honest opinions on this man
Honest opinions on this man
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an actual shill who became red pilled
its the story of Sup Forums
I thought that until they did they 28 hour water filter special...or news broadcast...same thing.
He's a gnostic who capitalizes on the fear in the hearts of the fringe right to make money on snake oil and water filters.
And I don't care. I bought his Hillary for Prison shirt because I don't think he's doing the world any more wrong than a (((news))) network selling ads in between programming.
He is a fucking retard
I think that bohemian grove story was good, something happened to him between then and now, he doesn't focus on the elites as much.
I think he's mostly satire these days.
David Duke made fun of his paymasters but his brainpills make me think good so 10/10 will infowar
A paranoid tin hat conspiracy theorist Americans moron is still worth 1000 Brits
his water filters are dank
He was his tin foil hat on too tight
ignores the jews
jews are the problem
hence he ignores the problem
will be left to the sidelines of history is destiny is seized by justice again
i love him
A broken clock is right twice a day, but Alex Jones is right at least 3 times a day.
So maybe he isn't that broken after all...
He does not ignore the Jews. He simply refers to them as Globalists, which I believe we all should seeing as how that term is a blanket for the Jewish menace and the gentile servants. Not ever Globalist is a Jew but every Jew is a Globalist.
He names the jew regularly.
I don`t think I saw any of his shows without him calling out soros, rothschild and all the others,
Very relevant in this election actually as far as narratives in the media changing.
Conflicted on some of his health products, don't think they matter so much.
Think he's genuine, but not perfect. I don't think the conspiracies about him being a plant add up.
I do think he's gone a little crazy. He admits it himself that he never believed any of this shit until he started infiltrating the Bilderberg Group and snuck into a Bohemian Grove ceremony.
Perfect for people who find Glenn Beck too cerebral
Based as fuck. And the Super Male Vitality vitamins made my dick huge (no I will not post a dick pic, perverts!).
he needs to get off the stage
I don't think he's a bad guy, obviously his shits for show, he shows alot more restraint publically and doesn't blow up like he does on his show. I think that's what his double edged blade is though, his ridiculous attitude makes his credibility non-existent.
Also his credibility is damaged due to how he covers just about anything he finds interesting, his main appeal was conspiracy theories, whether he believes it or not didn't stop him from coverage, which made his show appealing. Not all of his shit is intended to be "believable" or hard fact, it was a fringe show for entertainment initially.
As for his water filter shilling etc, the guy was working for pennies for decades prior to shilling shitty health products and I listened to him prior, he's gotta pay child support, alot of it..
he calls out them, but as """"globalists"""" not jews
Obama called out Alex Jones. Does that rattle your neurological processing center?
Guessing his mother said he couldn't have desert unless he finished his vegetables.
The only thing I know is.
He makes me laugh, he's really theatrical. I wish he'd create a wrestling character desu.
based provocateur
Clearly an idiot.
He had David Duke on the show and it took him until after the show to figure out it was a bad move (credibility wise).
He pulled the interview from his site later.
A humble water filler sellsmen
The strongest
Controlled opposition, kinda like Fox News
alex is my favorite doggy, he is even better doggy then scooby jew or clifford. best doggy tell me to buy water filtrations sometimes, i obey doggy
post benis, pls
I personally think his shows are made just directly at us. I think some of his videos are paid actors to make the lefties look more insane
>Guy who knows his shit, talking facts and logic at lefty over why donald trump should be the president
>lefties just scream rayyycis and ignore everything the trump supporter says
>Lefties dress like idiots
>One of them screams "Meme Words" which catch on like carl the cuck "Are you kidding me?"
...unless America really is that bad..
He's been around pre-internet.
If he were right he wouldn't still be living.
He's a controlled opposition, a shill.
He would have been murdered years ago if he wasn't lol.
A con man who panders to idiots
Bill, come back pls. cut the tinfoil speaking in tongues act, we get it. you hated your old man and wanted to ruse all who think like him and make them all confused about themselves. it's ok we all love you for yourself. come back bill hicks we need you more than ever.
>...unless America really is that bad..
it really is that bad, save us
Controlled opposition.
Allowed to tell meaningless half truths so long as he couples them with misleading lies. Will drive you farther from the trail if anything.
>Please tell me what to think
he hired 2 more negros
absolute madman
really entertaining though
Literally Sup Forums future
Unstable and paranoid, but he upsets all the people I dislike, so he's alright.
he never names the jew.
His wife is a jew.
He aware than most, but resorts to retardation to maintain entrainment and thus the attention of the audience.
He's literally a filter. He's the 'defacto' Conspiracy nut. Only Cenk is retarded enough to genuinely sperg out on someone like Alex Jones.
Controlled opposition.
