Women "Humor"

Are women ever funny?
Has Science gone too far?

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Their comedy is based on their traits. Impatience, spite, and ethnomasochism.

Just laugh. Trust me.
Just laugh and pretend, it's better.

Setting myself on fire seems like a sane option, who wouldn't set themselves on fire seeing what the world is?

social media calling girls fat is much funnier




Fucking based black twitter

I think she means
>Could my time be better spent masturbating?

Women are never funny, and they are never smart. But, we have to pretend they are interesting and funny and intelligent, or they won't let us fuck them.


It's impossible to become extremely fat without some kind of major personality flaw. Whether it's being lazy, having no willpower, being short-sighted, being in denial, or something else, every fatty is a bad person.

yeah these ladies are pretty funny


I asked myself, and the answer was no.

Julie must be a fat fuck.

I refer to them as delinquants de ressource...resource offenders. No capability to defend against this.

>a fatty

What is #maletears?

funny shit right here

>Are women ever funny?
evidently they seem to be


C, Kill

Rush trolls feminists forever

easy. fuck fat amy, marry mccarthy, kill schumer.

kill kill kill


I think of the 3 the middle one would be the most submissive and really really hate that jew so

fuck, marry , kill indeed



Fuck you, I lost a great uncle to suicide by fire, it's actually a problem. You have offended me.

>Are women ever funny?
Despite their best efforts.

remember fattitude?

Kill myself

Grammar puns in 2016???

(Is this how I express humor and show that le women's are funny? How do I upvote on this website??)


This video is litterally america summed up.

Honestly a 6/10 joke which isn't bad.

You have very low standards

>be paki women
>be body shamed
>fight against the system
>get acid thrown in your face and be replaced by a goat
so progrussiv

No. Why woman gets fat is because they are often fucking lazy! Just look at most woman are before and after they meet a man. They often joggs or living active lifes. When they meet a man they often turn into tv-junkies or something like that.

>tell a stranger she is fat

You know she said that because she thinks it's ok if the person you call fat is male

how butthurt are you that your country is too poor to be fat?

>an obese mexican who spent all his money on a nice car

But where's the skinny white guy with a homely asian girl and a fat white girl with a half black baby?


Girl spotted

Post feet, those are the rules

There are plenty of poor brazilians who are obese from eating shitty food

You're thinking of fourth world countries in africa where starvation is the norm

Every single woman I've ever talked to about this show loved it.
So I decided to watch it. Why not? Must be hilarious. All these women love the show.
It was nothing but piss jokes, fart jokes, shit jokes, period jokes, masturbation jokes, gay jokes, and beta male "men r so stupid XD" jokes for 1 hour at a time. The jokes weren't clever. The jokes weren't witty. They were just as I said. Piss and shit jokes. And this was episode 1.
So I watched a few more. Can't let just one episode ruin it for me?
It was like it for the next few episodes. More piss jokes. More masturbation jokes.
I dropped it. One of the few shows that I've watched that I dropped.
So I decided to see who the writers are. All but one are women.
It made me realize just how shallow a woman's form of humor is.

>female actor
>prisoner, escaped convict, spaceship grease monkey, stranded on an island, wage slave in dystopian future
>perfect hygiene, make-up, died hair, clean clothes
Ruins it for me desu

>the doors of a billionaire
>the body of an elephant

It's gotten worse, way worse. I actually liked season 1, it was a bit annoying but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Now it's 'how many cucked SJW social issues can we shoehorn into an episode'. Makes me cringe watching it.

nice insight, haven't seen it yet. makes me glad i never tried watching it.

>We got tired

But women get fat, they don't care about what they consume. A lot gain college weight due to being in the class and studying being sedentary activities along with coming to the age of being 21 or not even that but easy access to alcohol which further helps with weight gain coupled with metabolism actually slowing down around early to mid twenties. I am still fairly thin, do a manual labor job so I am not a rail, and I made a few choices with my diet that prevents me from getting fat quickly. I pretty much dropped consuming any fluid that isn't water as what I consume daily. Sure maybe once or twice a month I might either get a milk shake, a soda, or some fruit juice, but it isn't something that happens throughout a single day. Not only that I've been looking into trying to learn how to cook and prepare some meals so I can avoid eating fast food more often with good breakfasts, healthy choices in snacks (fruits and vegetables), and experimenting with both lunch and dinner.

Chances are if you put a 2,000 calorie pizza right next to 2,000 calories of broccoli you might see a difference in how much you need to consume to reach that amount of calories.

A lot of women are fat lazy fucks that go down routes of pleasurable eating.

fat people burn more



>made me realize just how shallow a woman's form of humor is.
Protip, it's not just their humor that's shallow.

