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What whould you expect from a frog?
>special forces
They probably laughed too hard and dropped their guns.
cant work out if this is really poor bait, or you're actually this stupid
>special forces
>They probably laughed too hard and dropped their guns.
American education.
we dont have the numbers like the yanks the SAS have the most brutal training
they train YOUR soldiers they are that some respect m8
This. France is famous for surrendering, no one should be surprised
>cuts heads off,mutilates people, rapes little girls and claims everyone else is an infidel
...Something doesnt make sense here.
>train DEVGRU or SFOD-D
Yeah sure lad, whatever you need to tell yourself to go to bed at night when the Adhan sounds from the Minarets of Ol' London town
they are brave when they roam around with weapons into villages with their mates
sec a western army shows up they shit their pants
Our special forces play American pop music on a loop with loud speakers to torture them, not even memeing
>SAS trains the Navy Seals
psssh, your special forces are good, but not that good
show some respect m8
you are smoking drugs mate
even burgers on Sup Forums will agree that our soldiers are far better trained.
its not even a debate
Just like you were dropped on your head.
Nah m8, we all agree that you guys have the strongest army to ever grace the earth but man by man our special forces are far better equipped, it's nothing to be ashamed about
>ITT useless circlejerking and dick comparisons by people who have never been in the army
i'd expect nothing less of blokes wearing skirts
its not the toys that are the problem
its the feel safer with 10 SAS veterans than 20 seals
Do you seriously expect me to watch 48 minutes of crooked toothed Brits. By golly mate.
Come on m8
Tell that to all the Brits I see at Nellis. Our training is about the same which is the point of being close NATO allies.
>its not the toys that are the problem
By better equipped I mean better trained
(((Them))) are probbly the only SFs that could rival GROM.
>NATO allies.
Apart from the SAS, SEALS, Spetsnaz and DF all other special forces are basically memes
Fake and gay.
Look at their trousers, they are no ISIS-fighters.
Nope your high sas is shit compared to seals spitnaz and north korea
wow this is going to be awkward. 2 isis guys surrender to brits. right after multiple american prisoners are released after being paid $400 mil now 2 more americans held prisoner...
you know what full head to toe garb allows? white people to pretend to be kebabs. whats with the men covering their heads? are they in drag?
>north korea
you aint even trying anymore aint you
They executed them?
Yeah, it does look fake. When was the last time a fighter had the masks? They would fight to the death, especially to kill Western infidels.
You don't even know what you're talking about.
Also JW GROM is bretty good.
>t. King of Extreme Manlets and Pussies
Get fuckt
>They would fight to the death, especially to kill Western infidels.
>implying there not just arab retards that want to fuck sex slaves
>You don't even know what you're talking about.
Not an argument
Your special forces are shit. There a reason why your SAS and SBS work with marines and not our JSOC units. It's cause you're to cuck.
top kek these asshurt brit faggots
Where the fuck is your bullshit image from
It looks like fucking propaganda
>photographer just happens to be there with ISIS soldiers in fucking BURQAS
>their guns just happen to be on the ground in front of them instead of them being shot to fuck
>they're dressed in all black with fucking BURQAS instead of the more traditional surplus US army gear the US government provides the terrorists with
I fucking hate this fucking lugenpresse
mainstream journalists lie so much they might as well be actual domestic terrorists
Friendly reminder your special forces are shit compared to the us. Fuck, I bet the FFL is better than your shitty SAS and SBS
>this level of denial
they're peasant conscripts hoping to get a paycheck and some underage pussy, not a hardened elite guard
Definitely fake, so that the islandmonkeys can sip on their tea and be proud of their boys.
They dressed up Billy and Tom and made those dramatic photoes.
ISIS fighters would in no way look like that, because trousers touching the ankles are absolutely haram and they are very picky about those things.
No, the British actually have a great army. You are just a deluded faggot.
You'd know this if you ever served in a war or knew what you were talking about. They have deadly snipers as well.
we will remember that when you come begging for our help as you ALWAYS do.
When is the last time we've 'begged' for your help? You dogs generally jump at the opportunity to offer it, then bitch about it afterwards.
