Why are white guys and Asian girls so attracted to each other?

Why are white guys and Asian girls so attracted to each other?

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Asian girls still act like girls. White guys are manlier than Asian men but aren't worthless like Black men.


Their pussies are tight as fuck, they scream for the white man to come home.

The same reason white girls get with Asian guys.

Oh word I don't have to say it.

white women become increasingly harder to please while bringing less and less to the table

Asian pussy is MADE for white dick

Dominance. West has always been superior to east and we show that in a variety of ways, including sex.

Well White men are obviously a significant trade-up for gooks. No idea why White men would ever be interested in a gook though. It's purely a downgrade. I don't even register them as human. They're just there. Generally it seems to be men who are massive betas, too lazy to put effort into getting a girl (because gooks have no standards when it comes to White males), pseudo-pedos who like the childish and immature behaviour of gooks, weebs with a fetish, or all of the above.

You're going to get a lot of responses about
>it's because white women are shit
>something something submissive stereotype

The truth? White guys like Asian girls because they are physically attractive. That is literally it. I objectively find them more attractive than latinas, for example.

Why do Asian girls like white guys? Hollywood.

Spot the butthurt white girl

They're the most desired of all races in their respective genders. Of course they seek out each other.

I know this will cause some serious butthurt, but white men who date Asian women are usually the ones who can't get white girls.

As a white guy why do I respect asian society - both men and women - so much? Particularly Japan and China?

That doesn't happen though.

It's kind of weird, since being in the UK, I've found that Asian girls in particular are really attracted to me. I think that if I didn't make the effort to go out and actually meet with different types of folk, bagging an Asian gf would be quite easy. Getting lots of azn girl matches on Tinder. I'm an average looking guy.

That's a lot of projecting, user

thinking about this is so fucking depressing

All races like white men because we are the best looking type of male on earth lol.

my non-white girlfriend is hot as fuck and is wildly educated, yet she settled for me - why? I'm white

>Why do Asian girls like white guys? >Hollywood.

No because white guys are physically attractive as well.

>tfw girls were crawling all over me in Japan cause I'm 6'3" with a 5/10 face

Damn, I love being white.

>family values
>work ethic
>kids will have a decent IQ

Seriously, white women have listened to Jews for far too long.

I honestly don't know how I get through life without actually killing myself. The way women are makes me despair so much sometimes. They're a complete fucking letdown.

How easy is it to get laid over there? Never been to Japan myself.

you mean it's because we don't want to deal with feminism and divorce

Are we talking actual asian, or british 'asian' ?

>tfw no asians in singlemomsville georgia :^((

Can I still getvme a qt azn gf?

You're bullshitting yourself if you think Asian women aren't feminist. They are easily more SJW than white girls once they assimilate.

Oh boy, another divide thread. My White brothers, why do you scorn East Asians so much? Most of you have never had an Asian qt3.14 waifu, let's be honest here. Stop flexing and falling for these threads.

No, I'm talking Chinese asian. I still don't understand why people call arabs "asian" over here.

Really easy if you're a tall gaijin. They'll approach you and flirt with you, but you know what they want.

Asians and Whites were destined to interbreed. Combining the creativity and ruthless innovation of whites with Asian intellect. It's only logical.

Hello white woman on Sup Forums

The reason Im with an asian is because we fell in love years before I started giving a shit about race
She was the only worthwhile girl around, seeing as all white girls I knew were either pretty fucking ugly, or dedicated to enriching themselves and drying up from the inside with drugs. Making themselves as masculine as possible because they swallowed the propaganda telling them they had to be equal, to reject their femininity

The fact that she is pretty small and demure is a bonus. Cry more

>tfw a vietnamese co-worker offered to hand me his niece's phone number who's majoring in business.

Mind you I was working a lower end job at that time - don't think my skin color didn't have anything to do with it. Feels good

You'd think so, but no. It's purely my own observations coming from living in a city filled with gook lovers. They fit into a mould. Much like White women who like niggers.

