Rigged Polls

Is there evidence of polls rigged against Trump? Pic related, only evidence I have

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How is that evidence of rigged polls?

Oversampling of democrats

I wouldn't necessarily say rigged but when reusults are adjusted D +8.+9,+10 it's extreme D +4 is an acceptable adjustment.

Don't go down that road user. All the conservatives were saying that in 2012, trying to do their own analysis of polling internals... they all ended up BTFO. The polls were right.

That's not really oversampling. Democrats are slightly overrepresented. Real oversampling would be what Reuters does, where they over sample Democrats by 15% and under sample Independents by 15-20%.

It's really striking when a poll is 10% independents, but they're 40% of the electorate and 30% of 2012 voters.

Romney was no threat to (((global finance))). Big business didn't care who won because they owned both sides.

If ever there were an election where the pollsters were manipulating their data for political reasons, it's this one.


Still quite a large gap, considering dems only outnumber republicans by 3%

>36% of registered voters are democrats
>37% of registered voters are republican
U wut m8?

Hillary ROTTEN Clinton!?

The prime movers are attempting to front run Hillary because they realise she will falter badly during any unscripted events.

user you might need to relook at it

I just did relook at the OP's pic. What did I miss?

there's no evidence in that picture you retarded fuck

there are simply more democrats than republicans, take a fucking stats course


Dem/GOP/Indy spilt is derived from actual elections.

The fact is more independents vote republican/conservative third parties then democrat. The data is all out there every time there's an election.

If they sampled 33%dem 33%gop 33%indy or something like that then all the polls would be WAY off from election results. Since they're not, the sampling as-is is justified.

>this time it's for real and the polls really are skewed! we were just kidding when we screamed it for 4 months in 2012
Good, hopefully you lose, then forget in another four years, and lose again.



>clickbait blog
>ads everywhere
>2nd paragraph rant about Clinton bodycount
Exactly what you'd expect to pass for journalism on Sup Forums

can someone post that compiled polling data showing a consistent decline for hillary and consistent uptick for Trump?