What are some movies about true love?

What are some movies about true love?

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how the fuck is pointing going to help s blind man?


>movie ends with them getting together
>doesn't show her breaking his heart and leaving him within a year and forgets about him 2 weeks later

God damn it.

Did you just assume his disability? You need to check your privilege.

Titanic, no really. The whole ships sinks killing many people is just the background to a love story.

>looks 30
This killed the film

reminder that nobody cares about your feeling and that
-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-men love women
-men love to service women
-women love children
-women do not love men
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise nonguly asexual men
-women fear of being asexual

-the only gift a man possesses by his sheer existence is to be left alone if he wants it, but ofc very few men want this since very few men kill their infatuation with their spook of ''society'' and women.


so he's already grabbing her ass? what a disgusting typical male pig

>if he wants it
but you mgtow's didn't actually choose

>nobody cares about your feeling

You really should have taken your own advice, user.

Manlets on suicide watch?



I'm tall. Problem is I'm also a short-sighted beanpole, which I hardly imagine is what the creator of that list had in mind.

I am 6'2"

Never had a gf and I am 25

there must be true love in poor little white guy, there are a dozen (?) instalments now. all those black dudes and their true love for one puny whiteboi

>I am 6'2"

According to the absurdly tightassed standard observed on Sup Forums you're still a manlet or possibly the "Manlet King". Yeah, I know.

Heheh.... green


came to post this

thank you for this.


It's written for chads anyway user


It just makes you eligible, you still have to do everything.

>4.5" erect penis
God is mocking me.

>dumbasses start dating ugly fat hambeasts because they alleged ly have a "good personality"

>realize too late that the reason they are fat uglt hambeasts is due to many terrible flaws in their personality

Why are numales always doing this to themselves. Never settle for less than the best.

by true love do you mean unconditional love? unconditional love is a non-sexually driven love.

INTJ here

Dont think I could ever get someone to love me. I am in the autism phantom zone

This is the purest movie of all time. Any movie about love released after that is just bland and insipid.

INTP here
Fear me.

Are you flippin retarded?

i origins

True romance


that one about eyes and the dudes gf getting killed by an elevator and turning into a poo in loo little girl

Le Notti Bianche ;_;

6'2 is average at best, some women are even this tall nowadays. Tall starts at 6'5.

t. written by a women in her 30's who still thinks she's in middle school

cry harder manlet

Holy fuck, how buttblasted are you?

Punch Drunk Love

Man I would fucking hate to be in high school in these past 5 years. I can't imagine how much all these memes like "cuck" and "manlet" must make life so much more miserable than it was in 03-08

>he plans to kill her
>changes his mind and she's like whatever, and then they're happy like nothing happened
Piece of shit movie.

i dont know where you're from but tall starts at 6'3+ in my country, 6'1 is close to median height in northern europe

She's obviously telling him in the ear and she's pointing because that's a natural way of keeping your eyes locked onto something.

Yo, somebody (You) me when this thread gets on topic, and I'll post some movies.

Why are Americans so obsessed about height?

If you're fat you are prob about 2 inches bigger if you lose the weight.

for me it's Heat Legends best role to date


Notice his heart(love) is bigger than the girl's. That must be intentional right? Why wouldnt you just copy paste it.

Laura by Preminger

How many orbiters does she have, starting from 10 years ago?

She found a provider without any effort form her.


Laura was a slut







Daily reminder that all women are psychopaths


>best role to date
you're aware he's dead right?

please provide for her


There wouldn't be a reason for court, I'd just kill the guy that stole from my company like that.


He gets to feel her pussy on his back tho

2 old



Love doesn't exist.








each human life is precious, even when full of cum from dozens of men

Jesus Christ Almighty.




I used to want gf all the time. The past year I finally dated about 5 different women and had sex. Then I realized that I can't stand being around women and the only thing I get from it is sex. They're despicable people. Whenever I was dating someone I just kept thinking about how I can stop seeing her. So now I've given up and just spend my time alone.


He can feel her arm pointing to the direction he needs to follow. Also she can speak.

You're lucky, all girls I tried to start dating rejected me, so I pretty much just gave up on women.

betas and their redpills btfo


the aristocrats


jesus christ

reminder: women want to be sluts without being called sluts, then working girls, then mom, only last position as wives

Whisper of the Heart is my fave film and there's true love in it nothing too complicated