That's an outdated feminist rumor.

Do you really think Sawyer couldn't get some airheaded white bimbo? Asian girls are just superior mates.

Did you bleach her?

i catch them looking all the time

Yeah, but on a per capita scale, they're less so

Fucking roll the dice, and a white grill will have a higher chance of being a BLM bimbo

What's the cut-off exactly? I'm a 5'6" light skinned spic that wants a nip gf.

>pretty fucking ugly
Given that you find the squashed pig faces of gooks attractive, you're really in position to be passing judgment on physucal appearance.

in asian cultures light skin is equated to nobility and wealth, as farmers and lower classes had to work in the sun and became dark.

so white men are seen as noble and wealthy.

Whites and east asians are the most recent evolution of homo sapiens, they evolved each to be similarly smart and civilised. Them breeding is the next step. They naturally lust for each other.

At that point in my life I wasn't ready for a girlfriend.

Since then though?

>Pakistani gf
>persian gf
>almost kurdish gf
>almost hispanic gf
>mixed black chick

This triggers the white girl

>i catch them looking all the time
I bet you do
>"Hey user, that's a nice car. U got any petrol?"

Keyword: usually. There are always exceptions but in most cases it is true.

Not really, white women vote majority conservative. Asian women on the other hand went nearly 80% for Obama for 2012.


I guess I'll just participate in this thread of projection, go take it up with niggers.

Not fat thats it. Skinniest group

>>Really easy if you're a tall gaijin. They'll approach you and flirt with you, but you know what they want.

let's just say I didn't know, what do they want?

5'6"? spic? You're better off going after white girls friendo. Asian girls are 10x more obsessed with height than other races are. Also, they view your race as a status symbol, they'd consider dating a Latino to be a downgrade.

Why are you so attracted to demagoguery, with your shitty generalization.


The average male height in Japan is 5'7. You are both short worldwide, good luck.

Unless you settle for a 4'11-5'2 girl, but even they want 6'0+ guys now days. Not to mention you'd just end up with a manlet Elliot Rodger son that hates himself and you.

Let's see:
1. Sluts and whores
2. Traps
3. Chinks

Well, 3 it is.

The big white cocc of course
No East Asians? Smdh.

What about an aryan manlet huwaito piggu guy?

How come trying to find legit Chinese interracial porn is so difficult? Most is white-washed vaguely ethnic Western women. It's not the same. There are a couple of exceptions but I'm surprised there aren't more.
>in b4 Asian Street meat

I had a fantastic chinese gf, i can really see the appeal. She was conservative, racist like me, and wanted a traditional type of relationship. she was very modest and quiet in public, but when it came to sex she like to be very freaky.
We were 26 years old and I was only the second man she had ever slept with.. and i knew her for 6 years before this even happened. (i had a diff long term gf prior)

Honestly she was just a wonderful girl with good intentions. she treated me with a lot of affection, yet gave me a lot of space to live life and spend a lot of time with my buddies.

I had to dump her though fora criticall reason. I want to have white babies that look like me. This isnt just founded on some random racism either, I read a lot about parenthood, and want to be a good dad. I have read a lot about happas and how theyre really fucked up socially knowing their mothers have a white man fetish, yet they always end up looking more asian than white. They dont fit in anywhere and usually end up fucked up.

I had to take this harsh redpill ( thought about it over the course of almost a year and was heartbroken) and I had to dump her. Still miss her a lot. Oh well.

It's a trade down for white men, just as it's a trade up for asian women. Much the same as how nigger/white woman is a trade up for the nog but a trade down for the white girl.

Whites should fuck each other but since they're the cream they find each other boring and would rather dilute their genes like idiots.

Please stop, leave East Asians out of this. Especially the virgins of Sup Forums. SHILL DIVIDE THREAD.

Ladies and gentlemen, what every heterosexual asian woman should experience by the age 18:


and remember - there's seemingly a million cell phone shot vids of white guys fucking asian girls

The only people triggered by yellow fever are jealous white females. I say push this until white females start acting like modest, quiet, asian stereotypes to attract employed mates.

