Explain how these are rigged

because I'm VERY concerned right now

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Those polls are from the last several days. The DNC was a few days after the RNC so the bounce lasted longer. It's over now.

They oversample people in their 20's and 30's; millenials who don't even vote when the day comes and are fresh out of brainwashing camp/college/highschool. It'll be up to those who are in their 50's.

It is very easy to manipulate statistics, search for the actual study of each poll, look for their inclusion/exclusion criteria, their sample size, etc. The media are going in with everything they have against trump, just search "when is the general election day?" in google, watch 10 minutes of CNN, ((they)) are desperate.

You really don't think the president has already been chosen by the establishment?


The important piece of controlling the statistic is to control who you sample. Also keeping questions vague and off topic will help manipulate numbers.

In all honesty though, you better have something solid to defend the notion that all or most of those polls are biased or rigged otherwise the backlash will kill all credibility from trump supporters.


Ain't no grave gonna hold the American Public back from voting in our next President Donald J. Trump. Watch epic video.


>inb4 muh cherry picking



no you're not

Trump was part of a Dem plan to fracture the GOP and ensure Shillary was elected. Shockingly, the GOP voters didn't realize this until it was too late to stop it.

All of my friends and my family are pro-Trump. Almost everyone in my town is pro-Trump. Trump rallies draw thousands of people. There's so much anecdotal evidence that Trump is beating Hillary that it's obvious the polls are rigged and just plain made up.

Trust me guys, Trump is going to win in a LANDSLIDE. 80% of the vote, easily.

You're both right

It's like when we do approval ratings of Trudeau and the sample is taken from a group of Muslims, university kids and French people who work Liberal government jobs and just got raises.

>trying to make us accept the truth
I reject your reality and substitute my own

I literally just got done responding to someone posting a pic of the CNN poll where the 18-35 group was N/A and they were saying it was deliberate because Hillary has trouble with that age group.

Is Hillary winning because they aren't polling enough young people or because they aren't polling enough old people? Cause from where I'm sitting, she's winning because they aren't polling enough Trump supporters. Because there aren't enough.

2012 Results
>Obama 51.1%
>Romney 47.2%

>Obama 48.5%
Off by 2.6%
>Romney 44.7%
Off by 2.5%

>Obama 48.8%
Off by 2.3%
>Romney 48.1%
Off by .9%

2008 Results
>Obama 52.9%
>McCain 45.6%

>Obama 50.2%
Off by 2.7%
>McCain 43.1%
Off by 2.5%

>Obama 52.1%
Off by .8%
>McCain 44.5%
Off by 1.1%

Applying LongRoom's "unbiasing" to the polls in 2008 and 2012 makes them on average 102% less reliable than had they done literally nothing and just used the raw poll data like RCP.


>dub dubs

what is this

I factored in 2004 as well, but they're still 82% less accurate than RCP.


Look at the proportions. Numbers themselves don't matter if they scale up correctly.

2012 Results
>Obama won with ~8% more votes than Romney

>Obama won with ~8.5% more votes
Off by 0.5%

>Obama won with ~1% more votes
Off by 7%

2008 Results
>Obama won with ~16% more votes than McCain

>Obama won with ~16.4% more votes
Off by 0.4%

>Obama won with ~17.1% more votes
Off by 1.1%


>if they scale up correctly.
It's a fucking %. You can't scale it up or you're taking away from the "Other" vote you fucking idiot.

They are not, just deluded trump fans kept claiming they are to persuade you from being worried.

Why even care though, Poll's don't mean shit compared to who 'you' individually feel convinced to vote for.

Politics isn't a fucking sports game where looking at a team stats declares who will win.

Guy doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell. This is the official beginning of the end of the GOP, people. They had the chance to run a centrist and move away from the extreme right, they run this clownstick and he has no chance with swing voters. As much as Fox likes to show Cubans and the token black guy in a MAGA hat, that's that. They'll also lose the senate (I predict 53-47 in Dem favor). They might hang onto the house just barely due to all the gerrymandering. But guess what 2020 is another presidential election, and Clinton will win again and if Dems get into state chambers they'll be able to redistrict to keep republicans out of power for good. After that it's the final solution. We go after their home states. We go after fucking Texas, the last state they hold that is worth a fuck and the only state they cannot afford to lose.We will win this election. We will win the next one. We will keep the fuckers from power, and we will take their last bastion. Blue Texas will happen, and it will happen thanks to Donald John Trump.

Look at the crosstabs. They're over sampling democrats and under sampling independents.

he's dead now

And then the civil war starts, the cities starve and the niggers eat the liberals and then get shot when they try to invade the rural areas

The end

USC/LA Times uses a tracking survey/poll instead of a traditional poll method.


But the same method was used in the 2012 election and was pretty accurate


I approve of this message. The hidden redpill most don't see.

I haven't been polled and I don't know a single person who's been polled.

You are right I'm now a shillary for Hillary
>This is how you respond to shills pls take notice.


And another cunt we heard from...

I doubt it just because of the sheer number of people showing up for rallies. Hillary's look to be around 50 people while Trump is still filling arenas. Either way, I wouldn't worry about polls until the first debate.

It seems that most of the polls assume that Hillary will get a larger turnout than Obama and that independents don't exist. Hillary doesnt have nearly the enthusiasm behind her yjay Obama did.

The media is running out of ateam. You know there is a problem when everyone you asks if they trust the media says no

In the long run the Democrats will win everything anyway. The foundation for all these changes in the US is the death of christianity. The last christian superpower is going away. What do we end up with? Ruthless Russia, ruthless China and postchristian USA. The Dems are going to ideologically colonize Republicans just like it happened in France, UK or Germany

Third parties are irrelevant.
All I care about is who wins, and by how much.

That's the thing, they're not rigged, no matter how hard some people don't wanna face it. The GOP fucked themselves by running 10 different candidates instead of getting behind one person early on (and a not-exciting group of candidates in the first place) which allowed Trump's small but loyal fan base to catapult him into the front, which got others to go along with it. Now that there's not 3 or 4 other people splitting with Trump he's getting exposed.


You should only be concerned until after the debates.

>$.02 has been deposited to your account shill

This is now a gore thread