>25 >make $18/h >STEM education but can only find shitty unrelated jobs >been applying to trade apprentice jobs but no luck, went to a trade union but they're not accepting members until 2019 >will never be able to afford a house >can't even invest in stocks because the cost of living makes you unable to save money >women think I'm a loser, will never have a family or get married
i make $15.50/hr and live alone just fine with money to spare. if you are able to find a job somewhere else and move - do it. totally worth it. most people live and die within 50 miles of their birth place.
Robert Butler
Same here, OP. Accepting it is kind of a relief in a way. Relinquishing the need to fulfill x, y, and z because that is what is expected is liberating in a depressing way.
David Hill
>falling for the stem meme
Unless you stay in academia you won't make shit until you get 20 years experience. Most fags with shitty accounting degrees that make 6 figures after 5 years.
Eli Flores
I make 14.77 dollars an hour but have to pay way more in tax yet I can still live comfortably. And most things are more expensive here.
Jace Campbell
>Who /lost all hope/ here? 31, perpetually unemployed/underemployed, starting grad school this fall to become a university professor. I expect to be forever broke. I expect to work until I die.
Liam Fisher
I'm stupid but I think if you start making your own wine and growing certain dietary staples you can live like a king on welfare
Mason Hernandez
Ur fault 4 not comnecting in uni
Caleb Green
I'm still in college and I make 15/hr.
Aaron Green
>become a university professor No wonder you're unemployed with stupid life decisions like those.
Cameron Clark
>the stem meme meme
Matthew Allen
Eh, it's the only job that doesn't make me want to blow my brains out. If that means being poor, I'm fine with that. And really it's about fulfilling the desire of my mentors that I replace them one day.
Levi Johnson
faggot leaf i just lie all the time and get all the latino pussy fuck you loser
Liam Nguyen
>make $18/h >will never be able to afford a house
Are you fucking retarded?
Sebastian King
To be fair, he does have to compete with Chinese millionaires.
Isaiah Butler
What exactly does "the stem meme" imply? Certainly just about anything that falls under stem (notice I didn't say EVERYTHING, so if you say something like IT isn't useful you aren't going to blow my mind) is on the higher end of things in terms of degrees/majors and what kind of opportunities you open yourself up to.
Hunter Ramirez
He needs to compete with Chinese millionaires to buy a 60k house in TX? Houston is the 5th largest city in the US and you can get hella cheap houses there and you can easily get by on $10-15 an hr.
Jaxson Anderson
I have degrees in physics and math and make 40 an hour and I graduated last year from college. I also have amazing benwfits.
Jayden Cruz
>falling for the STEM meme shoulda practiced your handshaking and eye contact skills more
Matthew Long
He's a leaf, making 18 Canadian dollars, at a job in Canada. If he moved to Houston, if he could get a green card, there's no guarantee that he'd make 18 American dollars.
Obviously housing prices vary, but if he's unlucky enough to live in Vancouver, he's totally and utterly fucked out of owning property, unless he snags some businessman's daughter.
Isaiah Rivera
I lost hope until I became a bartender 2 months ago. I was 25 with no real job experience other than standing behind a cash register for 6 years. Now I make 800 a week at the very minimum and I claim only a third of what I make in tips.
In 5 months I'll be ready to put a proper down payment on my car and and move out of my parents house and into my own apartment.
Dylan Long
Also, moving to Texas means that you'll eventually be part of Mexico
Julian Nelson
Any mech E's in here? What's life like after graduation? How much do you make?
Luis Ward
If you majored in anything but econ, you hate being rich. STEM is a meme. Why would you want to be the one who works FOR the owner?
Tyler Wright
You're a god damn retard. What in the hell were you thinking with this post? Are you high?
Jaxon Edwards
Can confirm, waiting for a crash.. 38% gain on property values in a year here. When the Chinese government is loaning money out at 1% to their rich it would be retarded for them NOT to do this.
Brandon Rogers
also you should preferably inherit daddy's multi million dollar business and get a small loan of a million dollars.
Isaac Ward
that pic is pretty much my situation right know i was raised by lefties
Brayden Clark
It helps, but it's not necessary. The reason almost nobody can do it successfully is because they avoid ANY risk, and/or have social autism.
Parker Foster
>went to a trade union but they're not accepting members until 2019
Whaaat? Does Canada also have stupid trade unions like America? What is wrong with North America. It's basically where workers took their rights first in the world, but now it's the least developed. There are South American, African and Asian countries with better worker rights now.
Angel Hernandez
Are you rich yet?
