How can you defend capitalism if it makes you so miserable?
How can you defend capitalism if it makes you so miserable?
i would rather i be miserable than society
I'm not miserable
I'm not miserable, sounds like projection, OP.
Better miserable and free than content and enslaved nigga.
>this cuck believes he is free
objectively define "freedom"
Fuck you OP.
I never said I thought I was free. I'm just more free under Capitalism than Gommies.
I was perfectly fine till we started getting more socialist policies in the US, fuck you GTFO.
And what makes you think socialism/communism would make me less miserable?
If you are miserable, you are either too uneducated to take advantage of Capitalism, to lazy to work or work hard, or too fearful of taking calculated risks when they are presented to you.
>that projection
im an engineering student
youre faggot
>my failed state represents the philosophy of cooperation
no fuck you
Because whatever replaced it wouldn't make people happy either.
>t. Alberto Mc Commie
>do satisfying work
>get satisfying pay
Capitalism is working for me
I never said it made miserable.
I simply said I haven't ruled that out yet.
But the suspect list is long.
Because I am simply a temporarily embarrassed millionaire! Where are your bootstraps, son? I'll pull them up for you for $1 USD.
We still didn't come up with a good alternative.
Because the alternative is subsistence farming. I'd rather sit on my ass for work and get paid $16/hour for 40+ hours a week then slave over a field and maybe eat that day. That's the alternative.
It doesn't make me miserable, I benefit greatly from capitalism.
Are you miserable? If so, what specifically is wrong in your life?
Because I appreciate a beer more after a hard days work.
It's called hard work and delayed gratification
that's why.