braise geg :D:D:D
You can meme all you want but Hillary will still win.
And The UK WILL remain right m8?
Brexit was absolutely great. It's like you retards read the Huffpost all day and then just support the opposite of whatever they say. Sup Forums is so retarded
Its like they called it for remain and then its wasn't and then you missed the point of my post. Amazing eh.
Did something change? Looks mostly the same as I remember, and that didn't make the mods enforce the rules. Did they add that part about disrupting the board?
>not using adblock after hiro fucked everything up
You are completely right. I tip my hat to you good sir. Trump will win it all. Also please have sex with my wife.
Gracious defeat is great
>shillary spends thousands for Sup Forums to be flooded with shills
>some random faggot with a barely-living youtube channel pays gookt $10 to put up an ad
>all of shillary's work is completely reversed as everyone who browses Sup Forums is reminded that trump still has support
All the cringe in that video.
Wherever you are Eliot. It's not worth it. Just go back to pulling on your 4 inches.
So, no banner currently on my screen.
>shillary spends thousands for Sup Forums to be flooded with shills
No, she didn't. That was Donald Trump. And it got seriously fucking annoying. Does this mean the mods finally cleaned up all the Trump spam?
I ain't doing a nigger's sloppy seconds.
KUK has spoken
Praise him!
>$0.06 has been deposited into your Shillary Clintoris shillbux account
You're so cool.
>False prophet
Ok mental retard back to the asylum we go
$0.005 has been deposited into your account
Noone is shilling for Hillary by the way. It's a republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Wow, for the small loan of 6 million dollars. Hillary gave Hillbots like you a reason to live.
Seems like a wasted investment.
nope. you're just nervous because you know I'm right and your trying your hardest not to except it.
Nice shit, user
>It's a republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Shill Shilling Shillit Shill Shillup Shilliwith Shillthese Shills Shilies
Haha fuck you Sup Forums you're all shills
>Noone is shilling for Hillary by the way. It's a republican funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
ITT: most common shill C&P
well memed my friend.
Wish that was real
Trump will win though
am i in a fucking hypercube
fight me
Win a trip directly to prison, you're right!
Oh really¿
What's wrong with anime?