Cooper Sullivan
29 here. I just started a boring but comfy office job. It's a salaried position with benefits. The pay isn't great but it's decent enough considering I'm single with no kids. There seems to be a little room for advancement. I dread going in everyday since it's so boring and I feel like I'm missing out on life.
Brandon Lopez
I have autism.
Matthew Sullivan
That sounds depressing. How many hours do you work?
Gavin Harris
I learned this too. I'm 28, NEET stemfag. You still have time user, god bless and good luck.
>tfw you discover that being sociable and well liked is far more important than anything else >tfw all it takes is one good internship when you dont have any experience that people land solely through luck and likeability to separate the perpetually unhireable and the gods who can apply and get jobs wherever they want >tfw all the major tech companies are hiring people for their race and gender now >tfw you arent an "underrepresented" minority so your hardwork and dedication count for nothing >tfw all those late nights at the library, all nighters, putting up with useless fucks in groupwork, thousands in tuition was all for nothing
Jaxson Richardson
> 25 > lost all hope That's why whites become extinct
Nathaniel Smith
>There seems to be a little room for advancement That's statistically true in the post-recession era you're supposed to switch jobs every 5 years in order to retain a competitive salary
Austin Jenkins
>Not being the owner instead >Implying Elon Musk's net worth isn't double Donnie's
He has a degree in physics and one in econ
Xavier Cook
>1 post OP
Why even bother making the thread if you aren't going to participate in a discussion?
Justin Allen
7-8 hour days. It's a full time salaried position. I'm a guy who's actually worked construction in college and stood out in the summer heat so being in the A/C and wearing khakis and being "office" polite isn't such a terrible thing. Although it's boring as fuck.
I've heard that too. I've been promised a salary review after every 6 months though. Where I live people actually love this company I work for. It's a big company but it's structure or whatever is very local.
Anthony Martinez
>Not opening up a business on the side with other like minded profs, postgrads, PhD candidates and friends
If you are competent enough for them to need you they will let you take time off to make $$$
Samuel Nguyen
>he fell for the posting a counterargument meme
Benjamin Powell
Musk works ridiculously hard though. He'll probably be dead within the decade from stress. The idea is to enjoy the fruits of other people's labor. Besides, once you're a billionaire, who really cares how many billions it is?
Jacob Green
whats wrong with you guys?
>20 >STEM, 1 year left >making $25/hr as an intern for the summer >already have 2 job offers for next year, $70k and $80k
are you guys even trying? get the fuck off of Sup Forums and go network and lick asses until you get a good job.
Levi Nelson
that's a misquote
not that it makes it any less true
not that that makes socialism a solution
Gavin Nguyen
>the company I worked for offered insane compensation if you gave them black women for a higher up job
Its complete horseshit. No idea how its legal.
Luke Smith
No shit. Learn to speak confidently and be friendly. A degree is a useful aid, but it isn't a fucking guarantee for anything.
You want to make more money? Figure out how to make the fucking company more money, and learn how to play politics.
Dylan Adams
Trump worked hard when he was a young man
When Musk is 70, he will be the first trillionaire comfy in his space barge and grandchildren on 2 planets
Matthew Carter
Alright Sup Forums i already secured a job paying 57k with full benefits and an 8k signing bonus. My girlfriend is a nurse about to make 60k next year when we both graduate. We plan on living in a small apartment at first and potentially for me to go to lawschool later. Is it worth it?
David Martinez
Maybe get a degree that doesn't require too many years but has good pay? Nurse practitioners are in high demand and only require a masters - could be a problem if you already have college debt though. In 2014, their average salary was $97,990 - healthcare jobs in the U.S are also in demand right now. On-the-job Training None Number of Jobs, 2014 170,400 Job Outlook, 2014-24 31% (Much faster than average) Employment Change, 2014-24 53,400 bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/nurse-anesthetists-nurse-midwives-and-nurse-practitioners.htm Even if medicine isn't your thing it's still a fairly easy job for the pay.
Daniel Wilson
He also has made a loss constantly and is just propped up by grants and his jew VC backers
Jordan Allen
I'm in my high 20s, been unemployed for 7 years, no degree, no prospects for the future.
Brayden Sullivan
>think I'm a loser, will never have a family or get marri are you Autistic?
Wyatt Lopez
>potentially for me to go to lawschool later. only if you can get into a top 10 program
Landon Butler
>where the fuck do you live? Check his flag, dumbass.
