I'm still not convinced
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>antarctica is a wall that prevents everyone from falling off the planet
People actually believe this :O
It's trolling, user. Nobody is that stupid
Oh ye of mighty faith...
It's ok, nothing would've saved you anyway.
It's a hard pill to swallow, but you can always see land marks that should be under the horizon if the Earth were actually curved or the size our lords tell us it is.
Also, a gyroscope should tilt 90 degrees in 6 hours as the Earth turns. A gyroscope in a still room will never tilt.
No matter how high you go up the horizon doesn't curve at all.
After two expeditions to Antartica, suddenly all governments agree nobody is allowed to go there (despite it being filled with immeasurable natural resources).
I want to believe this is the case. For flat earthers, and the religious crowd too. I put them into the same box, toby honus senpai,
if the earth is flat, what's on the other side of the coin?
It's also impossible to get a direct flight in the southern hemisphere. Every one will connect in the northern hemisphere before going back down.
Who gives a fuck if a retard from Canada doesn't believe the earth is round?
I've given up. I don't even know. I just don't care anymore. What difference does it make? None.
>nobody is allowed to go there
what about all those BBC nature documentaries?
Hopefully not more niggers
Well, you can't prove that god doesn't exist, but you can prove that the Earth is not a fucking frisbee. So flat earthers are 1 tier above on the stupidity scale.
have you seen the show stranger things?
it's that
There was some kid at a party the other day who legit believes the earth if flat.
Everyone laughed at him while he scrambled to try, and tell everyone you're not allowed to fly over the poles.
He actually believed it though.
>you can't prove god doesn't exist
>this is considered a valid argument for being unable to prove something does exist
They're allowed to play around on the edge, but nobody can go too deep into the continent or they are escorted out by Military forces.
If you don't convince him to kill himself, he'll eventually snap and go on a killing spree, harming real people.
It's all fake bro, just an elaborate plan to trick people into thinking the planet is one shape, while in fact it's another shape.
Brilliant really.
Dumping my FLAT EARTH OC
an uncausable causation is inseparable from the concept of god
yet here we are
Motherfucker, if I was at my PC I'd be posting the shots I got with equipment from here last month.
Then again, maybe I'm PART OF THE CONSPIRACY.
For you dumb niggers.
No you're just being fooled too easily
I bet you are going to cut and paste a paragraph about about conspiracy misdirection and then proclaim that the Earth is actually hollow. Its usually an Australian that is posting the information you are right now but I'll say the same thing to you that I say to him - I believe you are the one practicing conspiracy misdirection.
I can't prove that the tooth fairy doesn'y exist, user. But I can sure as hell make a confident stab at an answer.
Toilets in the southern hemisphere flush in the opposite direction as toilets in the northern hemisphere.
Don't you guys remember when the Turkish posters were trying to spread the eternal Anglo meme?
That's it everyone go home. This guy says /thread because toilets spin the opposite way on the opposite hemisphere. Nothing to see here.
No I don't give a shit what people believe in. You should just question your own beliefs because there is always an (((interest))) behind it
But should be a thinker for you
The hollow Earth theory is at least SOME WHAT plausible.
While the flat earth theory can be easily disproved.
There is certainly something fishy going on at our poles. You aren't allowed to fly over them.
I'm not going to go as far as to say the earth is hollow, and there's beings living down there, or Hitler escaped down there, or whatever. It's at least a little more plausible than the Earth being flat
So what if Earth is actually shaped like an hourglass?
How much weed do you think they have stashed in this "hollow earth"?
Cut down to brass tacks here
why would they lie about the shape of the earth?
No not down there. Up there. We are actually living in the hollow world. It's like an eggshell. But more of a prison. That's why nobody's allowed to go to the entrances.
There is one you can go to tho. It's the well of Sheshna (google it) but it's sealed
dont let lying kike scientists fool you the earth is a flat disk if you go far enough there is even an edge.
Quick, what's the muzzie word for friend?!
There is no flat-earth explanation for how the time of daylight changes with the seasons. Specifically, when a hemisphere is experiencing summer, the further north/south you go, the more daylight you will experience, eventually approaching perpetual daylight. And, when you chart out the boundary of where "day" meets "night" on the longer summer days, such as the solstice, it creates a perfect great circle about a sphere, but some odd, less beautifully proportioned shape on a plane.
As soon as space travel is open to the public, this will go away.
Okay, so the Jews are fooling you into believing the Earth is round. Why? What do they gain by this?
Dunno I'm Hungarian. (It's barĂ¡t in hungarian)
1. So we don't know we're in a cage.
2. So they can create an Alien false flag.
3. To discredit the Bible, and lead people into degeneracy.
Earth is flat guys people have known it for hundreds of years.
>inb4 we landed on moon
>can you believe that people used to think the earth was FLAT?!
t. every elementary school teacher ever
seems odd now doesn't it? why so forced?
Earth and space travel was soviet propaganda designed to make Americans spend too much money
watch tiger dan videos on youtube, you'd be surprised
What's the purpose of this cage?
What does the bible have to do with anything?
northern hemisphere best hemisphere
Flat earthers are literally controlled opposition.
Washington Irving injected the idea that those in the past believed in a flat earth, he was a fiction writer. Few learned people in human history actually believed in a flat earth.
Ptolemy's model of geocentrism, the model that was held for most of history, held that the earth was a sphere. The majority of learned people in the past KNEW that the earth was a SPHERE because basic principles of astronomy and physics necessitates it, especially given the experiences of naval navigation throughout history.
