"Syrian rebels" take over government controlled area


The news is praising these "Syrian rebels" for overthrowing the Syrian government. Calling them heroes.
But there is one problem. Syrian Rebels = ISIS. They're one and the same.
So in the Mainstream Media they're rebel heroes when it is convenient and ISIS when it's not.

When we provide weapons to them they're Syrian rebels, when they use those weapons we gave them against us they're ISIS.
You guys know they're just ISIS right?

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No they're not, they're at war with ISIS.

The Syrian rebels are, however, dominated by Jahbat Fateh al-Sham, "former" members of al-Qaeda.

I just want you bluepilled faggots to know that we are the ones who armed and trained ISIS. America created its own enemy on purpose.

>You guys know they're just ISIS right?
We do. And so does Putin, thankfully.

>Syrian Rebels = ISIS.
wew lad ebin meme

overthrowing syrian government uh oh
dictatorship of assad's family is hardly legitimate

People are still under the impression they're the democracy loving faggots from 2011, they pretty much died and they're unable to shake the view since.

Al Queda and ISIS soldiers have been fighting side by side in the same battles for years. They're essentially the same entity under a different name.

Except they were ISIS even back then, but the news had everyone brainwashed that they were heroic rebels. When that lie began to fall apart they changed gears as they always do.

But they were -never- democracy loving hero rebels. They were ISIS the entire time.

They're moderate terrorists which means they won't suicide bomb us (for now). They're the good guys.

uh oh hezbollah fighting for syrian government
syrian government is literally jihadi terrorists

nah, you can argue about them being ideologically similar, working to the same end, being backed by the same countries, etc but they are not the same thing as ISIL just because they all oppose the government first

even jabhat al-nusra, i mean, al-fatah, is not the same thing as ISIL, even though they are nearly as cruel and genocidal because they are operationally low key, they have more focus on long term administration rather than straight genocide. i think this makes them more dangerous, but anyway, not the same group

"""""""""""""moderate""""""""""""" rebels usually refers to the FSA which hasn't been free or syrian for a while now. FSA is the principal recipient of TOW missiles. NATO has been trying to train and supply a force separate from FSA recently, these are the rebels from that one story a while back that got bombed as soon as their Coalition air support had to leave to refuel

there's the turkmen along the border with turkey and all the imported fighters from that country and also the kurds who have not shied away from fighting the government, they are not the same entity as ISIS also

all truces so far between the SAA+RAF+Iran and the rebels have excluded al-nusra and ISIS

don't bother
majority of pol population don't even bother to look into chronology of the conflict
why would you expect them to distinguish opposing forces and who fights against whom

i know it's been said but how the fuck do these arab nations get these squeekly clean brand spanking new J70 Landcruisers.

those things are freakin expensive.

>al-qaedais better than isis

Hhahahah go meme elsewhere kid hahahah

FSA is ISIS. Same people rotate and show up, donations to FSA consistently wind up with ISIS.

hezbollah only fights because al-qaeda forced them to, if they didn't they would be wiped out by the """""""rebels"

educate yourself lol

Hezb'allah are not Jihadists but you are a Jew.

That's wrong though. Maybe they fought together once, but Isis and Al Quaeda hate each other. Because of Al Quadea's involvement with the "secular" Syrian rebels, Isis has been draining Al Quadea's recruitment pool for being the purer muslims who don't associate with Infidel.

If they aren't jihadists they should change the name desu.


they are literally use Islamic Jihad Organization name
nope not jihadis
just kill yourself you chink shit

what's not legitimate about it?

To something like Incest Defense Farces and then aggresively attack other countries repeatedly? Fuck off Jahud.

Abandoned Merkava sale didn't go so well did it Davvi? Difficult to get the smell of piss panic out aye?

read some chronology of how his family usurped power in syria
no one is going to spoonfeed some fucking leaf

They're not exactly ISIS, they're just as bad though. The war is essentially between foreign-backed islamists, the kurds, and the government. Many who fight for the government aren't exactly happy with Assad or the way he ran the country (esp the economy, pre-war) but they all have in common that they are not interested in becoming KSA 2.0. A good number of soldiers and militants who initially joined the uprising (the famous moderate rebels) later deserted or even defected back to the government, after the islamists starting dominating the rebel factions. This was in 2012, 4 years ago.

Half of the Assad army is made up of secular-minded sunnis. The western narrative doesn't fit reality one bit.

if you did do any research beyond wikipedia, you clearly didn't understand =) or maybe your definition of "legitimate" is retarded. don't bother posting if you're not going to say anything next time.

some faggoty attempt to change topic when you got pointed on your shitty non-argument about hezbollah

everyone in that conflict is shit and world should just let them fight by the rules of nature and then wipe away whoever will survive

Yeah lets overthrow the secular leaders in the middle east. Fuck up Libya, Iraq & Syria, radicalise the population and release the hoards onto Europe.

>US-backed Syrian rebels taunting and then brutally beheading a young boy because he was a 'spy'

Don't cut yourself on that edge kiddo.

>if you did do any research beyond wikipedia, you clearly didn't understand
yeah right how fucking more straightforward can be turning country into family business scenario.
I've done my research several times throughout the conflict but sorry I didn't read your conspiracy bullshit sources

>release the hoards onto Europe.
gotta guard your shitty borders better
there's no room for dictators in modern world even if that means fucked up war thorn regions

okay mahmood

It's a complex geopolitical mess. I wouldn't expect may people from Sup Forums to understand there are many sides fighting and they ally with one another on occasion for temporary benefits, and dissolve those alliance just as fast. In fact some sides are allied on one front, and fighting each other on another.

>there's no room for dictators in modern world even if that means fucked up war thorn regions

You went into Iraq and Afghanistan and installed your own shitty dictators. US foreign policy is retarded and has always resulted in a mess since WWII.

Not always, come on man.

four planes clearly weren't enough

implying I'm american already
Implying only US of Ayy went to iraq and afghanistan
fucking check information who is in NATO, UN and coalition in the conflicts in those regions

>US foreign policy is retarded and has always resulted in a mess since WWII.
hurr durr I don;t know history i'm retarded neutral ireland and don't know about korean war and other happenings that have had positive effect
keep eating glue faggot

you tell me Ivan about MH17

something something "bullshit conspiracy sources"

i said this would happen back in 2015, they started saying 'syrian rebels' right after russia began the invasion. its obvious they said 'fuck Russia is going to find out we were ISIS all along!, lets slowly shift ISIS into Syrian Rebels so when they find out we were with them we can just say they were rebels'

something something no conspiracy at all
just russia retardedly decided to give tractor drivers and coal miners sophisticated operational AA unit

Cucked by Hezb'allah warriors porn is starting to rival Stalag porn amongst the increasingly epicene Jew cuck males of Israel.

you have very peculiar porn taste


Jewesses = mega slags until 12 months before cucking a Jewwimp. Fathomless metres of throbbing veiny goy prick shifting their wombs and bumholes with unrestrained frenzy.....then they get engaged and start fucking their wimb hubby's ass and billfold.