What was the point of this scene? Seemed over the top to me

What was the point of this scene? Seemed over the top to me...

I want to be over the top of Arnold's pusy lol

You either get it or you have a vagina. That's as much as I can help you, lady.


If the bra fits...

It was a throwback to Vietnam, when soldiers would be firing blindly into the forest at guerrillas who were stealthing into hidden tunnels.

Somewhere out there is the invisible fuck who's killed some of their friends, so the emotion drives their trigger fingers.

What were they shooting at? Was it God?

This isn't a Gen Z fagling movie that shits on God to be edgy and cool.

The men in this movie craved each others contact

I think the predator represents Jesus Christ.

It would make sense. Atheists are usually strong and masculine characters that dont like kneeling to desert fairy tale nu-males.

The Alien in the AVP universe represents a Christian/Muslim believer. A typical drone.

It was the 90s

a better time

How do you think this scene would be remade today for the numale audience?

reminder that 1987 is pure legend


How about it wasn't?

You can tell by the fact the movie isn't shit.


The act of shooting their rifles, symbolic of ejaculation, is reaffirming.their masculinity, which is threatened by the Predator's terror.

so the Predator is a pagan?

The Predators mouth is a vagina.

>Both the special forces and Predator were foreign aliens in Vietnam only because of a desire to kill people

This film was pretty deep.

Listen to the directors commentary, it is over the top by design. He said he kept getting notes that there wasn't enough gunplay in the dailies so he was all "you want gunfire? I'll give you gunfire" and voila you have that scene

The predator represents the repressed disgust with female sexuality. Through ejaculating on it they hope to prove their heterosexuality, which is a crucial part of their image of masculinity.

> Seemed over the top to me...

Your low test is showing