Britbongs please explain yourselves

I thought Britain was a civilized country. Where did British mums learn such a barbaric practice?

>Hundreds of British mums 'breast-ironing' their daughters using red-hot rocks, hammers and spatulas

>The ritual involves pounding the breasts as soon as they begin to develop with objects that have been heated over hot coals. Some women use rocks, others hammers and spatulas.

>The idea is that by removing their breast tissue, youngsters will be less sexually attractive and less likely to become pregnant at a young age, preventing them bringing shame on their families.

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Goddamnit Kellogg.

That's a Muslim thing, guaranteed



let me clarify:
why should I care?


Gonna need some ethnicity.

>that roastie getting btfo on the side


I'm astonished that British mums would do such a thing. What happened to British hospitality? British decency? When I watch Downton Abbey, and I think of British mums, I think of smiling homemakers, not British mums harming their daughters.

It's a shame that British mums -- mums who are British, and therefore from Britain -- would do such a thing to their presumably British children.


Bet it is muslims doing it.

aww what the hell
post some british mums

>>Hundreds of British mums 'breast-ironing' their daughters using red-hot rocks, hammers and spatulas

I wonder what subgroup would do such a thing? Could it be to do with video games?

>I thought Britain was a civilized country.


have you ever been here? The best British people emigrate, hence the Empire. Im a loser so havent left yet.

>(((British women)))

>its really no different from circumcision and if you do it early on they wont remember it when they grow up
>it looks better
>its cleaner
>it helps alleviate back problems and balance issues when running

all bullshit aside, this is a shoop of an article reporting african women doing this to their daughters.

Breast-ironing is a time honoured British tradition I'll have you know.

i am into some flat chest lolis as much as everyone else on this board, but that is fucking ridiculous

>quintessential british mums

Ooga booga gonna iron muh boobas

i'll give you a goat for left one

or bag of rice for the middle one


Small breastfed women aren't safe from promiscuity I can tell you that.

go to bed

Because tits are usually the deciding factor on whether or not someone wants to have sex with you



>It's Bong-o-clock! Time to iron the ol' tits hmmmmm Nigel?

>British mums

This is so the don't offend all muslims

When they say British more than likely they mean packi

To be fair. They actually look decent. But the middle one has a weird face.

But knowing its probably a doctored as fuck NatGeo pic.



>chance the rapper is a ripped crossdressing rebel now



>from the same site that dubbed England as the country with the biggest boobs

Wow less than 10 years and England is so culturally diverse! How progressive!


I would sue my parents if they did this

Fucking refugees m8. We need a proper right wing deathsquad fast.

What a coincidence

Tits or gtfo

>I would sue my parents if they did this


ill let you figure this one out.


probably so their kids don't get raped.


I'm expecting aplogises from each & everyone of you. Then I shall explain myself upon this fabricated & unquintessential article.

The people doing this are "British"

that's what you get when you import 3rd world people, third world problems.

But im a man


>quintessentially British mums

Looks like niggers to me.

Niggers aren't british

Africa is a fucked up place

Dick or gtfo

>anime picture
You're not a man, you're a degenerate.

me too

What rap group is this

Sharia Squad

why are you so mean

because fuck you that's why


>british moms
>picture is of some brown person


We hide our true emotions behind a mask of anger and bitterness.

It's the Muslims.

Vanilla ISIS

Its just taking a break from life. There's nothing wrong with escapism so long as you come back to reality once the show ends.

whats with the pants never touching the ankles?


>americans will be disgusted by this
>americans will defend circumcision

>George Pooinclooney

It's fucking hilarious how they're basically embracing this barbarism as British culture by not making a distinction between British folk and the sand scum that are actually doing this.
This is a part of your country now, friends.

delete this


It's true. I'm actually in hospital right now.

If that's true I'm sorry but it's good that you're getting help

Life will get better when Trump makes anime real

You mean Britain

You mean USA

>in hospital
>not living the dream


lolis have a small bone frame too



Thank you anons, it really does mean a lot

Assuming they didn't honour kill you for bringing shame on your family.

delet this, leave us to our beloved traditional breastironing ceremonies

Second amendment mutha fucka

this desu, just here to visit my senpai then dipping back to asia to be a king

Quintessentially penultimately the pinnacle of British.

Man seeing pol come together brings a tear to my eye.

Its not the fucking muslims you idiot.

Its BECAUSE of the muslims.

Unattractive young girls won't get raped. Thats why they're doing it you fucking retards. Same thing is happening in Germany.

I believe it's more of a west African thing. Muzzies just stitch thier daughters vagainas shut to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

>want their daughters to be less attractive
>give them DFCs

they are making a terrible mistake

>Hundreds of British mums 'breast-ironing' their daughters using red-hot rocks, hammers and spatulas

At least they provided an image so those confused can get a clue.


why should i care?

is that you zap brannigan?

Import 3rd world filth, get 3rd world problems. Britain, you need to kick these subhumans out.

Get well soon, so you can join us in the upcoming collapse of Germany thread.

I would hug you user.

Gotta be nice sometimes, user.

>british mums





If I save this will I get vanned?

>He told the Commons: “The words ‘culture’, ‘tradition’ or ‘religion’ might come up when trying to explain this absurdly harmful practice