>When is the last time we've 'begged' for your help?
American education
>American education
not an argument.
Fake as fuck. Sad, really.
haha what was grandad in the service!
Get rekt you limey cunt, the SAS is shit
>A..a SAS unit helped a marine grunt unit
>w..we are so helpful!
haha just not, British forces are statically irrelevant. You were never needed, wanted, but not needed
You niggers dont even have world maps in your classrooms
technically the syria thing america has been begging, demanding and threatening those that wont help for a few years
obamuh has lost his mind. he wants something to claim as being done by him. the french has gotten begged to do more more often but he begs every one
>tfw americans are so deep into there delusions of grandeur they cant even take a moment to appreciate the superiority of a fellow western nations special forces
Just sad really lads
They don´t need your help to bomb the ragheads, they need you as an excuse to do so. The more western nations take part in the plundering, the more it looks like a justifyable deed. Remember your lies about iraq, that made the whole thing start.
Well done lads
>this level of denial
>brits wanting to feel important so bad they think their military is important
India, literally poo in the loos, have a better military than brits
>3 autistic shills represent all of America
We like Britain more than anybody else in the world. Stop letting a few posters on Sup Forums dictate your view of 300,000,000+ people.
After Blair no politician is going to okay something like that unless there's another 9/11 scale attack
We only invite you fags to war cause you're top pussy to go start your own war.
they dont ask which countries has the uk not warred with in its history............they ask which countries have they not!
dont even start m8
Technically it hasn't been begging, actually.
Once again, you dogs offering and bitching about it afterward.
This guy knows what's up. The US is just interested in making it seem like a international coalition. The US isn't in need of their assistance.
Anyways, that's whatever. Bottom line is the picture does look fake, but you can't deny that ISIS fighters do in fact surrender on occasion.
cant wait till november.
We get brexit and you fail in your pol objective HAHAHAHAHA
quintessentially french
Oy m8 bin that knife
if ur special forces was so good the us would still be a part of britain.
ha just kidding you guys are alright
ask which countries they have warred with*
black parts are the ones we never touched...
My sides burger bro just stop man, you British history much? Christ dude
Don't mind that stupid faggot please
And look at your brilliant empire now! A small island!
>No argentina.
Is that map even accurate?
if america does not get trump into the white house they will be the king of cucks of Sup Forums
not even memeing.....trump winning is the spark brexit was the wood and tinder for the fire
Oh dear
>Four SAS soldiers are to be honoured by President George Bush for the daring rescue of a CIA man facing torture by Al Qaeda fanatics.
>American Delta Force commandoes did not have enough battle experience for the mission behind enemy lines.
All those replies, Americans just can't be stopped.
God speed bro.
My grandad was a Royal Marine Commando. When asked about WWII he wouldn't even talk about the shit he had to do, I imagine it must have been horrific.
There's literally no country on Earth worth of mention that Great Britain hasn't gone to war with over the last millenia
what the hell are they wearing
Yeah we do, fuck right off
>daily mail
and the queen is still head of the british commonwealth
and we still own the west indies on your door step :^)
>US generals have begged Britain’s elite fighting force the SAS to stay in Afghanistan.
Modern ones are a bunch of cunts always looking for a fight, they got banned from my town for it
Yeah, I can't imagine the amount of dicks he had to such while America was doing all the actual fighting.
what happens if a plane falls?
I like how all of you stupid faggots most likely never have been in the military, I was and worked with many SF from dif places, quit trying measure who has the biggest dick, for burger tards yes brits are legit, our guys are legit /thread
Reminder: An American "spec ops" soldier got killed in Iraq when his position was overrun because ISIS troops flanked him and his Iraqi counterparts.
Meanwhile an SAS soldier chops off 3 ISIS heads with a Kukri knife after running out of ammo during a tough extraction from Syria.
Queen's going to die soon
>mfw someone was butthurt enough to edit the last pane in
you watch a few million sink to the bottom of the sea lol
i hope they fail and everything goes children of men
i will be so happy to see rape gangs in america. and they demographics made permanantly left wing