Hey Sup Forums, could there ever be an alt-left?

Hey Sup Forums, could there ever be an alt-left?


/lefypol/, they're probably more autistic than we are.

I'm talkin like a non-cuck tier, reasonable approach to classic liberalism, before all the pc stuff got in the way

We should probably start working on controlling the alt-left narrative now in advance. Lefties hate Israel over the Palestine shit. All they need is a little push towards realizing that Jews control US finance, courts, politics, and media.

Yes, they took over the classical liberals, who held the same views as modern libertarians. The modern mainstream left is the alt left.

hitchens maybe, dunno


You mean SJWs?


SJWs and Trudeau type nonsense is the new mainstream left.

classical liberal? Hmm, that would be the anti-feminist crowd on youtube.

Although, honestly I figured the alt-left, if there was such a thing would be like hardcore stalinists/maoists. The kind of commies that aren't in the mainstream.

are the supposed 'alt-right' just a generation of conservatives brought up under the tyranny of an extremely leftist agenda?

>learned it from u dad

alt-left is the same as alt-right.

Quite frankly, yes.

>tfw you call your party alt-right, reactionary or nationalist so people don't realize you're a fascist piece of shit

In practice, if not reasoning.

I find this offensive.


You mean something like Dave Rubin?

despite being a regular here i'm left wing and i hate the jew

Look up "New Resistance"
Anti-marxist leftists, they're mostly mulattos interested in national-socialism

There isn't an actual alt-right, so probably not

Well, the Nazi party did it, so maybe it isn't impossible... But then again, 20th century Germany wasn't 40% non-white.