How can conservatives ever recover?
How can conservatives ever recover?
Obama is destroying the economy.
In other words, Jews are making more money than ever but regular middle class families are still suffering the effects of globalization, mass immigration and automation.
Explain again how there was near %0 interest rates in the 1980's?
Oh wait there wasn't.
Obama is destroying the economy.
But corporate profits are through the roof :^)
Trickle down economics is a myth
hol up
so the makers of this meme are still riding obamas dick rite
The entire western world and the modern standard of living is a result of 'trickle down economics'
And the past 8 years :-)
Not a myth, it's been proven to be just a big scam and did nothing but make the wage gap higher.
Then after you're reminded it doesn't work, remind them that they just agreed Obongo is shit.
>errrybody gettin reminded
If they're at an all time high, doesn't this mean that Obama is practicing trickle-down economics and is therefore destroying the economy?
Trickle down was always bullshit. I don't know why this image is so smug when they just admitted that King Nigger practices trickle-down.
So Obama is a corporate stooge.
Show me that link where some conservative said "trickle-down economics"
also profits have been dropping for 5 quarters straight
Republicans are cucks that willingly vote so that the rich can pay less taxes than they do.
They're cucks. They think they'll be millionaires one day too.
true, but the lower classes aren't able to work full time because obamacare makes having full time employees expensive. That drives down home ownership, which is actually profitable for landlords and the corporate elite, but feudalism and its ilk is harmful to the economy long term. boom.
Marxists are cucks who are desperate to find a reason why they can't make money despite viewing themselves as 'intelligent'.
No it means the "trickle down economics" doesn't exist. It's just a buzzword. It means nothing in actual economics.
An economy benefits from successful large, medium, and small businesses.
Yes, big business in the stock market benefit Americans.
No, it is not the whole story.
You need small and medium sized businesses as well to drive innovation and growth.
These are the businesses that are being squeezed the most.
But don't think that we don't need the big businesses either.
Stupid picture overall, senpai.
The problem is when the same dumbfucks who wrote this picture call for "taxing and regulating the big mean corporashuns" they don't realize that most of that burden falls upon small and medium sized businesses when the taxes and regulations are set.
Simple. The big corporations can afford to comply with the regulations and pay lawyers to get around the tax "loopholes."
>muh trickle down
It's about the whole spectrum of business and trade that trickles down. Big businesses serve small ones, and medium ones, and vice versa.
The corporations at the top are expanding their lead away from everybody else BECAUSE of taxes and regulations, not due to a LACK of them.
For more reading on the topic, and why this picture is totally and utterly BTFO, read about the term "regulatory capture."
Good day.
Trickle down economics works when the businsesses are native. Corporate profits are through the roof because of globalization and the mass immigration of non-whites into America.
Your move.