But Alex Jones actually likes black people
He's fucking nuts, but he doesn't really hold any ethnic prejudices
Requesting the before and after pic of him for one of his products where he just looks a little sweatier in the after
idk about him but he/his show has had some pretty good line ups these days....
He's a nut job, but hats off to him for attacking The Young Roaches at the RNC.
>be able to save America
i like him, he's a bit crazy but no more crazier than people on Sup Forums worshipping the frog god and denouncing moloch. his accent is really funny too. also who cares that he shills his products, the man has to make money somehow.
>paid actors to make the lefties look more insane
have you ever spoken to someone who legitimately thinks hillary is better than trump? their line of thought is literally like 'trump is gonna gas the mexicans and take away women's right to vote and hillary might be corrupt and a warmonger but at least she's not a racist'
Is he possessed?
So good to see my OC still doing the rounds! But I see that somebody cleaned up the elbow a little too. Nice. :)
I like his views on the Armenian Genocide.
Thank you for the OC Madre EspaƱa
a tinfoil asshat snakeoil salesman
He's just trying to jew you out of money at the end of the day. And some of the shit that comes out of his mouth is just fucking dumb (all the conspiracy theory shit)
But whatever, he's just trying to make a living like everyone else so I don't really care, and he does make many red-pilled points so let him troll the world, it's funny to watch.
he is in it only for the money, selling all that crap they advertise on that show
De nada, hija mia.
Ioannes est nomen eius.
We have this thread twice a day. You'll hear the same responces.
>water filter salesman
>controlled opposition
>redpilled as fuck
Same shit every time. Go fuck yourself.
Controlled opposition who is retarded and shifts blame to where they want it to go instead of the real problems.
Ignore them, Alex. I think you're a pretty cool guy.
He can't go full retard like Mel. He'll lose the non stormfag audience
Screams too much
Alex Jones is an internet gatekeeper. He pretends he's on your side by showing bits of the information that he knows (stuff that you can confirm) but he drapes it in lies. His only goal is to throw you off track. Do not trust him.
I'd say that Trump and Hillary are both equally garbage as they are both controlled by bigger money (Rothschild) and will only further cronyism and lobbying here.
Either way, both are a part of the establishment. If Trump were so against it and such a radical who will make super changes like everyone thinks (the president doesn't even have that much power) then he would've been offed already.
In reality, he is most likely easy and controlled (or cooperating) opposition for the Clinton family and is there to get heat off her by being outrageous and viewed badly by a majority.
I listen to his show every single day.
life would be boring without him
without Jones pol may have never existed
Alex Jones looks smelly
The guy is bananas.
I like Trump. I think Jones is an entertainer playing to audiences. I refuse to believe that anyone could actually be so insane to think that there are conspiracies of juicebox lining making children gay and that the bankers literally poison our food and water.
If he were to explicitly say "the jews" instead of "globalists" he'd be discredited into oblivion as an antisemitic conspiracy theorists. These guys have to use a certain tact when talking about these things because they're already on the thin line of being considered conspiracy nuts by some.
this guy is definitely not redpilled
he thinks lizard people walk the earth
fucking clown
>If [Jones] were to explicitly say "the jews" instead of "globalists" he'd be discredited into oblivion as an antisemitic conspiracy theorists. These guys have to use a certain tact when talking about these things because they're already on the thin line of being considered conspiracy nuts by some.
"on the thin line of being considered"? Jones is way past that friend. He's convinced a "gay bomb" exists as well.
I work at Infowars. I can do an ask thread later. Have proof too.
It's not snake oil. It's a water filter that works.
There's actual progesterone in public water, dipshit. Enjoy your tits.
Paul Joseph Watson? Is that you?
why don't you guys ever talk about how to change things rather than just how bad things are?
everyone already knows the world is fucked. broken record.
Im not pjw. I know him though.
First step to change things is to make people aware of corruption.
I'll do an ask thread later. It' 3'Oclock.
> knowing about lizard people
> not redpilled beyond Jews
Anyway, I think you have him confused with Icke.
He's hilarious. Even though he's probably not very bright, I still can't help but admire him.
yea, but my point is everyone already is aware
approval rating for congress, the press, etc., are in single digit territory
the population is FAR, FAR more aligned in favor of radical change than ever.
90% of people hate the government now, only 30% or so supported the revolution.
your reasoning is BS, in other words
Alex is one of the few exposing truths. He's on target more often then not. Turn off MSM and listen to alternatives and your eyes will be opened.
He's an Illuminati shill. He's a plant to spread disinformation.
Most Jews in Israel only care about Israel... At the very best Greater Israel, but still. You have the roles reversed and inside out. The globalists are part of something that is not a form of YHWH worship...