Help me to change the situation of my country

I cant speak english, i have not mastered the language, so i sorry if i cant explain well my points or i cant understand your ideas

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The fuck is that?Argentina? Sorry m not in the pc

Here is the main idea, of the post. Recently in my country it was announced officially the nomination ( as vice president and running mate of the current president ) of Rosario Murillo the wife of Daniel Ortega. But this is only the beggining of
a lot of arbitrariness in my country.

El país es Nicaragua

The country is Nicaragua

So glad user not from here

and who the hell are them

Thx don't know nothing of it sorry lad Costaríca is nice got relatives there

de que parte de nicaragua sos?

Looks like the kitchners from there

If he win again, this will be third consecutive period like president. With these actions he clearly is acting like a dictator, i dont want a civil war (again) i want to make a change with other ways, maybe with your help we can attack otherwisw

Soy de Jinotega

no man, we can not attack shit

don't you people there burn people and that shit? you look like savage people, why don't you all burn everything?

Look lad, a country can have a president for decades if the people want if the elections are fair here we have no limitations on that

Nicaragua is shit

I wish we could have Trump nuke you fucks back to the stone age

Fcuk Ortega and all the Nicas that come over here to fuck our shit up

thats the problem the elections arent fair,
he bought all opposition,
I'm afraid to go back to the times of somoza

Didn't he just throw 28 people out of the senate?

Yes yes he do that,
he controls everything.
All the media tv, radio and more are under his orders. Here, if you talk about your disagreements,
you can be imprisoned, beaten, or even killed

You sound like a cool guy, see if you can come over here or go somewhere else.

Come on guys, listen me! this site is known to contribute to this type of case, I'm not a rebel without a cause I have only thirst for justice

Just see how the government reacts to a peaceful protest



This is the scenario that now faces my people