lets fuck this country even more?
i've been looking for this for 2 years now. thanks
This is literally the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard in my life.
That's not an ultimate red pill. That's committing suicide.
how dare you make me read this with my own eyes
user is right, the earth is flat
>routinely killed, raped, and beaten by police
>2015, when a total of 10 black women were shot and killed
Big redpill coming through
Watch The Greatest Story Never Told, another required Sup Forums viewing. Pretty sure Hitler talks about it in Mein Kampf, he does talk about Marxists a bit. There's historical stuff on the wikipedia page, just know which point of view it represents. Wikipedia allows communists and bans national socialists. Not sure if there are good books about the German revolution, sorry.
Pretty sure flat-earthers are just meant to discredit the rest of the stuff in this thread. Cite some sources and provide evidence or gtfo
Interesting how the (((Soviet))) inspected camps were the death camps and the US inspected ones were concentration camps. :^)
The Holocaust is a lie, and saying that in most western countries can get you sent to court
The Landman document:
The Churchill letter:
The James A. Malcolm document:
Here's the transcript for your video
A Jewish Defector Warns America:
Benjamin Freedman Speaks
>I've slowly started to do more research
>alex jones
>holocaust denier
You havent done shit, you've read dumb blog posts and equally dumb Sup Forums posts, you dumb shit. Your armchair politics and philosophy are worthless, and so are you, the fact that your vote weighs the same as mine is a travesty.
Everyone starts small and dumb. You shouldn't reproach someone for wanting to learn.
Look into the Nice and Munich attacks.
You'll realise most the media terror is fabricated
Everyone shouting "Allah Akbar" holding their passport before attacking.
Muslim vs Christian, Young vs Old, White vs Black.
Enlarged Version of this chart
Everything is public friendo
It's funny that the CTR people came here and got redpilled
Look at statistics and side with us, even if you did shill, if you vote trump we will accept you with open arms
Alex Jones is already in on the NWO. He's paid opposition that releases enough to get people riled but not enough to really wake the people up.
Cheers, deutsch-bro
>wanting to learn
>by taking shitposts on Sup Forums and infowars as gospel
Maybe if you're a retarded high schooler in his angsty phases.
I got my mom to vote Trump, she noticed the media bias against him, and then found Infowars by looking into it. It's controlled opposition, but that doesn't mean it's all wrong. It can be a stepping stone.
Yeah you shouldn't just believe everything you see unless it matches your own reason and logic, or carries evidence. But to dismiss all this information because it comes from Sup Forums is just as retarded.
For example
>The moon isn't made of rubber
Well I guess because I'm on Sup Forums what I just said became instantly wrong and now the moon is made of rubber?
Thanks mate
there is no way they faked sandy hook , that is too well organized for the government. If they did actually pull that off , they wouldn't make idiotic mistakes like that, like posing with a "victim".
How do you account for time zones? And how do satellites work? Was Magellan just a myth?
Sup Forums is always right :^)