Question for Sup Forums:
What is race?
Question for Sup Forums:
What is race?
Fuck off with that shit, nobody likes burnt toast. Burnt toast ends up in the trash.
oh facebook
>not answering my question
>arguing about burnt toast
I don't know anybody that eats anything on the lower right half. This image is retarded
>White bread
>Softest, feels good.
>Generally great
>Black bread
>Hard, burning
>Into the trash it goes
that upper left corner doesn't have enough "diversity", you better replace most of them with burnt pieces
>not answering my question
We don't have to.
>arguing about burnt toast
Pic related
This just shows how fucking simple it is to trigger Sup Forums.
People that are too poor to afford to toast another piece of bread eat that because of institutionalized racism. Check your privilege.
an indicator of predisposition towards crime and credit score
what is matter we are all stardust ayylmao
Categorisation of different types of humans based on their defining qualities and adaptations.
Figure 1 Frontal and profile views of Caucasoid (A), Negroid (B) and Mongoloid (C) skulls.
And what do you gather from the image given the question?
Whites are master race?
>What is race?
Easily observable differences in humans based on area of origin, similar to different species/subspecies of birds.
Burnt toast can give you cancer, best to just shove it down the garbage disposal.
0/5, that doesn't answer the original question?
race is a social constrict can I join your safe space now?
Is the burnt bread suppose to be Jewish?
Oy Ve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Delete this now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It does?
Why give a shit about inferiors? Humans are mostly clannish.
But why are some people black and some people white??? Can you socially construct me to be blue?
you start the thread with a shitty picture with a shitty analogy. when someone posts something about toast you say "lmao why do u argue about toast? pol must be triggered easily xDD"
then you say you want answers on your question(which can be easily fucking explained when you google it). someone gives an part-answer, which says that it relies on the skull form and you still are looking for an fucking answer?!
I hope you are just bait
Differences, developed trough evolution.
You see, Europeans had this thing called Ice Age, which shaped them vastly differently than peoples who did not have it.
Europeans (whites) had to develop better shelters, better clothing, better tools, stupid or aggressive ones died out, leaving only more intelligent ones alive.
This is why all the modern science and medicine and culture is generally made by whites. This difference created in the Ice Age, is extremely important. If you have the traits of the people who survived it, it is in your great self interest to preserve them!
the fucks wrong with you faggot
T R I G G E R E D !
Actually, if you Google race, the answer is not concrete. It's a touchy subject, just like research on human phenotypes. The question of race is a debatable subject among scholars. I'm not bait. I'm proposing a philosophical question and looking for different opinions on it.
race doesn't exist, there is only human.
> (OP) (You)
>You see, Europeans had this thing called Ice Age, which shaped them vastly differently than peoples who did not have it.
[[[the need for citation intensifies]]]
Hey faggot op, answer the already.
James Watson, discovered of DNA and Nobel Prize winner, seems to agree with this as well. Race, however you define it, is hugely important, because intellect is tied to it.
It's debatable as they are afraid to offend people with such question. I also imagine politicians are involved and will cut scientist's funding if they say anything against their political ideas.
Science has always been very political, look at how the Catholic Church tried to stop Scientists like Galileo from disproving their bullshit.
then don't start your thread like one of those joke threads with those stupid pictures ffs
you could've maybe had a proper discussion if you stated your question more precise and not make it look like some type of mockery
>needing the evidence for the vast differences Ice Age caused in the whites
Lel, they are so obvious, that they require no training to spot.
Ok, lets start with the basics. Pigmentation. Vitamins and diet (~90% of white people being able to process milk, everyone else dying from drinking it). You can see these differences with your naked eye, Europeans could not receive their vitamin D from the Sun and their diets, so they started losing melanin, in order to get the maximum they could from the environment.
It is also not that difficult to imagine that being an aggressive retard would not work out during Ice Age glaciations, there were no coconuts falling on your head, you had to be smart to survive......
Google genetics. We inherit our phobias, habits, and even intellect, from our ancestors.
It's just that instead of the church burning astronomers, media is burning geneticists today and they arent publishing any of the controversial shit.
But make no mistake we inherit our intellect.
People are not so much biological racist. They are cultural racist.
When you cant behave like a civilized human being, people look down at you.
Google it.
The only relevant picture I had on my phone, perhaps it wouldn't have drawn attention to the more in-depth responses otherwise.
>What is race ?
Like dogs a race is a different subspecie of a base specie, for exemple dogs :
Shiba and Pittbull, some are better than other, a Sheperd dog can remember a shit ton of orders, a Pittbull know how to bite. A White invent the modern world, a nigger know how to twerk.
>One comes across white men occasionally who suffer under the delusion that China is not a civilized country. Such men have quite forgotten what constitutes civilization. It is true that there are no trams in Peking, and that the electric light is poor. It is true that there are places full of beauty, which Europeans itch to make hideous by digging up coal. It is true that the educated Chinaman is better at writing poetry than at remembering the sort of facts which can be looked up in Whitaker's Almanac. A European, in recommending a place of residence, will tell you that it has a good train service; the best quality he can conceive in any place is that it should be easy to get away from. But a Chinaman will tell you nothing about the trains; if you ask, he will tell you wrong. What he tells you is that there is a palace built by an ancient emperor, and a retreat in a lake for scholars weary of the world, founded by a famous poet of the Tang dynasty. It is this outlook that strikes the Westerner as barbaric.
>The Chinese, from the highest to the lowest, have an imperturbable quiet dignity, which is usually not destroyed even by a European education. They are not self-assertive, either individually or nationally; their pride is too profound for self-assertion. They admit China's military weakness in comparison with foreign Powers, but they do not consider efficiency in homicide the most important quality in a man or a nation. I think that, at bottom, they almost all believe that China is the greatest nation in the world, and has the finest civilization. A Westerner cannot be expected to accept this view, because it is based on traditions utterly different from his own. But gradually one comes to feel that it is, at any rate, not an absurd view; that it is, in fact, the logical outcome of a self-consistent standard of values.
-Bertrand Russell
>ignores answers to shitpost
Shit thread, sage goes in all fields etc.