The shadow of a sundial rotate in opposite directions in the northern and southern hemispheres. LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE ON A FLAT EARTH. Analemma's are reversed between hemispheres, impossible on a flat earth. Snipers literally have to account for the Coriolis effect, which is only something a spherical earth can have.
>spherecucks btfo by science
Are you really going to argue with science?
A flat earth with a firmament is exactly how the creation of the world is described in the Bible.
I don't know the purpose of the cage. We need to know what is beyond antartica. We need someone to fly over the south pole and prove it can be done. A US Army Admiral Byrd said there is a continent as large as North America beyond the South Pole, with mountains of coal and other resources.
Nice try Jew
Please elaborate in your points, man. Tell us more.
Research project Bluebeam
but the USSR did everything first except """land a man on the moon""""
(and have them return)
And who the fuck cares about the bible?
why is that such an important point??
so they "claim"
Russians were playing 4D chess back then
Just search Flat Earth on youtube and watch some stuff. I agree its fucking crazy to believe but all you have to do is look at a far away land mark and do the math and discover it shouldn't even be visible to you if the Earth was curved.
If humans found out we were literally the center of the universe again we would take religion and God way more seriously. All of humanity would try and escape the Ice wall or the dome of the firmament instead of buy more Starbucks.
Interesting to note, the bullet will drift to the left or right over distances depending on the hemisphere and which direction you are facing.
Funny how murdering people teaches you things.
If earth was flat, liquids would circle the drain in the same direction in both the northern and southern hemisphere.
>Just search Flat Earth on youtube and watch some stuff. I agree its fucking crazy to believe but all you have to do is look at a far away land mark and do the math and discover it shouldn't even be visible to you if the Earth was curved.
you are fucking retarded
I live on an island, and the only thing i can see when i go to the beach is the nearest island, which is 68.5 km
Nice flag
oy vey thats impossible goy!
How am I retarded? The curvature of the Earth states that distant objects should lower 8 inches per mile squared. There are countless examples of mountains, lighthouses, and other monuments being visible from extreme distances. If the Earth were curved these objects should sometimes be thousands of feet below our visible horizon, except we can still see them.
have you ever flown long distance
have you ever watched the stars move across the sky
have you ever been to the sea and seen a ship come in from the horizon
have you ever read about how they constructed the golden gate bridge? (and other large bridges)
the list goes on...
what else is there to do on the virgin islands?
Learn about the incoming alien SATANIC conspiracy BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!
>The curvature of the Earth states that distant objects should lower 8 inches per mile squared.
No it doesn't
that 8 inch figure is completely made up and the "math" its based on assumes the earth is something stupidly small like 2500km deep when in reality its over 6300km deep.
>count less examples of anecdotal shit that supports my statement about my irrelevant garbage
>I shouldn't be able to see those mountains because of this previous dumb assumption
maybe because that previous dumb assumption is retarded and you magically think the earth isn't perfectly spherical and your dumb math isn't correct in the least
This. I still can't believe this shit gets so much attention
>have you ever flown long distance
Yes. The horizion is always perfectly flat.
>have you ever watched the stars move across the sky
Yes. I'm not arguing that I know anything about what the stars are or how they work. I am only stating that it is hard to find first hand evidence that the Earth is curved.
>have you ever been to the sea and seen a ship come in from the horizon
Those ships become invisible due to the law of perspective, which works even on a flat plane. A ship that disappears to the naked eye will reappear again if you use binoculars or a telescope.
>have you ever read about how they constructed the golden gate bridge? (and other large bridges)
No. But I've read about other large bridges and works that were done with zero consideration for the Earths curvature taken into account.
>Also, a gyroscope should tilt 90 degrees in 6 hours as the Earth turns
I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of "down"
Who cares about Hebrews. The Bible is picked from Mesopotamia and other sources, and greatly mistranslated. Sumerian reliefs clearly show a knowledge of round planets.
Hello CTR
>$0.30 has been deposited into your account
It's the fner things that differs British peoples useage of the english language
One question though. Why would anybody lie about it? I see no benefit.
why do Jews lie about EVERYTHING?
>It's a hard pill to swallow
Wrong hole homo.
I've heard the same argument being applied to the holocaust
it doesn't matter
flat earthers vehemently deny and refuse to acknowledge any evidence you put in their face. They'll cite dumb shit like "I aint ever seen it" and other retarded people with retarded anecdotes that don't make any sense what so ever. They'll cite dumb "experiments" that don't actually work then cite the fact that it doesn't work as proof of their original hypothesis which doesn't make sense to begin with.
Ignore, sage and report
If the Earth is flat, why does it cast a round shadow on the moon?
ball earthers getting BTFO this thread
The Earth is flat when it's parametrized
It completely fundamentally changes who and what we think we are. If we discover that the Earth may be an enormous artificial environment created by some force far greater than us, its a very different world view than if we're alone on ball in the middle of nowhere who just happened to arise billions of years after a Big Bang.
Gravity is the tool of evil. It is the one thing that will not fit into our other scientific formulas, because it is Satans great lie that is holding the heliocentric model in place.
We live in a world of energy, vibration, and electromagnetism, not material carnal gravity.
"uhh that doesn't count, muh moons muh sun and that shit I don't see over the horizon and dumb fuck"
>mfw I started this meme back in '09
Having no sense of scale. Believing math is an abstract construct. Basically being a fool.
The flat earth is what the bible says we live in. If you deny that it's easier to get atheists and people that believe in science.
Go away evil one.