Never seen a damn season and it looks Kino as fuck. Do i start off at season 1 Sup Forums?
House of Cards
Don't do it. U might as well start watching dexter
Although the premise seems amazing, the show is actually shit.
This show was glorious trash in its early seasons but is now just the regular kind of trash. It's not Dexter-tier yet but it's getting there.
Watch season one and two, then stop.
Honestly, I don't see the issue. I like it.
Fight me.
the young pope > house of cards
>Hurrrr durrrr kino Muh kino in a fucking kinotard with a tiny meme vocabulary durrrr
You sound like a fucking idiot you dumb shit
It's a good show, but season 5 was definitely the weakest
Season 1 is Amazing.
Season 2 is bad, but finishes the story.
The other seasons you will regret wasting time on.
This x6 gorillion
Gets pretty stupid after first 2 seasons or so. It can still be enjoyable if you just enjoy Kevin Spacey but it's not a good show.
people will claim it went to shit after season 2 but it was always pants on head retarded with kevin spacey as vice president murdering people on busy subway platforms
It's like this:
>watch The West Wing for an overly idealized depiction of DC politics
>watch House of Cards for the retarded Game of Thrones as written by children depiction
>watch Veep for the most realistic depiction
Season 1-Great
Season 2-Great
Season 3-ok
Season 4-Great
Season 5-ok
It's worth watching all the way through OP.
You start with the British version, the only one worth watching
Young Pope was so fucking dumb and pretentious. As in the dictionary definition of pretentious, as in it had an air of meaning but it was just a bunch of conflicting random bullshit. Jude Law is top notch and he monologues like a champ but it was just stupid.
That said House of Cards sucks after first season.
Veep is a fantastic show. I haven't seen the new season the new season though.
THIS, I can't believe I just remembered yesterday that it was in season 2 that the stupid "train thing" happened there, that's when I knew it had become too much, but at least that ending can give it a nice closure.
I wonder if Kevin Spacey smug mug at the end of season 4 was the face the writers had when they wrote that tripe.
it's a character study, not every story has to be centered around khaleesis dragons and big twists
It was too much after he killed that dude he was propping up. I thought we were going to get masterful political maneuvering and instead we got Jack the Ripper in DC.
ahaha biggest laugh of the day
EVERYTHING made for netflix is PURE GARBAGE
Don't cheat on my wife.
The entire reason he killed him was to get the current Vice President to step down and go back to save his home state. He was disrespected and frank knew he wanted to go back home. He didn't just kill him for no reason.
Start at season 1 and then end it there. Consider it a miniseries.
Not anti-Christian enough for you? Oy vey! I bet you were expecting some Sorkin-tier, political garbage.
True. House of Cards is dumb but at least it's not pretentious.
This. Season 3 is ass, Season 4 is okay, and Season 5 is a complete dumpster fire
it's alright. Since the showrunner left, it's struggled, but I'll admit it's re-invented itself, unlike Silicon Valley which continues to rehash the same plot lines every season
>all those baseless presumptions and half-assed memes
Is this what counts as a post on Sup Forums?
Here's the series ranked
1 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 5
The last season was horrendously bad
I know, but the Killing part was way too much
>Never seen a damn season and it looks Kino as fuck
It's not. It's bad.
It's always been bad, and over time it has gotten much, much, much worse. A steady decline.
It's the quintessential example of how you can have talent both in front of and behind the camera, because nearly everyone involved in this from actors to crew is talented, and still not be guaranteed to make something great. Or in this case, even good.
Just save yourself the suffering and don't watch it at all.
Is the recent season really that shit or am I better off waiting for Narcos?
It's really really bad
I kind of regret watching it
>Do i start off at season 1 Sup Forums?
t. pleb
I didn't say it was for no reason. It's still shitty writing. It was stupid ever since he got that guy to punch him in the face. That's when I knew this series didn't have the writing chops.
Exactly, he put himself out there to the whole party and singlehandedly got him the nomination, as soon as it became clear that he was imploding and the VP was the obvious choice to step in they should have put 2 and 2 together and blocked Frank from getting VP.
This, British version is goat
Season 5 is the best because we can finally see a strong female character kicking some ass. It's like Wonder Woman but in Washington. We need more shows like this.
Stop at the end of season 2
s1: great
s2: god tier
s3: good, although the pacing is painful sometimes
s4: great
s5: mediocre
the Raymond Tusk episodes were the best.
waah i dont like it so its shitty writing
Were they meant to be staring each other in the face?
please respect the original memes of Sup Forums
Season 1 is kino af, but you'll be increasingly disappointed by every season thereafter.
>choose all pictures with a car
>no car
>fuck it, it's gunna make me do two anyway
captchas are cancer