The "alt-right" question

Which one of these two men do you associate with the "alt-right"?

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Pls respond Sup Forums I need to know.

These two are in the end of the poz spectrum, the only alt-right leaders I trust are Lawrence Murray and Natt the dane. Everything else is too moderate for me.

Spencer, duh.
Milo is a subverting kike whose version of altrightism is literally "Trump!!!1! XD fugg feminism"

fuck off, mestizo

Both are giant faggots and so is the alt-right.

>hurrdurr Mexico is a race

Everyone knows that Natt is the official leader of the alt-right, and the de facto head of the GOP.

The guy on the left is a well known face of the alt right, the guy on the right is a lesser known face that coined the term.

Given that mgtows,MRAs, anti-SJWs and anti-feminists predominantly make up the public voice of the alt-right and nazis and anti-semites are less politically viable and more marginalized while having great crossover into the previous categories, I'd have to say Milo.

Plus Richard Spencer and Jared and all pro-Israel, pro-gay "white supremacists" give me the creeps. You'd expect these beliefs from a gay coal burning Jew like Milo not the other guys.


BUT. Hes still a faggot
>homosexuality is white identity
Somebody needs to slap him across the face repeatedly until he retracts that statement.

You have "Bull" in your ID, dude.

You seem like a rare intelligent one here on Sup Forums - can you say what makes someone alternatively right as oppsed to just right?

those are not millenialwoes

You almost have "cuck" in yours. :^)

Spencer. Though I respect his usefulness for bringing normies into the fold, I am very strongly opposed to that kike's subversion and re-branding of the alt right movement.

You have "Bull" in your wife, Hans

I don't mean who is the "leader", or the person you like the most but who do you associate more with the "alt-right".

>but who do you associate more with the "alt-right".

Then this guy.

lazy journo

don't know who the guy on the right is

milo is an opportunistic, egotistical faggot, who just about knows how to debate against idiots, but lacks authenticity and is ultimately in this to make money off of incel beta gamer types who can't speak for themselves. how you can listen to him for more than 5 miinutes without cringing is beyond me. joe rogan of all people made him look a fool

the alt-right reeks of social outcasts living vicariously through people are more socially apt than them and can get away with giving them a voice (see gays like milo, or alphas like mde). although I do like stefan molyneux if he counts

I don't even know the guy on the right

d & c thread, sage.

Me? Do you think a journalist would actually post this thread?
I know what the alt-right is, I just wanted to see Sup Forums's opinion on what it is.

Come on Pako, it's a binary choice, but since you mentioned Natt and Murray I know your answer.

Richard Bertrand Spencer.

They are both pretty implicitly white if you know what I mean, but Richard Spencer is based, but not as based as Sheik Natt the Dane.

Spencer is actually alt-right so him. Although Milo is useful for opening the door to normies.

Don't know who the guy on the right is but Milo is explicitly not alt-right, he says so in his own words.

The alt-right is really anything that isn't mainstream conservatism though, so Milo might count depending on how broadly you define it.

Stupid post but as far as I can tell the most consistent alt-right positions are nationalism and the acceptance of genetics/IQ.

Alt right folks don't shy away from mockery or taboo subjects, they embrace them and use them as flash points, whereas your typical right wing would follow the current cultural and political status quo to kind of return to a previous era like traditional conservatives. Alt right folks want a future era and don't really seem to have a consensus on it, but they know that they want change, be it libertarian or fascist.

Common themes in the altright movement are pro-white (not necessarily "supremacist" but rather acknowledging either the status that white people deserve in the nations that they have built/are a majority in, or simply arguing for them just like any other group in identity politics), anti-feminism, anti-Islam, and anti-globalism(which they believe cases all the problems with the previously mentioned issues in this paragraph). Thus the major thread in all Alt Right groups is NATIONALISM. You simply cannot call yourself "alt right" if you are not a nationalist. This is where the divide with current "right wing" parties starts. As the average right wing party in western nations is pro-globalist (capitalism at the expense of nationhood), and anti-nativist, the "alt right" constitutes the alternative.

Lesser common threads are anti-semitism, and overt racism, and lgbt advocacy/oppression (though both sides on the alt right sort of agree that gays should go back in the closet, or at least do away with the pride parades), and there's kind of a toss up between libertarianism and fascism with regard to nationalist policy.

>Me? Do you think a journalist would actually post this thread?

I do, that's why it's a multiple choice answer and not an open question. You're weak.

I don't understand how it being a multiple choice makes me more likely to be a journalist.
I think whether you choose left or right is already a good indicator on what do you think the "alt-right" is. And this is what I wanted to know.

Pls respond Sup Forums, it's not a hard question.

I'll explain. Asking a closed question means you don't care about the actual answer (which could be outside of your two options) and instead want content for one of two directions you have decided to take your article in.

Continuing to push your question only proves your desperation.

I'd suggest suicide, but I don't want to be too harsh. Life must be difficult as one of millions of clickbait journalists

You understand that sometimes things are just right OR wrong?
Replying with "it'a a grey area, man" doesn't mean you are a clever and nuanced person.

>Which one of these two men do you associate with the "alt-right"?
Why ask this question? It is completely arbitrary to make the choice between this to. This has nothing to do with objective fact, because you are asking specifically for opinions.

Pushing a single political movement as an established "Official Alternative Movement" is about as ironic and meaningless as listening to an "Alternative Rock" band signed by Columbia or EMI because they are the "true voice of change". Not to say that you're making any claim like that, but before I read this thread I feel like that's the direction it's heading in

Regardless, I'm glad that nigger loving kike bastard isn't being spammed on this forum as much (other than this article.)

Now that I read my statement, I realize it is pretty pedantic and stupid. Carry on.

Because I want to know which one of these man Sup Forums identifies with the alt-right more.

Spencer. Milo is just an anti-SJW, not a nationalist

You do realize that when he tweeted that, he meant that opposition to homosexuality is implicit whiteness, right?

Right, so you can write one of two shitty articles you have ideas for, I know.

Spencer, considering he coined the term.

Milo isn't even alt-right, since he's just a gay coalburning kike. He's just attention whoring. I don't have a problem with Milo doing his thing, because "no enemies on the right", but he's still not one of us. He's more of a libertarian type.

Larry is the best fucking goy. 10/10 articles

No, because I want to know Sup Forums's opinion.

anyone else would have abandoned thread already

fucking shills senpai