Dumbing of Age- It's not that bad

This is actually a pretty nice strip all in all.

Which means we won't get much discussion out of it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Goddamnit Walky is so fucking cute.

That's terrible. I thought Willis was going to cut away after the terrible "GET 'IM" joke from the last strip (as cliche as it would have been). But he's going to continue after it? Ruin it and prolong it with more shitty jokes? Are you for real, Willis? What's the point of all this?!!

What did you do? I'm serious, I get that we talk shit on here all the time, but PLEASE tell me no one was so much of an asshole that they sent threats to Cerberus.

>hack does hacky thing
Why are you surprised?


I didn't expect it to be this stupid. Is he going to drag out this shitty joke into a whole arc? The wacky Walky Dino chase arc? Followed by the super serious suicide arc (or any other tonal shift arc)?

This fucking cartoon argument arc is going to be longer than Joyce's visit home.

Most likely another chan site. From what I recall we only post screencaps of their posts.

Here's Becky.

False alarm, she's just not used to being outside her hugbox.

Holy shit wait tell she sees this thread.

Hi Cerberus.

Time to hide the thread

I hope it wasn't us. The last thing I want is an "I told you so" from Willis about how awful Sup Forums is.

aww no i actually feel bad for them.


yeah we fucked up

For dudes and ladies from the internet, it doesn't matter if its a false alarm or a second hand rumor. The chance that it's possibly true is enough of a boogeyman to fight. Also, it's easier than actually trying to change and improve actual society.

....I'm not sure why I keep posting these, they just make me feel uncomfortable.

>to protect myself
Just because we shit talk about you being an insane crazy doofus behind your back on our own website doesn't mean you should feel "unsafe". I'm almost 100% sure people on Sup Forums talk shit about me all the time and it doesn't bring my life to a screeching halt.

Alright new plan, we say nothing but nice things about Cerberus so she'll go away.

I really like how Cerberus can write up a whole goddamn review for one panel.

>Cerberus is freakin' out
Shit, I'm tempted to show them my censorship of the latest porn comic now.

Then what's the problem, Cerberus. What's actually happened? People on Sup Forums just shit talk you? That's literally the long and short of it. Grow a spine.

>user thinks Cerberus posts here

>It's not that bad
In what universe

i still dont get why these threads ever turned into a cerberus hate group in the first place. shes just a commenter, this is stupid.

so can this be the part where we never mention her again?

I love how Cerberus feels a need to constantly sympathize with whatever they feel is "right" and write off anything else as privilege or bigotry.

Goddamn, Manga is so much better than this trash.

I'm speaking indirectly. I know I'm not actually talking TO Cerberus. It'd be like if I said "What the fuck, Walky! Don't just bust into someone's room!"

No, we've gotta' cheer her up first, then we can forget about her.
I like how we all thought Cerberus was secretly Willis in a wig on a different computer trying to stir up controversy or give himself praise.

>It'd be like if I said "What the fuck, Walky! Don't just bust into someone's room!"
Oddly enough there are people on the patreon doing that.

It's fucking nothing, what a surprise.

It's just the usual deliberate ignorance from that crowd. She thinks "there are people who hate me on Sup Forums which means thousands of hackers want to hurt me" when in reality it's "a couple dozen random people in some regular threads think I'm an idiot". It's the same as when Willis has trouble comprehending that Sup Forums has an entire board devoted to LGBT and instead just decided to keep believing that everyone here wants gays and trannies dead.

>it's a couple dozen random people
Pretty much yeah.

Well it's not fair to post one the best manga ever

Does this mean the autistic dino girl is going to go into some sort of prehistoric estrus and begin to crave Walky's noncanonical saurian cock?

Indominus was female.

You have to dig deep to find Manga even close to being as shitty as DoA or Willis in general.

Here's a not very good comic, but at least the art is pretty and it's not incessantly preaching at you

Walky has a penis, user.

You can't prove that.

SHIT! I forgot about the porn comic. I take it back! Don't show it please!

I can but you really don't want me to.
nsfw myhentaicomics.com/index.php/Walky-Performs-A-Sex/006

>Implying that has anything to do with being female

Wait, but if sex is different from gender, doesn't female refer to the unchangeable sex of a person where man or woman refers to the gender?


