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>Newest Interviews w/ Assad

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>Aleppo City Aug 5
>Manbij Aug 5
>Darayya Aug 5


>S.Aleppo phase 1232345 - rebels gain some ground in Ramousah but are repelled eventually - offensive failed
>Handarat camp ongoing battles
>Darayya gains reported - a western part of the pocket gained by Republican Guard&SAA&NDF
>LATAKIA clashes near Shillif castle/hill as Desert Hawks/Marines/NDF attempt to get fire control over Kinsabba


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Which one Sup Forums?

Brutal, murderous, hardcore Jihadist-Islamist dictator who butchered more than 600,000 of his own people to stay in power. gasses his population including children on a weekly basis.

Rightful groups who fight for justice, freedom, democracy, secularism and freedom of speech in the land of ̶M̶o̶r̶d̶o̶r̶ Syria. viciously hunted by a lunatic mass murderer for his hate of freedom, pluralism and peace.

Though choice lads.


>The Kurds never seem to have a problem stopping most of them.
Dude take it easy on the blatant Kurd fanboyism

Weve seen dozens and dozens of reports of VBIEDs failing to reach target, the Kurds are nothing special, the SAA do it too.

Assad 4 lyfe.

>Rightful groups who fight for justice, freedom, democracy, secularism and freedom of speech
>being jihadist
pick one

>Brutal, murderous, hardcore Jihadist-Islamist dictator who butchered more than 600,000 of his own people to stay in power. gasses his population including children on a weekly basis

kike pls

So was Operation Winter Storm: Syrian Edition successful or not? Will Memesad fall now?

So are you all pro-rebel now?

Fuck that rebel scum will soon burn in hell.

They have the manpower and they know it. Apparently the offensive involved some 5000 rebels, 350 of which were killed. If the SAA loses even half of that (especially if its some of the good troops) it's a win for the rebels.

reminder that turks can't even make children

No tiger will come to save you :)
Aleppo will fall :)

They do, but not as consistently.

Not even close t b h

Havent been on sg for weeks.

This just popped up on BBC.

Can someone please enlighten me as to the nature of this "news".


HalabToday interview with pro-regime, pro-Assad civilians

>what kind of an army is this?
>I've been supporting the regime for 50 years
>I was later surprised that the half the regime army is shabia thugs and criminals

Kurds have SF packing Javalins and direct link to USAF. On their own they folded like paper against ISIS.

Not really, but since this is basically a war between two different sets of bad guys it's fun to see how they push each other back and forth.

Clear win for the rebels

It's exactly what it says in the article.

Tell me, when will this war actually end?

>reminder that turks can't even make children

Let's try?

You're a girl? ;)


There has been a bunch of fighting over the Artillery college in Aleppo and all the ragheads are spazing out claiming victory while its still very much contested.

The western media is completely retarded about Aleppo

Multiple big newspapers pass it off as a "regime siege" of the entire city of Aleppo whereas the government-held part has the vast majority of inhabitants

Im not surprised in the slightest that our MSM doesnt mention the fact that this lifting of the siege ironically effectively besieges western Aleppo in turn (or at least makes it inaccessible for big convoys)

They essentially are moving half of their force to Aleppo after a week of getting slapped

Fucking jihadists, SAA should have killed him on the spot.

And they havent played their surprise attack card :^)


SAA are incompetent
Rebels are united by desperation and well organized with a ton of crazy virgin chasing manpower.

The rebels were cut off in Aleppo after the SAA seized the Mallah Farms north of the city and cut Castello Road. In response, the rebels massed several thousand men and attacked the SAA positions in southwest Aleppo. They first seized the 1070 Apartment projects, then just yesterday Jaysh al-Fateh stormed the Artillery training school and Airforce college with VBIEDs and a very rapid infantry assault. The SAA was completely BTFO, lost a lot of equipment. JAF then linked up with the FSA which was simultaneously attacking out of Aleppo through the Ramouseh district. The district is under rebel control as is part of the nearby industrial zone. The siege is broken and we are now waiting to see what the rebels will do with their massive assembly of forces.

yup no way to spin this other than a clear defeat for the regime.

>So which forces would an instated Sunni government be using? The few splintered FSA-ish groups in Daraa?

