So shills, having your mailing addresses/social media accounts given to the masses of of Sup Forums, how many of you have recieved dozens of pizzas?
So shills, having your mailing addresses/social media accounts given to the masses of of Sup Forums...
there are no shills, retard
>tfw when broke and hungry
Shilling doesn't sound that bad I'll take a ham and pepperoni
Explain to me why Correct the Record, a company to made to "correct the record" world disregard one of the most popular political forums on the Internet?
Also, explain why every shill-exposing thread has a first reply along the lines of "there are no shills"
Killary is corrupt, enjoy your pizza
Here are the names of all the fags on Hillary's shill payroll:
Fear not, brother.
The Moon rises.
stop blaming the abysmal board quality on the government. It's been like this since moot nuked the board.
Anybody scraped it yet?
Sorry, the time to make that claim was before we got visibly swarmed by HillShills. Now not only can any Lefty bullshit be decried as shilling, it can be done with at least a 30% chance of correctly naming a shill.
If this bothers you, you should go take it up with your friends at CRT who proved Sup Forums right.
I've been here for 6 months and its been nothing but trump threads (got boring) and right after the 5 mil budget increase there might be 5 or 6 threads on the first page of anti-Trump threads
You have yet to explain my logic as to why they would ignore Sup Forums one of the, if not THE, fastest moving board.
Kiss my dick Ahmed
inb4 thread mysteriously disappears
>a cucked flag
>is asked to explain
>doesn't explain
Kiss my dick, Ahkmed. Explain why CTR would ignore Sup Forums when it's one of the, if not THE, fastest moving political boards on the Internet
here, have another
>www kikebook com/viveka.mandava
You can download the records right from that site. It takes a while to prep them for download, though
>I've been here for 6 months and its been nothing but trump threads
There were always people making anti-Trump threads
They just weren't accused of being shills until Trump started tanking in the polls
Nobody would try to shill here. Everyone here is a lost cause, their goal is to derail, if they're not Sup Forums or Sup Forums shitposters fishing for (You)s. Luckily there is an army of newfags and redditors who'll bump their threads to page 1 until bump limit for the small chance to unleash their powerlevel and get some (You)s aswell.
It's gotten to the point where you can't tell advertising, derailing and shitposting apart, since most people on this board actually believe every Tweet they don't like deserves it's own thread.
And your fucking cancerous forced Sup Forums tryhard banter just proves this.
>when it's one of the, if not THE, fastest moving political boards on the Internet
Current Sup Forums is garbage, I'd say about 10% of the board are legit Sup Forums threads that aren't infested with frogposters, redditors and stormfags. I don't think any normal person would even see the point of this board given a random look on the catalog at any given time. Why do you think people would elaborate ways to shill here, if they could just do it on social media, where it's literally piss easy, way more efficient and reaches more people?
pretty much this. most the people around here either like to pretend they are more important than they are or are legitimately schizophrenic
You have yet to explain why the shill that's increased 4 fold when CTR bumped their budget.
There were not nearly as many anti-trump threads 6 months ago as there are now
Correlation does not equal causation, isn't that a liberal mantra? Oh that's right, you backwards faggots only apply logic when it benefits you
You have yet to tell me why CTR would disregard Sup Forums in their campaign when it is undoubtedly one of the, if not THE, fastest moving boards on the internet.
Id say 70% of the Sup Forums threads are classic pol threads and the other 30% as of late have been shill threads which comes at a peculiar time when CTRs budget was raised.
Bottom line, POL is visited very frequently, CTR increased budget, POL is bombarded with anti-Trump threads
---you make the connections
>There were not nearly as many anti-trump threads 6 months ago as there are now
That's because Trump's campaign wasn't in a death spiral until now
shitposting meta simply shifted.
Look at this, I used Sup Forums X to block canadian threads. It's either off topic garbage or >Drumpf BTFO / Hillary spam.
That's an awful lot for one country, especially a 36 mio inhabitants one.
I'd guess it's a couple of notorious shitposters that just go with the meta.