You self-centered piece of shit.

>Barging through someone else's dorm to go into another dorm you're locked out of.
>Amber not wearing pants
Yeah, I this is going to turn into a shitstorm.

Bummer about the other thing. Kinda understand why the comment posts get deleted now.

How dare you, user.

I'm sure she's been misgendered constantly over the years.

At least the bombs stop once you leave the the trenches, but one can never leave the minefield that is the inherently gendered nature of the English Language


If someone calls me a stupid bitch, even though I'm an intelligent man, is that misgendering?

no theyre right

oh, you silly slut, it only counts if you're not a cis man.

Of course, brave, strong Transmen shouldn't have to take that kind of hate assault*.

*Crime seems too light a term to apply to such travesties

What is "Cis" anyway? Is it an anagram? An insult? Can I use tumblr bs gender's to no longer be cis?

I wonder how assflustered they'd be if they knew some languages, like Greek, have gendered theys

Well he/she/it/walrus is a prominent part of his fanbase. Their madness, and the idolization/sympathy they gain from his fanbase, is a key component in understanding the kind of person Willis is and the kind of people he caters to.

Besides, I think they're a notable blogger for some site or another. Why *wouldn't* they get attention, negative and otherwise.

Cis is Tumblr's appropriated use of another prefix.

Cis means on the same side as something, like Cis and transalpine Gaul.

I personally think it's offensive that transgenders have stolen the entire prefix.

What a bunch of selfish degenerates

Pikari doesn't know the meaning of hate.

It's someone who identifies as their real gender.

Which is to say, it's normal. And these kinds of people can't stand normal.

She knows more than she lets on

>What is "Cis" anyway?

It's a chemistry term that originated in latin. It literally means "on the same side of" and is used when describing carbon bond pairs.

I miss the days of "labels are bad" "everyone is special"

Now its all "Labels for everyone" "They hate us because we're special.

Heck now a'days I feel I would get less hate if I beat someone to death then if I said bad words at them.

> On the same side as

What? How does that describe a non-trans.

It's because most people don't give a shit.

Most people probably think it's weird or gross or whatever, but otherwise don't give a shit, which is why they have to get more and more defensive about it.

That whole Gender Inclusive Bathroom thing is especially hilarious, since Unisex bathrooms have been a thing for at least 30 years.

I saw a dumbass Gender Inclusive sign at my school the other day and thought about how having a unisex bathroom would do the same damn thing without triggering anyone on any side.

Because cis people "choose" to accept the gender identity that corresponds to their sex.

Essentially, it's a way to ascribe a word to normal people so you can use it derogatorily, and since it'd be offensive to describe cis people as normal, even though only a small rounding error of people aren't cis.

Because the shitwads use "cis" to describe someone who has a gender that matches their sex. Thus, "on the same side."

A lot of languages do I think, French and Spanish come to mind

>we only post screencaps of their posts
>implying that's not enough for Willis followers to panic

>hate mob obsession happening on a Sup Forums board
Or, you know, just a bunch of bored people shittalking a dumb comic.

Ah, it's about choice.

Well I choose to be the "refuses to take this shit from mentally-deranged future-heros" gender.

>that's not a real thing

None of it is.

Alt: Yes it is, stop oppressing me.

Doesn't Spanish give genders to inanimate objects?

Yeah, French too.

>Hypersensitivity PTSD

Okay, fuck this bitch. My dad was in 'Nam. He couldn't go to fireworks because he literally got flashbacks. THAT shit was PTSD. Feeling triggered because we're pointing and laughing? That's growing the fuck up.

Wait, Cerberus has a blog that isn't Willis's comment section?

I posted my own childhood stories of violent abuse at the hands of christians in this thread recently.

should I post it in the comments section and use it to segue into why willis' discrimination is awful?


There's a difference?

To be fair, there's been a lot of insults slung toward her. In every thread mentioning her, there are derogatory comments about her gender, lengthy posts, and psychological health.

I know we're fairly evil here, but it might be good to lay off for now.

