>movies only you have seen
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying I haven't seen this flick a dozen times for my beatbox waifu
but there have been tons of threads for both of these
Comfy level : off the charts
Twin sitters starring the Barbarian Brothers
She was really cute
my nigga. it's been awhile since I watched it. I know what I'm watching tonight.
Tokyo tribe.
Seen it.
Fight Club.
us soccer team gets stuck on a deserted island and kills eachother with big kicks of soccerballs
I don't know if you could make a movie about a more uninteresting subject than stamp collecting but... here it is I guess
there was this movie I watch glimpses of (parents didn't let me watch it I guess) it would have 1995ish. All I remember is that two kids were being sent to a juvenile school or jail or something when this racially ambiguous man in red convertible breaks them out. Sometime later they push the car off a cliff or something. All I remember of it and have sporadically tried to look for it.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
no. the kids are being sent to a school for bad kids, one a boy, the other a girl. the guy that breaks them out is curlied haired as i recall. Not sure if black or white. They end up in New Orleans or something,
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
> Pier Angeli, 1971 or '72, also pills. Donald "Red" Barry, shot himself in 1980. Charles Boyer, 1978, pills again. Charles Butterworth, 1946, I think. In a car. Supposedly, it was an accident, but, you know, he was distraught. Dorothy Dandridge, pills, 1965. Albert Dekker, 1968. He hung himself. He wrote his suicide note in lipstick on his stomach. William Inge, carbon monoxide, 1973. Carole Landis, pills again. I forget when. George Reeves, "Superman" on TV, shot himself. Jean Seberg, pills, of course, 1979. Everett Sloane - he was good - pills. Margaret Sullavan, pills. Lupe Velez, a lot of pills. Gig Young, he shot himself and his wife in 1978. There are tons more.
The Stray (2012 or thereabouts)
It was about a group of kids in summer school who find and decide to keep a stray puppy, but have to keep the hidden from the school staff.
Simple and innocent fun that triggers some nostalgia in me, too. Not everything always has to be ultra edgy grimdark and/or profound and deep.
Fuck this movie was terrible
This was absolute fucking dogshit.
what a pile of garbage
Even my mother has seen this movie. Fucking burgers.
...I still don't get it
no I saw it
seen it
seen it
seen it
I thought it was just a japanese director who saw oldboy and thought "people think this is fucked up? I'll show them fucked up!"
adding these to my to-watch list
Crazy Moon.
Kiefer Sutherland's first major role as a weird rich kid who falls for a deaf girl.
Recovering addict attempts to rebuild a new life after the death of her husband. Her father-in-law played by Nick Nolte is trying to ease his grandson into accepting his mother.
Unmarried Lebanese woman falls hard for a White Canadian. Drama ensues.
Turning Paige
Paige (Katherine Isabelle) and estranged brother attempt to navigate their damaged bond and their recovering alcoholic father in the aftermath of their mother's suicide.
Nigga i seen this