Easton Taylor
Get off Sup Forums you sperg go get a job in a kitchen unless you're completely useless
Benjamin Kelly
Same, but what really pisses me off is the fact that because of the toxic left as a ("Cis white male") It is literally impossible for me to work at McDonalds when girls my age and are white land sold £50k a year jobs. Yet I'm the privileged one
Hudson Sanchez
>eventually be part of Mexico >he actually believes in the "x will rise again" memes
Eli Russell
>23 >work based on contracts >dropped out of school and joined the naval reserves because of home issues I had >alternate between being flush with cash and living paycheck to paycheck pretty rapidly >rent an apartment with a roommate just fine but will probably never be able to afford a house >been trying to do hobby stuff to fill my time but every time I try to produce anything, people shit on it >would get a job, but I am just not about that stressful low-pay dirty service sector life anymore and non-bar/resto jobs are incredibly hard to get for some reason >end up spending my days shitposting on Sup Forums and being angry instead of doing anything fun or looking for a dayjob I won't hate
I haven't lost hope of feeding and clothing myself because I live somewhere very cheap and I'm fine with living off of recycled coffee for weeks at a time, but I'm very depressed and spend most of my days upset about the lack of direction in my life.
I considered going back to school and getting some no-name degree so I can become a high school teacher, though. I like instructing. I think I'd make a good math or science teacher. I think I even have an old report from a "career advisor" at my college from when I dropped out (my school made me see them) that said I should look into the educational field instead of pure STEM like I was in at the time. But you know what they say, >when you can't do, teach
Juan Richardson
> 29 > 3rd year apprentice (hvac service) > Work in Cupertino in some of the Apple buildings > make $40/hr, $60/hr overtime > flirt with hot girls everyday who seem genuinely happy to see a real man during the day, not some techie nerd > only went to community college for 8 months prior to landing this job, paid out if pocket for all classes, $850 total > union position
Staymad collegefags
Carson Cooper
>31 >I spread concrete on tunnel walls >95 dollars-120 dollars per hour. >120-140 000 a year.
Logan Hernandez
Joined a union. I'm 21 making 46 an hour with all the benefits a boy could dream of in NYC. # stem is where to go. Didn't graduate but I guess that doesn't matter?
Josiah Cooper
Any tips for finding a job in this? I have experience programming PLCs and calibrating instruments like RTDs and shit will that help?
Adam Gomez
>20 >haven't started school yet >never had a job >blew all of my chances at getting a good start >hate my location >no drive to do anything, expect to move away
a-at least I'm still young, right guys?
Cameron Turner
No offense but they probably flirt with you like they flirt with niggers. They think they're above you but also crave a savage crotch pounding.
Daniel Williams
In all seriousness, yes you are still young. But not for long. Get it together before it's forever too late.
Parker Green
are you me?
Jace Reyes
Job market is saturated, at least in Canada. I'm currently getting shafted making 45k/yr. If you have the opportunity, do anything you can to get internships during the summer or during your school terms.
Gavin Roberts
I make 15 an hour and have a wife as the bread winner. Thanks Chad genes.
If we divorce at this point I'll be getting alimony. Get on my level fgts.
Charles Long
"Canada" tells you nothing but what country he's in. You don't know the city, town, university he lives near, anything.
Wyatt Lewis
>You want to make more money? Figure out how to make the fucking company more money, and learn how to play politics. LOL
No, you making the company $millions$ will maybe make you a few hundred in bonuses. Always do the bare minimum you need for a promotion and squeeze the company for ALL the benefits it gives
Just remember, the CEO is some asshat who is barely doing anything earning like 20x what you do and you suffer for all of his poor decisions and ineptitude
John Edwards
>hurr durr stay mad You only have your job because the nerds run that company in the first place, neanderthal.
You're just bragging about winning the lottery. You accomplished nothing of note, only retards would be proud of that.
Josiah Cruz
Shh. Americans still believe that work correlates to pay. Let the boy dream
Jaxson Clark
I'm trying lad, looking to start school in the winter and get a part time job here soon. I've been used to the NEET life for a little over 2 years now so it'll be tough.
Have you spent the last 2 years of your life wasting away in a city that's halfway across the country from your hometown, only to move to a small country in Europe where your father is from to realize that the city is shit (pic related) and spend thousands more to move back to your hometown to realize it's not as good as you remember it and all of your friends are busy or don't give a shit about you anymore?
Sorry had to get that off of my chest, lad.
Joseph Stewart
>go network eat shit
Isaiah Fisher
I'm 20, in welding school until I can pass a 6g tig root pipe certification, but I'm unsure of how get started with my career. Can anyone offer advice, outside of obvious things? Also, it's worth noting that I live maybe two mile from Newport News shipyard and can tig aluminum fairly okay
Noah Torres
Hey least you are not me.