>mfw women actually think they're the complex, deep ones

>Pizza XD
>Penis and vagina
>Acting like a cunt

female "humor"

who the fuck is "Amy Schumer"
she suddenly came out of nowhere
why is this person famous?

Women need 75% of the food men need, this is just simple biology.
And yet women have the audacity to think there is a pink tax, when men need to purchase 33% more food than them.

Most women are funny, but only if you have an IQ of over 160, which I seriously doubt anyone except me has on Sup Forums.

>When you tell a joke and the men laugh
>Women often seem confused about your word play
>Sometimes they want an explanation but then there is no point because then it isn't funny

The girl's waist is a bigger issue.

you get one (((guess)))

This looks like some sort of creature a knight would need to slay to earn more mana.

Same exact thing happened to me. Every fucking girl i knew loves this show (also like 2 hypersensitive feminist dudes) so I thought it'd try it.

It's such a horribly written show, it's a soap with shitty jokes.



>Are women ever funny?
Only when they accidentally hurt themselves.


Ok, so I was walking out of the bar yesterday because I got absolutely shitfaced right? While I was there I ate 5 plates of wings because let's face it ladies, we're all fat on the inside. Anyway, so after I left the bar, I went into the Papa John's down the street, so that I could buy 7 pizzas for breakfast, lunch and dinner this week. Am I right, ladies? So while I was walking out, I saw a man walking down the street and he was smoking. He was the hottest man I'd ever seen! And that's saying a lot, right girls? I got an instant lady boner! So I walked up to him and asked him if he wanted to come to my place, because I REEEALLY needed some dick that night girls, my boss fired me and I was having a stressful day. So after I asked him, he dropped an absolute BOMB on me, he told me he was gay! Now, usually I'd be mad if a man turned me down, but we gotta help out a fellow man lover, right girls? So I took him back in to the bar and bought him a drink. But, you can imagine my surprise when I took him in and saw him in better lighting (it was dark outside) and it turns out, I went to high school with this kid! So me and him got to talking, he asked me what I did these days and I told him I was a comedian. So then I asked him what he was up to these days and he says, "Oh, you know, the usual. Sucking dick and marching in pride parades." And I said I do the same thing! Right girls? Right?

Said the country with slums

>restricted eating (what) is bad

wew lordie

Fucking knights, stealing witchers' coin.

It's a simple joke format crated by men, for example, women are funny, that's the joke.

Fugg myself, marry nobody, kill myself

The pink tax is retarded, companies are just smart enough to know women are retarded and will buy shit if they're pandered to. If they really want to avoid this pink tax, just buy the standard/men's products.

They pay for a product with fancier labeling and probably costs more to make with the additional ingredients, of course female products are going to be more expensive.

Is that what you do about your countries appearance

Why dont they just cover themselves with their ninja robes?

You've seen nothing yet

I could explain to you dummies why it's a slightly funny joke but you're just being bias :(
>inb4 girl
I'm totally not.

They don't seem to get humor either. Pic related, Uber driver makes Lorde feel even less relevant than she felt last year. I want to shake this guy's hand for saying that, he really hit a sweet spot.

fuck u dude lol that show was funny.

spot on

I'm straight and would legitimately rather fuck a clone of myself than any of these people.

Knights don't use mana

Hahahaha wow

sounds like this bitch thought she was gonna be a royal, like in the song she wrote!!!

You think women care about details like that? If they're pandered to, it's enough for them.

Same shit bothers me in films and shows where the characters looks out of place like that, ruins the whole immersion thing.

Literally never hear of this cunt til her bitching on twitter. literally who.

proof women hate when they don't get attention

She made a song that got popular, that's about it.
Typical one hit wonder that gets forgotten after a couple of years.

Fuck schemer I know gross but better than the other options
Kill McCarthy
Marry rebel at least she's based

If you are referring to your picture that this women is trying to be "funny"?

She is trying to make an insult, not be funny, it will only be funny to her female friends or other people like her

What car is that?
Its just too low to be a Lambo. And that Renault didnt entered in production yet.

Is that a BMW i8?

Hey now, I'll have you know I have an IQ of 175. I'm also a frycook at Wendy's with a 12 inch penis.

Line up all three in a line and waste them with a single bullet, can't waste ammo here.

I would do the same, it'd be kinky but not really gay, plus nobody understands me better than myself.

Even the Aussies can make women funny. Good job, lads.

>Having even an ounce of self restraint when eating is a bad thing

>mfw I unironically support that strawman

I'm a penis chef with a 7 foot wendies that overs 500,000 a year and I have a 200 IQ

All of this feminist shit doesn't get to me at all but that fucking #male tears shit makes me fucking rage. I've broken atleast 3 cups with "male tears" written on the side. Saying I'd be made to cry because of some shit these dumb girls do just irritates me terribly.