There would be a process of reconciliation. Some groups & fighters would join the 'new' government, the rest would continue Jihad.

The SAA would be summarily executed essentially. It is primary Shia & Alawite. All the Alawites would be killed, without a doubt.

NDF forces would also be executed summarily executed, since they're primarily Christians.

Alawite & Christian civilians would then be persecuted for the next few years until they're eventually exterminated.

>while it's still very much contested

m8 even pro-Assad sources said the rebels took it

Hopefully get bombed.

pic related is me
would u marry?

They were getting bombed, but it still didn't stop them.

Thanks for the responses.

So its true then, the SAA lost alot of ground?

Does this mean that this rebel "coalition" is now in a do-or-die assembly of force by committing such numbers?

When and where is the next terrorist attack?

December in Lyons?

Could you imagine what would happen to the west if some rebel group told every neet to join us and we will give you a free roasty to bang and a pure waifu to marry all you have to do is yell snackbar when you fire your weapon.


I can't see an end soon. Maybe in 1 or 2 years...

I don't want to marry with an absolute mad man

Your loss

>Implying the tigers wont take it back in a couple of hours.

>Does this mean that this rebel "coalition" is now in a do-or-die assembly of force by committing such numbers?

Pretty much.
If their retreat is cutoff somehow and they're routed, it would end the war.

But it almost certainly won't come to that. Probably Syrian Government possession of Aleppo will come to an end.

Just keep it up then. Their armor will be exposed. More RA is spotted,hopefully they will over extend and thousands of mudshits die.

this is what the SA was in Nazi Germany except you got boipussy instead of a roasty

Asking again for some sort of source on Turkish SOF with rebel forces attacking Aleppo

I highly doubt they will even get half of the 2013 Aleppo control

"A lot" is relative. They lost no more in the south than they gained int he north. %-wise it's a wash, but the positions they lost in the south were extremely defensible and , ignoring they shouldn't have lost them in the first place, will be difficult to take back. Bombing the rebel positions will be difficult because of the supporting airforces' lack of precision weapons, meaning they could easily bomb their own men. With such a huge rebel concentration, they will probably exploit their local advantage somehow. Some are speculating they will try to take the whole of Aleppo, since the SAA supply route into the city is a cross-country path, not a road, and is subject to rebel fire. I can't be sure on the troop numbers but if what people are quoting is correct - that there are ~9000 rebels and ~3000 SAA then they may very well be planning to storm the city.


Here's a my favorite tune for You:

Sun Tzu said attacking with a large force will leave you lacking in other areas.

I don't know the situation at the moment but it does sound like a "last ditch" attempt.

I'm not happy about a renewed rebel offence.

And there are advisors with rebels in Aleppo
That's why they liberated the coridor within 3 day

Turkish tactics bitch

Sorry friends... I stopped responding to old thread because FSA showed up at my door for telling too many FSA secrets

>They have the manpower and they know it. Apparently the offensive involved some 5000 rebels, 350 of which were killed.
Reports are close to 1k "rebels" got either killed, maimed, or severely injured

>If the SAA loses even half of that (especially if its some of the good troops) it's a win for the rebels.
The only thing the SAA loses is ground and some soldiers.
It's all they've been doing since the start of the war.
Unless its Hez, Shia squads, Iran; the Arabs can't fight for shit and only give ground.
When the Chechen Merc's in 2013 came into the picture that's when the SAA got severely Cuckold.
"Rebels" can't fight, Turks can fight for some part, but Arabs can't fight.
With the exception when Russia joined the fight, it has been the lamest war I've seen.

It has become an annoying protracted war. It's the same thing with fallujah; been waiting forever for the Iraqi government to take it over.

I'm starting to suspect Arabs have low IQ's or make terrible soldiers.


try again roachie

It would take months to take the whole city. 3 to 1 is a the very minimum needed for storming in siege warfare and they have no air support. Saying they will take all of Aleppo is delusional

You know you're fucking wrong when a turkroach tells you you're wrong about Assad

Zero rushing. Some tactics roach

FSA secrets are worthless

They can literally shake hands with terrorists and nothing will happen. They can stock their ammunition anywhere, it will found sooner or later anyway, if it isn't moved again due to the inevitable pace of war moving direction.