She doesn't respond well to attempts of interacting with her if we disagree, even civilly.

It seems like no one wants to take our arguments in stride when we reply to their comments, and Willis deletes anything we post that sounds reasonable.

I don't want to be the boring person here, but I think avoiding the comments section for a while. We're here to talk about comics, not people.

Why is everyone so unfunny?


Do whatever you want, just know that they'll find a way to twist it all around in their favor.

Doubtless, you've "internalized" something or another.

Or maybe you deserved it since your ancestors oppressed minorities, you white shithead.


I'm native/arabic.

not white.

>In every thread mentioning her, there are derogatory comments about her gender, lengthy posts, and psychological health.

Well, she's a gender-confused, long-winded nutcase, so why not?

If you don't mind being flooded by a bunch of half arguments that'll be synthetically sympathetic, segue into explaining how they disagree, and then finish off by felating Willis.

Do whatever your heart tells you.

I'm honestly split. On one hand I don't want to be a complete cunt to someone, especially if they're a paper thin baby who can't take a jab at their character. At the same time, I reserve my right to be a cunt and talk shit about anyone if they act like a bitch, especially behind their back on an anonymous website.

They'll just say that that counts as white in order to keep their narrative working.

Internalized, then.

You poor deluded brown person. Go get educated, you.

>I reserve my right to be a cunt and talk shit about anyone if they act like a bitch
Spoken like a true american


Yeah, so when I see shit like
>the inherently gendered nature of the English Language
I lightly chuckle


You do have that right. But it's more fun to talk about the comic and its creator than about the commentors.

Art affects people in different ways, so if writing 20 essays per strip helps Cerberus deal with her issues, then who are we to hamper her recovery? She may be a psychologically damaged individual, and that may be fun to gossip about, but if these posts are helpful for her, then we can reason that allowing her to do the posts may help her to become less psychologically damaged.

We have the right to do whatever we want on the Internet, and cyber-bullying is a big deal for a lot of people. You are free to mock her, but what good does it do? It doesn't contribute to the comic discussion and doesn't serve any real purpose or amusement.

We can facepalm and shake our heads, but more than that is redundant and distracts from mocking Willis and his crappy comics, which I think is infinitely more entertaining.

No, fuck you.

I'm just tired of our comments being deleted. Might as well talk about stuff that doesn't get our posts deleted by mods.


thoughts? think I take long enough to say I hate DoA for people to actually read it?

>if writing 20 essays per strip helps Cerberus deal with her issues

What if they don't help her though? Sure they might make her feel good, but what if they just promote unhealthy thinking for her?

Isn't there a limit to how much you can put in a comment?
At any rate, Willis will probably just delete it while making a tumblr post about how long it is without actually reading it.

>Mentioning Sup Forums
He'll just use the guilt by association fallacy to dismiss you. Also, it might be useful to point to specific characters that piss you off. A lot of Willis' characters are Christian (I think if they don't state otherwise, they're christian) and although their faith rarely comes up, he'll often point to them and say, "The good christians are those ones!"

Go for it, if you want though, I just know he'll be like "hmm this person doens't like my comic... oh Sup Forums reference, there's the issue, they're a bigot and/or liar" and just dismiss the whole thing.

I skimmed it and it seemed really heartfelt and sincere.
That said here's a few of the responses I'm positive you'll receive
1. Not all the Christians in this comic are portrayed as bad/There's more "good" Christians than bad ones.
2. There's a lot of people who read the comic who identify with the issues and just because you dislike it doesn't disvalue all the "good" it does
3. Sup Forums is evil and everyone from there is evil.

welp, let's see how he reacts.

It is pretty easy to just skim down and find the part where you say "this comic angers me." That's just because you have structured paragraphs, though, so I dunno if that's something that can even be altered without fucking the whole thing up and making it convoluted.

joyce's dad is legit one of my favourite characters in the comic.

>you can be bigoted against majority groups

If you get replies or comments, I think you're going to get at least one person focus on that line specifically and tell you you're wrong about it.

the funny thing is, numbers-wise, christianity isn't even the biggest religion in the world.

but god help you if you insult the actually biggest religions.