/who/ - Doctor Who General

Cyber-Brig and Cyber-Bill edition.


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My name is Doctor Who.

>The Doctor finally reveals his motivation after all these years
yay lets ruin even more of the mystery
fuck you moffat

don't sweat it, it will just be another "good man" speech ala DiH

Which companions has Moffat jerked it too?


Pretty sure the director in question was Keith Boak.

I wouldn't actually mind if Clara somehow ends up in the Christmas special for like 2 seconds. That's all, though.

All of them.

As if they didn't drive that home hard enough.

>I'm the one knows as doctor who
>I'm doctor who
>his really name is doctor who
>my name is doctor who

But... why?

Given how well Peter and Jenna got along, it wouldn't feel right for her not to be there in his regeneration.

Except he doesn't remember her, so how would that work.

The opposite of 11 meeting Clala clones.

As long as they play it less like Time of the Doctor and more like Caves of Androzani, then sure.

One of her timeline clones saving him from mortal peril and then exiting without him getting sight of her.

He never confirmed it as his name. According to Moffat in that Q&A after WEAT, he just decided to use the name briefly after hearing Missy say it, and said "I like it."

What the fuck happened to this show? I am so glad I jumped ship after Doctor Mysterio

I'd kind of worry that it would be too similar to 11's fever dream vision of Amy, though. 11 literally ignored Clara. I don't really want 12 to also ignore Bill in favor of Clara.

that image is a shop dumbfuck

It's his name m8.

That's probably gonna happen. I can see it now.

>If you’re expecting the whizz-bang action finale that was teased in the next time trailer, you ain’t going to get it

nah don't

I never said he confirmed it mate.

My point was that the scene felt forced, didn't serve the story in any manner, wasn't funny and made me hide behind the sofa.

I'm really stupid; did Clara jumping into the timeline mean that she saved future versions of the Doctor, or just up until that point.

She jumped in the timeline where Doctor died on Trenzalore, but Clara also saved him on Trenzalore granting him new regenerations so he didn't die, so Trenzalore is no longer his grave. So fuck logic.

If that's going to be Bradley then It's going to be GOAT

No way to tell, the show rewrites causality however it wants. If that actually was meant to be the Doctor's time and place of death which they changed, then the timeline she jumped into would have only gone to that point. If the grave was legit but the timing was a fakeout all along, then his future selves are there too.

there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that don't realise the reason Clara saved the Doctor by contacting the Time Lords on Trenzalore was because she jumped into his timestream in Name to save him whenever he was in peril.

INCLUDING what was originally his actual peril on Trenzalore.


Fuck knows mate none of that Clara jumping into the timeline made any sense.

Like... it split her into one million different Claras that helped the Doctor at different points. Prime Clara got thrown into some dark rocky desert full of Doctor ghosts for some reason. How did the eleventh Doctor get to this location to get her out?

It's time travel i ain't gotta explain shit.

The Cybermen have been in every episode 12 of each series the Moffat Era. Why does he have such a hard on for these robots?


>In conclusion, “The Doctor Falls” is another finale that unfortunately can’t quite live up to its opening half. While the episode contains some brilliant moments, classic even in some cases, it doesn’t all gel into a perfectly satisfying whole, and is let down by some questionable writing choices at times.

Hell Bent 2.0.

But that was 'real' Clara, not an echo of Clara. Doesn't that make a difference.

This is Moffat, you can't expect me to make it all make sense

It kind of sucks that in today's day and age nothing can really be a surprise. First Simm returning, now this being practically 100% confirmed...it would've been nice to not know in advance. But. Shrug, I guess.

What has more of a chance of being found Feast of Steven? or London After Midnight?

Remember when the work prints of the first 5 episodes of s8 leaked online in black and white. That was a time.

Moffat didn't write Closing Time nor Nightmare in Silver. In The Pandorica Opens, fucking every monster is there; That's hardly a Cyberman focused episode. Same can be said for Hell Bent.
Really the only two episodes that focus around them were Death in Heaven and The Doctor Falls, and both of them feature Missy, so I guess he just likes that pairing.
It's no worse than Russel T Davies absolutely loving the Daleks so much that he put the Cybermen into Doomsday just so he could spend an hour jerking off the Daleks and saying "look how shit the cybertwerps are compared to my daleks!!!"

>The Pandorica Opens, fucking every monster is there
But there's the part with the Cyberman parts before the rest show up

I wouldn't mind if he was the next Doctor, to be honest.

“Oh, it’s so wonderful. I’m the biggest fan of it. It’s a tour de force. It’s a fanboy’s dream. I mean, there’s a certain absolute fanboy-ness to it, which will make you squee –"

Going all out this Christmas Special?