I bet it's germany, 90% train station. Two weeks from now.

>sending advisors to terrorists in order to make their terror attacks more efficient
this is what you are proudly saying.


So Hezbollah can beat one of the most technically advanced best organized militaries in the world but not the chaotic assortment of groups that are the opposition forces?

>Rightful groups who fight for justice
>Rightful groups = islamic state
>islamic state

I implore you to help these rightful groups with their cause. Be sure to tell them your from israel, I'm sure they'll give you first class treatment.

great pepe friendo

>not knowing about FSA stealing the assad secret bakery recpies

Zero rushing

(You) for the kike

>assad winnin isn't preferable to jihadists

Zerg fucking auto correct

Really I don't understand Why you roaches support the regime
The regime hates Turkey and send ISIS bombers to Turkey
The regime supported the pkk and ally with ypg
The regime Soldiers were celebrating the coup attemp
Fucking roach

Im pro assad

Nusra uses BMPs and Tanks and armoured trucks that need multiple RPGs. SAA has dedicated Kornet teams for them.

SAA mostly made up of Sunnis

turkish tactics is rushing a field and accepting a 3x higher casualty toll than the enemy ok onur

The same type of war is being protracted in Afghanistan where US military corps are active.
This isn't world war 2, Vietnam took more than 10 years. Look unto the Sri lankan war.

Even by AKP supporter standards believing all of that makes you a delusional retard at best

Oh it is, but that doesn't mean I like Assad at all. Or his Iranian/Russian backup.

I want them to eventually win, but the more costly it is for them the better.

except of the celebrating one. Who wasnt cheering for the secular military guys cmon

>secular military guys

>Soldiers were celebrating the coup attemp
Can you blame them?

Turkey has for way too long watched or even supported as jihadists and supplies crossed the border

You cannot expect SAA or many Syrian civilians to think that that is a good thing and to think positively of Erdogan.

I think that r9k would go die after hearing this.


You can't possibly be serious

>The regime send ISIS bombers to Turkey
>The regime supported the pkk and ally with ypg

Erdogan indoctrination have literally made 50% of the turkish population mentally insane

>that bit about the sweat
these jihadists are some sick fucks

Examples? Today a JFS member personally told everyone the cement factory wasn't captured yet and that it was a mistake, just an hour after it was reported; can you find the equivalent among the SAA?

SAA is primarily Alawites m8

>The same type of war is being protracted in Afghanistan where US military corps are active.
>This isn't world war 2, Vietnam took more than 10 years. Look unto the Sri lankan war.
Ok, then explain why the Chechen mercenaries were so effective then?
Each side wants to negotiate but now win the war.

>Everyone who's against Assad is a jihadi
Didnt say that

Damascus Spring surely werent jihadis (and they sure as fuck didnt want civil war either or think that civil war is magically going to fix Syria)

But its clear to all that this insurgency is the work of jihadists or islamist extremists. Look at the power groups like Ahrar al-Sham and al-Nusra have, compared to the "moderates"

>Supports nusra scum
>calls turks supporting Assad roach
Top fucking kek mate

Each side wants to negotiate but not win the war.**


Great plan, dipshit.

>Can you blame them?
Yes I can,I know you are so obsessed with ''jihadists''

Syrians wants sharia, Let them have it?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
You are still ignoring that shias are more fanatic than the rebels

You rafidi

Can i find the equivalent among the SAA of claiming something to have captured and then saying an hour later it wasn't?

yes i can

Nice double dubs

Or maybe jihadis supported the insurgents when no one else would

You're like a McCarthyist abandoning people's struggles because muh communism

Siding with tyranny to avoid potential tyranny

>but the more costly it is for them the better.
i just cut my finger on that

I support the rebels over Assad, but that's an outright lie Shlomo

Turks should support whichever party that would get rid of ISIS and the PKK, only one who can do both is Assad


Syria is primarily Sunni, alawites are too small to be a bulk of an army.

>send thousands of heart-eater crazy jihadists from all over the world to Syria
>arm them, supply them, give medical hepl to them
>ask wtf why the Syrian Government hate us
fucking illiterate çomar

I dont support Assad. I just dont want a Talibanesque isl*mist shithole 10 km away from Hatay.