PC gaming = western produced games.
Console gaming = gook shit.
So, Sup Forums. Why are you still playing the electric Chink?
PC gaming = western produced games.
Console gaming = gook shit.
So, Sup Forums. Why are you still playing the electric Chink?
Both=programmed by poo in loos
this really is true. once i finally built my own gaming PC i realized the consoles really are pure shit. get the cash up and build y our own fucking console peasant cucks.
This is a political matter.
Dirty nips are trying to culturally dominate the white race with their weebshit and consoles.
It is no coincidence that Russia is so conservative, yet plays so much Counter Strike.
I accepted the xbox since it's american
but nintendo and sony shit? From japan? fuck off
western devs should keep their shit exclusive to ms consoles too just like japan devs keep it on theirs
White games=more probability for logic and reason
Console games=metal gear solid, a MAN IS ON FIRE AND WOMEN CAN BEAT MEN.
kojima is retarded and dont know basic science
POKEMON FOR THE CONSOLES, FROM SOFTWARE FOR THE CONSOLES, WESTERN GAMES FOR EVERYBODY! Everybody says there is this EXCLUSIVE problem. Everybody says this EXCLUSIVE problem will be solved when every western developer is producing multiplatform games and ONLY western developers.
The PC and smartphone are just as popular as PlayStation or Nintendo, but nobody says PlayStation or Nintendo will solve this EXCLUSIVE problem by developing for every platofrm and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this EXCLUSIVE problem is for EVERY western developer and ONLY western developers to make games for chinks.
What if I said there was this EXCLUSIVE problem and this EXCLUSIVE problem would be solved only if Sony and Nintendo had to develop for PC and ONLY Sony and Nintendo
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a EXCLUSIVE problem. I am talking about the Final solution to the CONSOLE problem?
And how long would it take any sane Sonycuck to notice this and what kind of psycho Sonycuck wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my platform, the master race, Bethesda and respectable Sup Forumsirgins agree that I am a butthurdneckbeardwhowearsafedora.
They say they are anti-exclusive. What they are is anti-PC. Anti-exclusive is a code word for anti-PC.
Who the hell plays NINTENDO games now? wii is just for kids since it has no blood, gore, swearing, nudity or sex in it.
Hell, there is even a LITERAL KEK GAME FOR IT; thats the closest it has, and thus its not something good.
Though I absolutely hate turkroaches, they made the Mount and Blade series, which is one of the best. Thank you for making those, roaches. Now die.
Autistic people.
I liked Zelda, but probably because of all the Celtic mythology they stuffed into it. I can't find anything with the magical feel in western games. Elder Scrolls seems too grim and Dragon Age is full of Bioware SJW commentary.
Putting Zelda on PC would spoil it though. Not saying I wouldn't play it though. I don't even like Nintendo's consoles after Gamecube. I couldn't play Skyward Sword with its motion controls.
Your point doesn't hold. Jap consoles are filled with jap games, but XBox is mostly western stuff, as was Atari in the 80s. XBox mainly the reason Elder Scrolls became so console-friendly, and why shooters are flooding the console market. I can only find a few Metal Gear Solid games and zero Harvest Moon games for it.
yo bros. I like my PC to rest my degenerate beverages.
I'd still play Nintendo if they didn't go invest so highly into the motion control meme. It sold a lot of consoles, but ruined the game quality. Most of the Wii games I saw were normie party games.
My point is don't play Nip games.
Chinks love Counter Strike too senpai
>playing commercial video games
>not playing rouge-likes
Do we even have mods anymore?
Literally the only good thing to come out of the existence of turkey
>Being a communist
Bet you pirate games too.
Most games that support modding do have a pretty active mod community.
Because Western games are trash.
I'm good. 'll play good games and let you play whatever western crap gets spit out. Medieval and modern-style warfare gets boring after a while. Western "fantasy" is mostly just medieval realism with a couple magic sparks thrown in.
Console/pc wars is the single most retarded shit you could get involved with.
But bro, listen, bro, most of the bro on the bro console is bro bro.
>Liking JRPG's
You've already been suckered in by the gooks and their lies.
It speaks volumes that in JRPG's you play as ladyboys.
>I accepted the xbox since it's american
>but nintendo and sony shit? From japan? fuck off
It's just an art style. I like Jap games because the come up with cool worlds that aren't tied down in every way by some historical account or some clone of JRR Tolkien's formula.
You mean like Tamriel?
> Breath of Fire
> Rygar
> Zelda
Not every Jap game has a girlish Anime style.
>Not 360 monitor emulation in VR
Fucking casuals.
Elder Scrolls is good, but it is mostly a hodge podge of various old western myths and history
> vampires
> Roman Empire vs Nordic barbarians
> elves
> dragons
The best element of the ES mythology is the extinct steam punk race of Dwemer.
>pcucks are so desperate they are trying to recruit on Sup Forums
this is pretty embarassing. even reddit has more dignity.
If you play video games at all I'm not sure why you're posting on this board
>Square Enix