It's his cybermen as well
Those arent Mondasians Who got demolished
They are almost like new species compared to classic
So he has the right


>It's his cybermen as well
*Tom McRae's
I'm not saying he doesn't have the right, he's the showrunner, he can do what he pleases. I'm just saying Davies had a clear bias for the Daleks, given they were the main forces in three of his finales, and the only reason the Cybermen are even there in Doomsday is to get totally fucked up by the Daleks.


As much as I love the Cybermen and still hope they can get a GOAT self contained episode for the new series, I hope Chibnall gives them a rest for 2 or 3 series. Moffat has somehow both overused and underused them.

"Never bathe in the same river twice" - Eccleston


I agree, but I hope even more that the daleks gets a long vacation. I don't think there's anything less exciting than hearing that the up-and-coming episode is a dalek episode.

Do normies even get excited about them? They seem purely like a marketing tool but I'd be surprised if they even worked on that level anymore.

Why would you keep posting in a thread about a show you are not watching? That's a special kind of autism.

>next doctor is a hot girl
>has a hot lesbian companion
>they make out frequently

From Character!

Why does BBC treat show like shit
Crappy timeslots last year
Absolute trash branding and marketing
Poor set design and CGI

>Crappy timeslots last year
It was the year before last, and it was because Strictly is the bigger money maker. That's likely the reason for the year hiatus, so that when it comes back it could air in Spring.
>Absolute trash branding and marketing
>Poor set design and CGI
That's hardly new. The show doesn't have much of a budget, but it's overly ambitious.

Probably why he wants to leave

Jamie and Adric.

You guys always made Helen Raynor suicide.

maybe she shouldn't have written such garbage episodes then

>At the very least, it’s a turn of events. Doctor Who’s current Doctor, Peter Capaldi, has been doing the rounds this week, promoting the DVD of his recent, best, series from last year.
>links to series 9

Fuck off

hi helen
you're a great script editor, but dear lord your dalek and sontaran two parters were shit

>Poor set design and CGI
It's pretty good for a low budget British television show

is incest wrong?

I feel the same about the Dales as well, but I'm pretty sure they've got to show up at least once a series if they want to keep the licence for them.

>literally shaking


not if it's with someone with tits as fine as those


I thought they were okay


Did Georgia piss off Briggs or something, because there has to be a reason why Big Finish haven't made half a dozen Jenny boxsets already.

>a woman is responsible for the human dalek travesty
Kek, not remotely surprised.

The least I'm hoping for is a GOAT Capaldi performance, but otherwise I expect general Moffucking.

>The least I'm hoping for is a GOAT Capaldi performance
I doubt you'll have to worry about that, the one thing every reviewer has said is that he's outstanding this episode and steals the show.

It's probably going to be a woman.

4th and 8th donics look a bit too shiny to be character.
I'd imagine that 11th and maybe 10th aren't character as BBC should still own the props.

did they just take a picture of jenny and stick it over a picture of 10 stuck over a background
this is fan made r-right

For what reason?

The doctor is male user

so was the master

He still is
Are you thinking of Missy?

..of color.

now now user, you know missy is the master

>Marketed and teased as a big “Two Masters” finale, this is where the episode may start to feel a bit deceptive for fans. This is not really the Master/Doctor showdown for the TV ages many will be expecting, so best moderate those expectations accordingly. While the evil duo appear in several key moments, they just don’t contribute a great deal to the main plot after the opening because of the focal shift.

Great fucking job Moffat.

Sounds fucking awful.

If I never see another cybermen story, I'd be perfectly fine with that.

Then why is she a woman and called missy?

''That said, it was always clear that The Doctor Falls had a few things to juggle: the spaceship itself, the Cybermen, CyberBill, Missy, The Master and the impending threat of the Doctor’s regeneration. As it’s a part two of two, The Doctor Falls addresses at least some of those as you might expect, but it does some better than others. If you’re expecting the whizz-bang action finale that was teased in the next time trailer, you ain’t going to get it, although I found that a positive personally. Outright big action set pieces are thin on the ground.''


Before finding out it was Chibnall, who did /who/ want to replace Moffat as showrunner? Don't say someone like Lawrence Miles, but someone who could have feasibly produced, promoted, and written the show without having a mental breakdown.

mistress is the female version of master, which "missy" is short for.
timelords can change gender on regeneration.
what's not to get?

Vince Gilligan
Who /vincechad/ here

But the doctor is a man

jamie mathieson since he's one of the only other competent writers on the show.
fuck chibnall, he'll ruin it.

the 12th doctor is, but the 13th may not be, as timelords can change gender on regeneration


jamie mathieson has very little showrunning experience
and he's a concept writer meaning he can only pull off a concept but cant prolongue into a big story for multiple episodes

But user, the doctor isn't a woman

Yeah, that rumour still seems true. I wish a Showrunner was gutsy enough to just lose the license. The daleks are nothing without Doctor Who, but Doctor Who would be absolutely fine without the daleks.

If Being Human didn't fizzle out and The Game wasn't a bomb, would Whithouse get the showrunner job instead of Chibnall?