Not the least bit attracted to them.

Body of a 16 year old anemic boy combined with the unappealing face of Down syndrome.

Least attractive race in general.

If they're desperate and can't find any taller white guys, they might just settle, you never know. But you'd have to be at least 3 or so inches taller than them, it's a Japanese thing.

>mfw 6'3, white, blonde hair, blue eyes and going to Tokyo in 3 weeks.

>posting after this reply



Sounds exactly like me :')

Let's not forget the best show ever rt if u agree :))

>muh greener grass

1 Asian chick is more fucking racist than all of us put together. Asian chicks don't like white guys unless they have daddy issues.

>Online dating poll

>Not all fat people

Pick one.

Heh my wife is Chinese (been married 16 years) and she wants to make America great again.

I like that she's on the conservative, family oriented side.

Porn is banned in China. Commies fight degeneracy better than the west

>It's a Japanese thing

>daddy issues
even better

asian girls are a trap though

i caught yellow fever in about 30 minutes when i moved from a 95% white area to a multicultural hell hole

asian girls just look so innocent

>Asian girls still act like girls
But look like men. Flat asses, narrow hips, usually small tits.

Miscegenation will make America like Mexico.

>tfw probably wouldn't be considered hot despite being foreign in Japan because only 5'6.5"

Damn dirty niggers, hands off!

What if I'm a 5'6" white man with a good face?

Asian women are trashy. Look at these Asian women at 2:19. They answer "would you date an Asian" with "no, definitely not."

I'm a hapa, the product of such a pairing. The reasons that I see why Asian women like dating white men and vis-versa so much is.

- Asian men remind Asian women too much of their brothers.
- Asian men are too skinny, not enough muscle mass.
- Asian men are too nerdy
- The media shows WMAF as the natural pairing, and AMAF as the "odd" pairing.
- I hear the line "I want mixed babies, they are so cute." from Asian women.
- The media constantly feminizes the Asian male.
- Many Asian women are just in it for the green card and money.

How come Asian girls don't seem as promiscuous as whites? Is it cultural modesty?

Still dont support race mixing but i have to agree that this white man plus asian women thing is the best type of race mixing both sides bring something to the table.


And I forgot to include the video link.

not for kids
like all race mixers, Asian girls who fuck white guys have major daddy issues, self hate, and low self esteem

Doesn't make any sense, East-Asians have higher IQs, if anything it's a trade down for them.

I for one support the rise of a Euroasian hybrid race.

>using tinder to get girls
Fucking beta....

My sexpat trips to Japan. It's not like any women in Japan are much taller than 5'3" or so. I'm sure you'll be fine, as long as you're white

I'm white and 6'2 and aside from noticing a few people watching me I wasn't approached at all in Japan. Found the language barrier to significant a hurdle for women there.

In Thailand and Cambodia I literally had girls asking to take their photos with me. Pussy being thrown at me from all angles. Didn't fuck anyone asian in Cambodia though.

better than those jap chicks are the ones who have samurai issues and want you to kill and eat their ex.

Some definitely have that pan face going on which is totally unattractive. But there are many decent looking ones too.

education. How many hella smart girls have you seen that turned out to be sluts lol. Education will always be the #1 deterrent to degeneracy. Well you know, great grades in that education lol

Alright, well that's anecdotal evidence from your singular Australian city

you don't live around Asians so you don't see how awful as they can be

That is why only daughters work, in that situation.

If you have sons they will become supreme gentlemen and go out in a blaze of gunfire.

I prefer white women (Brunettes).
But its so easy to fuck asian girls, you dont have to do anything, you dont have to pay them anything. Nothing.
So simple.
But i want my wife to be white

They aren't. White men are attracted to women who act like women and not women who act like how they think men act in some bizarre attempt at attracting men. If it isn't broke, don't fix it. Just one of the many adages that Jews don't seem to understand.