Never 4getti OP's misery
Other urls found in this thread:
As long as she hasn't actually fucked a monkey then there may still be hope. Maybe a right good redpilling about the Non-incarcerated ghetto ground apes (Niggas) will fix her.
Ask the internet and it shall provide. Praise Kek
we needed this
kek this is why you never post a pic of yourself on Sup Forums or anywhere.
Dumb fucks.
In the early 2000s, this is was the golden rule.
>make fake account on FB
>befriend her
>post those "burn coal, pay toll images" and tag her inside
if that doesnt redpill her, get a new gf
Oh look at this obviously staged thread that had nothing to do with Sup Forums other than the mention of the board and some buzzwords.
Next level slide tactics.
Fuck off.
This wreaks of an orchestrated thread. Op using a proxy along with some friends.
Post this on Sup Forums because that's what this is. A Sup Forumstier thread that doesn't have anything to do with Sup Forums.
Fuck off OP. Either intentionally sliding or desperately milking the (you)s
So what happened? He was cucked?
He's afucking spic lmao
Read the archive, retard
Why did this deserve a thread?
poor fella
Kek she definitely fucked a nigger. Or several, at once.
Back in the saucy thread!
Testing the new credit card feature!
yeah, well.. in the early 2000s everything was better
"it's a trap!" was a genuine warning, not an invitation to fap and "yiff in hell" was the only response to furries, followed by mods dropping the banhammer
>and there were no ponies, not even ironically
the fact that you all are intimidated by different ethnicities taking "your" potential (HAHAHAHA) gfs just shows it has nothing to do with race and more to do with 3/4 Sup Forumsacks being limp-wristed omega faggots
>genuine warning
That is going a little far, my leafy friend.
your young in showing
traps were only acceptable as a way to troll someone, and even that was considered too lowbrow
>"it's a trap!" was a genuine warning
It was an invitation, nigga, and Sup Forums was always fur central
>and there were no ponies, not even ironically
because they weren't invented yet, moden mlp only came out in like 2010 or something
lemme guess, you're an oldfag because you've been here ALL SUMMER?
go back to Gaia, newfag
people were disgusted with traps, you fucking degenerate, it wasn't an invitation until much much later
I bet you think Boxxy times were the "olden days", fucking degenerate, maybe you weren't even around for that
and no, there was a time when there were no fucking ponies, mlp was not a fucking thing
>pool's closed to the likes of you, fucking aids-ridden peasant
very low brow..
boi pucci ruined Sup Forums