How do you feel about single sex schools?
Would it be better to send your child to a coed school or a single sex school? And explain why
How do you feel about single sex schools?
Would it be better to send your child to a coed school or a single sex school? And explain why
that is a beautiful boy
better to comfortable with women of their peers at an early age and vice versa
I went to a boys only HS. There's tons of no-homo behavior, and I believe people were more genuine in the face of only the same gender. However, if there wasn't also a sister school that was all female, I imagine life would've been sad.
implying that's how it works
>go to coed
>get preggers
Sending a boy to a single sex school in 2016 is a death sentence to betahood. Growing up in a public school/coed school allows boys to see how shitty girls are in first person.
Single sex/Private schools were only acceptable in the 50's or before; when women knew their place and men were men.
there's evidence to support single sex school students have higher academic achievements but most single sex schools are private school with smaller class sizes and more funding.
Facts, same experience here. All girl schools in generally are a lot shittier than all male schools. It just works better with dudes
I'd send my children to single-sex-schools, but I'd also want those schools to have formal dances with schools of the opposite gender, so that boys learn manners and courtship (not sure how sensitive that term is in English, in Swedish it works pretty well (uppvaktning)).
Also, I'd rather be a teacher at a single-sex-school than at a school for both sexes, mainly because I think if a school were boys only, the teacher could actually be strict without everyone crying about harassment.
Mixed schools are much better.
Face it, until the final 2-3 years, school is all about socialising. Better to be socialised with both genders, learning personalities, social functionc, just having more memories and friends.
I think kids would be missing out if they went to a single-sex school.
Single-sex works better for guys. For girls it's terrible. What works best is where they are sibling schools next to each other. Completely separate classes, but hold some joint activities.
I go to a senior military college and live in misery because we're integrated
Ok,this the place that HOMOS are made
so they turn out homos just like people in prison?
no thx.
cute boy!!!! .. He is going to have several Seniors boyfriends
I went to an all boys school and turned out fine :)
>Went to a boys only school
>No female friends
>Never got the chance to get my dinky stinky
At least they filter out the beta fags so better genetics n shit. Still fucked up my life since I joined on the edge of alpha normie and beta faghood.
I'd imaigne it's great for boys, since they don't have to put up with "emotional" girls, and they're free to be as competitive and foul mouthed as they want.
For girls though, they'll have to put up with their constant gossip of bitch girls more often, and they won't have classes that actually challenge their problem solving abilities. They'll come out worse than when they went in.
I went to an expensive single sex boarding school that recently turned coed. Quality went way down.
Hard to study and focus when there are qts next door. Gaysex wasn't any more common than in other schools. A lot more weirdos though. Probably cause parents dump their problem children
I went to a private, catholic, boys school.
Only 2 gay kids and nobody liked them. Everybody else joked about being gay and faggot was a buzzword.
There was only really the jocks, the middle, and the nerds. But you either were liked or you weren't, and everybody hung out with whoever the fuck they felt like.
Competing for pussy was a huge thing, but we also treated sister schools like asylums for dumb whores.
But honestly it was a great decision. You make a ton of really good friends, and its really tight knit.
For our "senior prank" we all said fuck that, met at the top of the parking garage, and grilled shit and got drunk. Good times
Sounds like a good time desu
not really. My mom and sister both went to the same all girls boarding school. sister just graduated. seems popular and very efficient.
are you mentioning that because people think boys school would have more gays?
That would be a dumb assumption since your parents will be who tells you to go there.
There was a pedophile priest teaching at my all boys catholic school, was an open secret that he liked to feel and/or pinch our arses. Don't know if he ever raped any of us
I had some friends go to all male schools and honestly they all turned out pretty alpha
It's OK user, he can't hurt you anymore
I want to fuck a sissy britboy in his boypussy!
I know girls who go to all girls schools and they turn out mentally retarded, having feminism talks and shit, they claim they're all these retarded genders and sexualities and the top people in the schools are fucking horrible at what they do, can't even math they're only good at social studies and religion where they can bullshit their way to an A. Meanwhile I know guys who to all male schools and they get a superior education to the females, aren't retarded and aren't faggots. So co-ed/single sex for males and co-ed for females.
Well its a stigma that if youre surrounded by boys for four years then theres probably gonna be some gays.
And a lot of kids I know got to choose where they went, I did
That's how you make people homosexual, strip them of all contact with the opposite sex and they improvise.
i want to fuck that boy's sister
Is he the school boipucci
Courtship is the correct word. Antiquated, but correct. Its only fallen out of use in common speech because feminism turned the courting process into 'hey bb u wan sum fuk?'.
sounds fucking gay to me
This is a good thread.
Ive pondered this as well. If schools were segregated with boys learning from all male teachers society would make way more sense
>Be my dad in the 60's
>Man school only.
>Be in Loyola.
>School was the center of the jesuists in DR.
>Had the best sport team of all the country
>Respect had really to be earned around the jesuists and many friends
>80's they decide that in the next decade they will implement girls.
>Many right wing jesuists leave back to the vatican.
>Gay people start appearing 1 by 1.
>Sport team becomes trash and degenerate
>Theatre is now the ''main sport'' of Loyola.
>Jesuists in the school go Pro Haitian and they don't even sing the dominican athem anymore.
Single sex schools were the schools that had no degerancy.
I know from experience that being in an all male environment for several hours a day, is the best thing for a young guy.
I went to a public school that was once an all male vocational school. They were forced to bring in females decades earlier to keep getting funding but, the ratio was anywhere from 30-70 guys to every 1 girl. It was a sausage fest.
That was the worst part. Any time you have too many men and even one woman in the mix it amplifies the dog eat dog mentality.
But for one blessed year I had shop class(4 hours of straight vocational work) with an all male class
>Got more work done
>No bickering
>Great mix of smart and average students
>Everyone helped each other and many people saw a 5 point grade average jump
Students that were getting 95+ were getting 99 grades consistently
>People who hated each other were almost friends by the end of the year
Its the same as when a lot of dogs get together and form a pack. It just worked.
>The next senior year had 2 girls in my shop class
>Personal grades were mediocre
>Had no friends
>People were at each others throats to help the females
You also get to see how evil females are when they have the power. 5/10's beauty were inflated and so did their ego.
I would see 7 guys clustering around a girl roasting each other to death for attention.
Women got their homework done for them, their lunch brought to them, basically had things handed to them.
Men who competed for their affection got nothing in return and these women had harems of guys doing shit for them. Most of these girls had boy friends outside of school anyway.
It showed me what women were really like and what men do when they are left to their own devices without the great divider.
>and its really tight knit
The closeness is indescribable
I found his twitter the other day.
Same sex schools are better.
I went to a same sex school and a co-ed one. Both were private and expensive but the co-ed one was more disorderly and the staff were noticeably worse (more women).
There was a sense of camaraderie in the boys school that was missing in the other one. I had no respect for the co-ed place as an institution and it was harder to motivate myself to work. Also having to hang out with girls made free time boring as fuck.