>Making 19.50 an hour >My baby is gonna be born >Tell boss I cant come into work today because my baby is being born >If you dont come in today you wont have a job tomorrow >Fuck this heartless prick whose probably never been laid in his life >Dont show up anyway baby being born is more important >Get fired >Apply for new jobs should be easy >Get interviews >They call my old work boss who informs them I was fired for deserting my job >Scrub that job off my resume so they no longer call it >Yeah user explain your unemployment gap from here to here >No matter what excuses I give they never call back >Been unemployed since
Took it up with a couple agencies and they ruled the company has to pay 100% of my unemployment benefits but I only make like 700 a month.
Ryan Edwards
He's a leaf. means 25% of his paycheck gets socialized to federal programs like CPP, MSP and other shit he'll never live to see any benefit from thx to abos and refugees. Also, everything he buys has a 10-12% tax slapped on it plus a 30--40% markup over US MSRP after the exchange rate. Fuck this country.
Easton Hughes
>tfw pay fuck-all in taxes because I make so little
you also literally get refunded a big chunk of it if you bother to do your taxes
Jordan Jones
>make $18/h >STEM education
I make $30/h and I have a liberal arts degree. I guess STEM was just a meme.
Dominic White
America! FUCK YEAH!
Don't forget to thank capitalism!
Jaxon Wood
>parents and teachers encourage me to do what i like. "You can be anything when you grow up" >have some artistic talent and play vidya. >go to college for a BA in game design >start to regret my decision but it is too late to leave or change major, might as well finish what I started. >graduate with worthless piece of paper >feel embarrassed and like a loser that wasted my life >3 months left before grace period ends and I need to pay back student loans >No job and can't even get a retail store to call me back >living at home >no friends >kissless virgin >slowly losing the will to live >help me
Logan Wood
If you're legit, go get proof and a lawyer, then you won't need a job.
>Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Federal employees are entitled to a total of up to 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period for one or more of these purposes related to childbirth: 1. the birth of a son or daughter of the employee and the care of such son or daughter;
>22 >just graduated college (fell for the non-STEM meme) >got an office job that starts at 35,000 a year, which is not great but considering my shitty life choices everyone was pretty surprised that I got it >still living at home so I'll have minimal expenses and can just save up until I'm ready to move out, which will probably be a year at most >still miserable because based on my poor choices I really don't see how I can eventually transition into the kind of work and life that I realized too late that I wanted
Sucks when you realize things too late to fix them
fuck that really sucks, I don't consider myself a leftist but if there aren't any legal protections for this shouldn't there fucking be?
Jaxson Carter
>Always do the bare minimum
Never change Canada
Jonathan Torres
Gabriel Campbell
>federal employee
Chase Brooks
You get paid hourly either way, and promotions are always point-based. You think your boss actually gives a fuck what you're doing? Your performance is all interpreted by computers that spit out reports for the cat ladies in HR.
Putting in your best is for contract work, where your performance means actually getting another contract.
> I don't consider myself a leftist but That's a slippery slope, user, next you'll be saying workers should unionize. :^)
David Hall
$63/month, fuck off leafOP
Brayden Cooper
scratch the last quote, I'm drunk
... an employee is entitled to take FMLA leave for her own or an eligible birth mother’s prenatal appointments, for any period of incapacity due to pregnancy, childbirth, or recovery from childbirth (including for “morning sickness”), or to care for his or her child with a serious health condition.
Jason Scott
Should've gone to Waterloo
Carson Lopez
Join the club!
Jeremiah Campbell
I went to Waterloo. Co-op is a lottery. I've also studied at other canadian universities (on my co-ops heh) and academically there is literally nothing special about Waterloo either.
You're literally paying in the hopes that you get a good co-op job that will net you enough experience to give you a good chance at getting a real job.
That reads like its only for women. Woo! USA! USA! USA!
Noah Cox
You're retarded if you think 22 is too late to change your life. Sounds like you've given up already before even trying. Maybe that's why you are where you are.
Ian Young
>Managers have no influence in pay decisions >You have no influence on what anyone thinks of you
Lucas Butler
kill yourself or fake death and start life anew in another country or wait for trump to win
Cameron Martin
The co op has worked wonders for me. Jobs that normally would take years of experience to get are actually easily accessible for the average student with no relevant work experience.
Sebastian Miller
I just got my passport - $130.
I couldn't help but think how ironic 'home of the free' is.