You guys take pride in your hatred for other races, but you're not full on racists

You guys take pride in your hatred for other races, but you're not full on racists..


In all reality, you're annoyed by them. But you still have IRL friends from different races, and you know deep down that the entirety of each race is not to blame for the assholes in every race.

I just wanted to get that out there. You guys act so proud of your hatred of brown races, when in reality you enjoy some brown people, and know they're not all bad..

How does that make you feel realizing the truth?

Other urls found in this thread:







Haha it looks but a butt near the baby




The only reason i'm here is because I thought it was an anus, not a father.


REALLY MAKES YOU YOU MAKES WUZ haha it looks but a butt near the baby MO


i still would kick each and everyone of you out if i had the chance

why is this man showing his asshole to his baby?

Op here, wtf is wrong with you guys. Answer my post. I know it makes you insecure.. Don't act so fucking retarded.


>Don't act so fucking retarded.
you first


The thumbnail makes that guy's head look like a hairy woman's ass

ancient jewish tradition

>I just wanted to get that out there. You guys act so proud of your hatred of brown races, when in reality you enjoy some brown people, and know they're not all bad..
Are you retarded?
We're explicitly proud of the fact that we judge people based on their merits and not their skin color.
Unlike leftists who think the colored have no personal agency and need to be coddled like children.

This is what happens when a paid shill comes on here and tries to psyop us.

OP here again... you guys are so insecure i'm laughing my ass off. Boo-hoo... i pointed out some truth in your own minds, get over it.

I enjoy some bugs like pic related. They eat all the other pests in my house. Doesnt mean I like all vermin.

>But you still have IRL friends from different races

I don't have any friends at all you fucking shithead

He's not, he's trying to shit on cause he that one guy from Nickelodeon.

What's his name again?

>3 posts by this ID
You did a really great job

really cleans out my colon

I'm not the only one who thought that was a hairy asshole about to shit on the baby, right?

i kil these niggers alot in my basment. i mean momys basment. where the fuck are muh tendies that bitch whore cunt is taking her sweet fucking time. tyrones not even here fucking her white hole this evbening, naw i sayen son dun jun coon monkey nigger white power.

The REAL truth in this post

If kicking out foreigners halves criminaloty and rapes then I don't need my foreign friends. I like them but I know they are the minority of their race, I'd drop them in a heartbeat and build a big wall around white countries if that would cause our race to suffer less.

0/10 as a real homeowner you wouldnt bother killing them. They eat silverfish and harmful pests and cant hurt your actual foundations or home.

Lets Correct the Record together!


This is the most retarded thread I've read in a long time.

>patting yourself on the back this hard

im here for the clickbait anusbeast

no shit sherlock

now fuck off.

OP here yet again,

You guys are so butthurt.


lol. Trump is going to lose. The world will become a better place. Diversity isn't some conspiracy to enslave white people.

You people are literally drooling on yourselves.

Where do you think you are exactly?

What is satire, Alex

So Sup Forums is not racist but race realist, thanks for clarifying.

There will always be outliers and exceptions

Because most progressives believe that blacks and browns ARE less than them.

Women, even the most venomous feminists, know, at least subconsciously that men are naturally superior to them in almost every single way other than reproduction.
All you have to do is watch them closely enough and it can be seen in any one of them.
Even the ones that try desperately to hide it admit it through their actions or their hypocrisy.

>reads thread on an image board.


Can you believe that after many tens of thousands of years of divergent evolution, we're not all the same?

It's like, different breeds of dogs or domesticated animals don't exhibit vastly different levels of certain traits, including intelligence, social behaviors and general aggression. It's like even though they 'can' breed and interact socially, maybe they shouldn't?

I don't hate anybody, faggot

>Trump 2016

Let me tell you something pal.

I'm Jewish. Alright? Two years ago I came onto this board and the very first thing I did was post a picture of an Israeli flag and started trolling everyone about how the Jews were the superior master race. Blah blah blah.

You don't really have a clue of what this board is really about. Because after I actually spent some time lurking here, I realized that many of the concerns that we talk about here are very real.

You are literally a bluepilled fuckhead like I was.

>Diversity isn't some conspiracy to enslave white people.

What are you talking about when you talk about diversity? Are you talking about Black Lives Matter?

Because BLM likes to block off entire freeways and generally be a public nuisance.

The entire purpose of Black Lives Matter is to trick and distract people into hating White people, and to cause tension between black and whites. The purpose for this "diversity" is division.

Because that's what the kikes are good at . Divide divide divide. Divide and conquer. Divided we fall, United we Stand.

You are here forever, and you will stay here, and you will lurk here until you swallow every fucking redpill we have.

Because that's what happened to me, and that's what happened to all of us.

Vid related is your future.

you talk like a faggot and your shits all fucked up.
All muslims are terrible.
They gave us a full proof reason why we shouldn't trust a single one of them

Fucking trash.

Remember, you're here forever.

Sup Forums is not racist, because if they were, they wouldn't stop spamming anime waifus 24/7 made by gooks to enslave you from the real world

I'm done with this thread. I'm going to make an even better one that explains how fucking pathetic you guys act. Give me like 5 minutes, I'll give you a link.

schlomo gets a pass on the day of the rope :^)

When I started reading I took you for a boer.

Kek, can't even handle a self hating Jew. Enjoy the redpill.

I'm brown and I've fallen in love with two mexican qts in my life

[spoiler]they were both at least 80% white[/spoiler]

Regardless of one's view on racial differences, one can see that mixing peoples and cultures is a bad idea as it creates friction, if not outright conflict.

Some might go a step further and recognize that there are infact differences between populations, that evolution occurs inside the cranium just like outside it.

Others yet might realize humans are part of the animal kingdom and as such, peoples are locked in conflict (however subtle) with racial outgroups. A sort of biological tribalism which is so deeply rooted in us as to be indelible, no matter how much we may deny it on a conscious level and signal colorblindness or tolerance of outgroups.
In other words, a low intensity racewar is going on at all times and we'd do well to accept this fact and stop freely giving ground to our enemies.
There are no stalemates in this, one group is always gaining or losing territory, resources, numbers etc.

> In all reality, you're annoyed by them.
In fact we love them. As long as they stay home and do not try to come to my home.

My friends of other races are not my friends, they owe me too fucking much to be my friends. In blood.

Spread Colin Flaherty everywhere
Show Europe what they are inviting into their country


do one for girls