Praise Kek
The videos will be released
Praise Kek
The videos will be released
Other urls found in this thread:
What videos?
>Ed going with the Julian logic and putting all his eggs in the trump basket hoping if he helps win the election he can get that sweet sweet pardon
Videos of what?
It is less about getting a pardon, as there is zero hope for that from any president, and more about electing a president who hasn't openly stated that they are out to shut down wikileaks and legitimately press for Julian's extradition.
Trump is on record saying Snowden should get the death penalty.
Happening theme:
Also: previously unknown peep hole government is using. Stay tuned
Footage of aliens. Assange and Ed know about the Alien Agenda.
>Trump inaugurated Jan. 20th
>pardons Julian Assange
>gives him u.s. citizenship
>free reign to shitpost whatever secrets he wants
>Trump is still just as active on Twitter
>fast forward two years
>America is great again
>90% of politics are decided by shitposting on Twitter
>leafs banned from Sup Forums
Can't wait to live in an aryan wonderland under Trump
But what would be on them?
Dear God no. That's some WMD shit there
>Trump gives Julian Asylum and a giant mansion like Gulen
>Trump makes a deal with Putin to extradite Snowden and the FBI tortures him until he becomes a a tranny
Bump for great justice
Trump is the bluest pill on the planet. He falls for debunked conspiracy theories, for fucks sake. World leaders will line up and "get his nose" and he'll spend the next year with his petty and vindictive revenge tweets. What a freaking high school girl he is.
Naw man, I don't how he did it, but Trump made Hillary look like the best possible candidate ever.
>inb4 triggered Trumpkins
>Can't wait to live in an aryan wonderland under Trump
Porn outlawed
Masturbaters flogged in public
Swedish Bikini Team deported
Sup Forums registered as sex offenders
America still shit, right-wing retards think it's "great"
>Swedish bikini team
Spotted the old user
t. An old user who gets the reference
Trump is on recording saying he should be put on trial
please cite where Trump said he should be executed.
damn lol
Thanks for helping to Correct The Record! $0.03 has been added to your gift card account.
Praise be to KEK!
He will shine light on what is hidden! meme magic is real!
Good coordination guys. It's much more believable if you interact with each other and agree as if you're having a real conversation. They aren't paying you to put in minimal effort.
the face is 5/10 but that ass makes her a 9/10 imo
I really damn myself for not downloading Snowdens doomsday cache when i had the opportunity...
But then again, i have passed two computers since that time.
and what is the alien agenda?
What is all this video talk
>No mention of video in screenshot
Thanks blue guys for correcting the record. You surely convinced me with those great shilling of yours.
>yfw Snowden releases documents showing that Donald Trump was behind 9/11 because he was angry about losing the bid on the WTC to Larry Silverstein
Digits confirm video will be released tomorrow, putting an end to the HRC campaign.
your digits confirm nothing.
So many people seem to be rumoring about this Huma video.
Give me some god dang deets
But who's saying these won't?
Wow you almost sound like a real Anonymoose poster of the politics board. How did you get so almost good, so fast? They told me I had to stick to the Disqus comments on the big news sites cuz I am teh suck.
“I think Snowden is a terrible threat, I think he’s a terrible traitor and you know what we used to do in the good old days when we were a strong country, you know what we used to do to traitors right?” Trump said on “Fox & Friends.”
69 hints at the fact, my sick digits confirm it.
Color Hex, baby.
And so on.
thats not citing your source fucker
All you had to do was Google the quote.
force feed me donuts mistress ive been a skinny boy
oy vey
John has a long mustache. The chair is against the wall.
nobody cares. if people did they would have rioted. its just controlled opposition to keep people distracted from hillary going senile in real time
from a psychological standpoint its a moment in time thats priceless. so much data can be collected about the descent into madness.
from the standpoint of a citizen its not funny and that bitch should be barred from being president. ima move if she wins and rack up debt that will never be paid off
Let's see what Snowden's got
>inb4 nothing happens
>inb4 he's alive and was just fucking with us
You mean these?
Please let this happen.
Especially the part about leafs being mulched.
Back. Yes, usually true.
This is different.
Sheep don't care about emails or treason, but they pay attention to videos. Snowden is safe for now
Snowden is just writing a book and wants to get input from his friends
Its too late at night for these keks
Trump is going to get elected and announce that he hasn't meant a single thing he has said. He is saying what he needs to get elected.
>implying that admitting you're a pathological liar is going to make everything okay
What the hell why. I'm #Jonesin'forJohnson now
The people who want to ban porn and "problematic" sexuality are feminists.
>activate garden plot
>shut this down
you new to politics ?
>exposing his (((globalist))) masters
government has been infiltrated at the highest levels
They are going for a Gary Johnson win
>"This is someone who has divulged information that we would not know about currently — and that's the United States government spying on all of us as U.S. citizens," Johnson, 63, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, told "The Hard Line" host John Bachman. "I don't want to see him in prison."