
>its 2016
>people still believe in any god

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Better pray your rosary or burn in hell, Patrick.

Define god. And believing too.

a superhuman being or spirit worshipped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity.

accept that (something) is true, especially without proof

Be careful, OP. Saying stuff like that could prompt believers to prove you wrong with Epic Fedora Meme. Sup Forums is a Christian board, apparently.

Thanks for reminding me

ive noticed that over the last few days
what is with that

Did you just say something racist towards muslims?

what is the thing with fedora memes

You're right, makes more sense that 20 billion years ago, nothing exploded and created everything, and then 3 billion years ago, the Earth's surface cooled and clouds began to form and rained on the rocks for billions of years and made soup, and then the soup came alive and evolved into Man and cows and dogs and kitty cats and daffodils and bananas. and horseshoe crabs, which have one of the most highly-evolved eyeballs in the whole animal kingdom, despite being one of the earliest creatures to evolve.

Yeah and then there's these little bugs that live in the guts of termites, these little bugs eat the wood that the termites chew and then the termites eat the poop of these little bugs...

Which evolved first, I wonder . . .

Evolution's full of little contradictions like that. Like the Geoogical Table only existing in textbook drawings because no real life fossil bed ever discovered fell into anything resembling the same pattern.

Instead, there are thousands of tiny fossilized clams all over the Himalayan mountains and absolutely every other square yard of the Earth... Almost as if they were churned up and deposited by a catastrophic global flood that was caused not by rain from the sky, but by springs opening up under the ocean.

Like, maybe . . . where the Marianas Trench is now? That gigantic fissure in the ocean crust? Yeah, I wonder how that got there...

Must have been those plate tectonics even though Africa and South America are vastly different sizes and don't actually fit up coast to coast except for on a Mercator Projection.

I could go on . . .

Scientism has retarded scientific progress more than religion.

so how old is the earth in your belief?

look how obsessed you are. The preaching of non-religion is as equally moot as the spreading belief in a creator. you have become what you hate

btw love the over simplification of evolution..
oh and on the notion of plate tectonics
> A REALLY long time ago India was it's own landmass in the ocean, separate from Asia. The movement of the tectonic plates caused India to slowly crash into Asia, pushing up one plate and driving the other down, a process that is still going on today. This collision created, and is still creating, the Himalayas. Now the former sea floor is 25,000+ feet in the air,

Modern Science actually discovered that there were springs beneath the sea in the 1970's, it was primarily the scientists of the U.S. Navy who made this tremendous discovery, a real landmark for science.

They're also spoken about in the Book of Job, a book that is conservatively 4,000 years old.

Supposedly written by primitive Semitic shepherds. Also mentions how the Earth hangeth upon nothing, a detailed description of the hydrologic cycle and how raindrops are formed, a description of the behavior of light that's compatible with our modern understanding of photons.

Lots of stuff like that.

Weird, huh?

Almost as if people just need an excuse to discredit the Bible because they don't like the moral code:

So because they don't want the moral code to be true, they have merely to prove that none of it can be true.

Even if their evidence seems to directly contradict itself and rely on circular reasoning.

More room in heaven for me



You are correct, the world is very complex - which can only mean that it was created instantaneously with magic words by some type of fairy or grand wizard who is both invisible and mysterious to us, instead of gradually over a long period of time by forces which submit to scientific investigation. On a serious note, maybe this type of argument goes over well with your kindergarten Sunday school class, but it's probably not going to fly here.

Let me ask you a different question.

When God makes a rock, do you think that rock is exactly one second old? Or do you think God could make a rock in one second that is already a billion years old, in age.

Like creating a man who is biologically 30 years old, -poof- without that man having been born and gone through infancy and childhood.

How old is the Earth? I would answer that so far mankind has not created a dating process that can be in any way considered accurate.

Do you know how radiometric dating, carbon dating, uranium dating, actually work?

Do you understand the methodology associated with these dating methods?

Typically a single piece of material being tested, like a beam of wood, will yield up to a dozen different dates that can range millions of years apart. There have been famous cases of timbers tested which yielded dates that were IN THE FUTURE.

The way that scientists attach dates by these methods is to simply reject any results that seem not to make sense, and only accept the result that seems to agree with their best guess.

That's really, seriously what they do, that's how every fossil and rock and timber and potsherd was ever dated, if it was dated. Through pure guesswork, speculation, and circular reasoning.

I don't know how old the Earth is and I don't know how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, I don't care. That's a suitable question for trivial pursuit, it doesn't interest me compared to my own unique purpose in this life, what I was put here to do, what I was created by God to do that no one else is as qualified for.

It doesn't matter if the Earth is 20 billion years old or 11 billion or 100 billion or 30,000 years.

None of those potential ages of the Earth have any impact on the people alive today and the world they find themselves in and the powers that shape and influence all our lives and what we can and should do about our situation.

I want to see your face when god put you in hell

>its 2016
>people still believe consciousness came from rocks

How did the fossilized clams survive being subducted and crushed upwards and superheated and exposed to thousands of tons of pressure?

No seriously, why does all your evidence contradict your own arguments?

Well you haven't addressed any argument that I've made so far, but that's a nice ad hominem.

Very scientific. Much empiricism.

>mfw it's 2016 Anno Domini

explosion that came from nowhere transformed rocks into squirrels


I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.

Now I'm the king of the troll, the Sup Forums V.I.P
I reached the top and had to stop
And that's what bothering me
I want to be a Shitposter, OP, and stroll right into Sup Forums
And be just like those other shitposters
I'm tired of monkeying around

Now don't try to kid me, shitposter, I'll make a deal with (you)
What I desire is the aussie and leafs red fire to make my dreams come true
So give me the secret, OP, clue me what to do
Give me the beef of the cucks red leaf so I can be like (you)

Ooh-bi-doo, I wan'na be like (you)
I want to post like (you), comment like (you), too
(You) see it's true, an user like me
Can learn to be like (you), too

Now don't try to kid me, shitposter, I made a deal with (you)
What I desire is the shills red fire to make my dream's come true
So give me the secret, OP, clue me what to do
Give me the beef of the cuck's red leaf so I can be like (you)

Ooh-bi-doo, I wan'na be like (you)
I want to post like (you), comment like (you), too
(You) see it's true, an user like me
Can learn to be like (you), too

Now I'm the king of the anons, the Sup Forums V.I.P.
I reached the top and had to stop
And that's what bothering me
I want to be a shitposter, OP, and piss on all the boards
And be just like those other shitposters
I'm tired of monkeying around

Ooh-bi-doo, I wan'na be like (you)
I want to post like (you), comments like (you), too
(You) see it's true, an user like me
Can learn to be like (you), too

Can learn to be someone like me

Shut up Italian cuck. You cunts betrayed the Allies in both world wars then switched back over when we rammed your fucking asses in with Western made weaponry. Also, Catholicism