
A question for Sup Forums

Is diversity inherently a bad thing, or is it only bad in our world because some races are shitty like niggers, spics, pooinloos etc.?

I got thinking about how asians and whites helped propel civilization by sharing their discoveries with each other to an extent. In theory it seems teamwork from different backgrounds should be a good thing, but in practice it fails because some races bring nothing to the table.

What's your opinion on this Sup Forumsacks?

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Diversity can be good, but forced diversity is definitely, definitely bad. Mass migration of refugees, and nations reshaping themselves to accomodate them, as opposed to having them assimilate, is an example.

I agree and witnessed.

Of course we're better off with asians than with spics or niggers since they do little crime and have a slightly higher IQ than whites.

I guess if africa was pushing diversity and importing tons of asians and whites, that would be the best thing they ever done. Africa would get out of crippling poverty in 2 generations.

Wanting an ethnostate isn't simply because we have an higher IQ it is because of a very basic instinct and desire to stay within your own. It's a right to exist as a nation and as a race. That's why 99% of white nationalist don't talk about taking over africa and south america even though that would be a good move for the planet and the future of mankind.

That's true, but another question I meant to pose was what do you guys think the world would be like if every race had roughly equal intelligence and advanced at the same rate?

If every race was like asians and whites would that be a good thing and would we be exploring the galaxy now, or would that spark a war since every race has the means to take over the world?

If we had all an intelligence average of 100 we probably could reach world peace eventually.

~80IQ is the heat point for violent behavior. When your IQ is lower than 80 you become pacific again. Im 99% certain the world wouldnt be more violent or a race between race to take over the world.

That said I think an ethnostate is would be the most optimal solution for everyone. When I say ethnostate i dont mean 100,0% but in the 90s.

I don't think there'd be conflict. But it's not purely about race. It's also culture.

The majority of people of asian descent are just born and raised with this idea that they need to work hard to succeed. On the other hand, AAs lacking in culture worship mentally dim idols who just happened to get lucky and make money off the garbage sound that spews from their mouth. So, what do they do? They don't work. Not one bit. They sing and party and fall to degeneracy, all the while feeling they will "make it big one day" when that life is definitely not how the majority should thrive. You have to work to live. You have to harness a skill, and study it to develop. The majority of stupid AA youth of today think they all can become celebrities and live easily, because that's what their "cultre" is teaching them.

Agreed, checked, witnessed, and kek'd.

>being the 1% who advocates genociding africa, the middle east, and central/south america

Different races have different IQ's, different IQ's breed different cultures

Race = Culture

I think you guys focus too heavily on IQ as an objective scale, when it's really not. It used to be that your IQ remains the same as you age, but recently it's been shown that students who go on to attend graduate school are able to boost their scores by ~10-15 points. So, I believe, you're not trapped with the mind you're born with. If you work hard enough, you can achieve Einstein's level of comprehension, for instance (but maybe not his intuition). It all goes back to how different races are culturally different.


Trailer trash vs Harvard. Your argument is invalid.

There's a correlation, but a direct equivocation? Haha no.

Does it though? Speaking to someone straight out of Ethiopia is definitely different than speaking to an AA from New York. But they're both black.

I wouldn't mind living in a diverse society of aliens like in Mass Effect. Thing is, they're all effectively white. White facial structures, white voices and accents, white civilizations.

I support more diversity

Diversity is strength

I support Open borders for Israel


This. If everyone behaved normally, talked without the ebonics, held meaningful conversations, well then racists really would disappear.



Serious question: why doesn't Israel (or the jews, for that matter) allow race-mixing, while promoting it among others?

about 50-80% of your IQ is genetic. The other depend on you and your environment. That's why those '' boost '' exist and that's why blacks when put in a white environment go from 70 to 85.

>It all goes back to how different races are culturally different.
If it was true blacks would have an IQ of 101 by now.
Blacks who are adopted by a white family have an IQ barely higher.

check youtube.com/watch?v=6SJNVb0GnPI this if you havent already. Probably the best summary in 15minute you can have and it adresses your ''its all about cultures'' proposition

If white lived on an alien planet with an average IQ of 160 for a century, you could assume that whites IQ average would go up from 100 to 115 or something.

because jews


Its only a bad thing when it is diversity for diversity's sake, and all attempts by the host culture to assimilate are abandoned while the foreign identities are championed. Its easy to see, if you understand the evil is a human trait and not a white one, where it can lead from there. You end up, for instance, with jews openly celebrating their plans to erode and destroy the white middle class. But the history of the world is groups of people mixing on the edges, or one conquering the other and raping everyone.

I like diversity, but immigration kills diversity.
Stay on your island and I'll stay on mine.

where's that cups pouring diversity.jpg?


I see your point, but I'm sorry I can't watch that video.

> HWHITE people mentally out-perform other races

I'm definitely in favor of the idea that different races are sub-species -- even though it's an extremely unpopular opinion that'll dub you as "racist" by close friends -- but I can't escape the belief that it's the truth.

Also, I don't think we should discriminate against those with lower IQs. It's not their fault, and if they truly wanted to understand a mentally rigorous field, they should be given the opportunity to work hard and strive towards it. Again, it's all a matter of behavior. If they have high IQs but behave like complete degenerates and contribute zilch - put them down for all I care. But if they're sub-retards that strive to better themselves, let them breathe. Accept them as civilized human beings.


> diversity for diversity's sake
This. Tell that to a couple hundred thousand HR managers around the world.

Organic diversity is okay. Humans are inherently social, and are avid traders.

Forced diversity through quotas, legislation and faux popularization of certain concepts is done specifically to destroy caucasians, specifically those from the West.