Religions by tier

God tier:
Good tier:
>Mainline Protestants
Shit tier:
>Hindus (special category: poo-in-loo tier)
Kill yourself tier:

Other urls found in this thread:

Web lad


What about Orthodox?

>shit tier

>No Sikhs

Absolutely hala.

Shit tier: all religious superstition
Good tier: non religious

mormons literally believe when they die they will becomes supreme gods of their own universes.

there was a certain serpent who tricked our original ancestors into fucking everything up

if they just believed

they would be supreme gods with their own universes

pretty sure Mormonism is like basic hypocritical covert satanism 101

What do I call myself if i believe a God exists but is not the one stated in the fairytail books called religious text

I think Good tier, maybe even God tier. But someone else make some rankings

There's a reason you're not gonna win running, swimming, or jumping medals at the Olympics Mexico. THE WALL JUST GOT TEN FEET HIGHER

>good tier
Delete this

and a tip o' the fedora to you good sire

Shit Tier:
Shit Nigger What Are You Doing Tier:

>Amish not god tier

You're doing it wrong, faggot.

Agnostic theist?

I don't understand half of what you're saying but they hate degenerates and keep women in check

Sikhs are just Muslims pretending to not be terrorists

God Tier:

Whatever tier:

Kill yourself tier:

inb4 fedora

>that file name

Cannot unsee

that giant has a beard





People need to stop pretending Mormons are anything but hyper-cucks. They are not pro-white, they are not pro-traditionalism, they are not even pro-America. Mormonism is the heart of cuckservatism. They adore Mexican immigrants and hate the idea of a white America. They adore the Jew and think Israel is the greatest nation on Earth (just like their idiotic Evangelical cousins). They worship a space God religion that was invented by a pedophile con artist. They are part of the reason neocons exist.

Mormons are terrible.

Will christfags ever recover? New video by Varg "burn the church, drown in cooch" Vikernes.

They all use their religions to
>1. Make money
> 2. Fuck kids in the ass.
Keep talking to your imaginary friend faggots.


Mormons are literally the most gullible people I've ever met in my entire life.

Even moreso than nigerians.

Lol! No. Nice try fedora bitch. I live in SLC and nobody here likes Mexicants.

>Christian Zionists
no. please kys

Voodoo Catholicism

Pape François Tier:
Regular Catholicism


>voodoo catholicism

i cant stop laughing

ahaha A+ post

fuck off with this atheist = fedora meme. Please jump in a hole and die. I want you dead.

seriously why is Jesus do doughy eyed?

Actually it's a thing. Been a thing for awhile too. Though Santeria is closer to Catholicism.

Aren't Evangelicals a sub category of Protestants?

is he stoned?


What about Deism? A lot of the founding fathers of the US were deists.


My fucking sides. A fucking cult of child fuckers and liars. Romney is a RINO and you're a cuck.


i don't practice santeria
i ain't got no crystal ball
oh i had a million dollars but i'd
i'd spend it all

silly goy
only Jews Muslims and Christians have God's True Words™

God Tier:
Regular Tier:
>Original Chinese mainland Buddhists
Shit tier
Literally need to be taken off the face of the Earth Tier:
>Any white hipster faggot who wants to be apart of eastern alternative religions. Those fucking degenerates 30 year old white people that say, "Thank you, but I'm actually a hindu-pagan-Buddhist."
>Alternative cults

Do Methodists count as mainline Protestants?


>God tier

Mormon detected, you know this isn't your board. Now go fuck your third sister-wife

Enjoy the weather in Hell , Mormon.


>god tier religion
wow thats some ghey shit OP. cut that shit out mein nigger

>Catholics not God-tier

Goat tier:
Kill yourself tier:
>Mainline Protestants

Sikhism is very closely related to Hinduism.

>Kill yourself tier:

What about Taoists?

You are a deist.
An agnostic theist means you believe there is a god, but you are not certain.

Whoa, calm down. He didn't say that you had to stop wearing your fedora, user.

>Catholicism is only good because Thomas Aquinas merged Aristotelian ethics into the church
>Protestantism is only good because some of that rubbed off on them
I'm an Aristotelian. Christfags are the disease that killed Rome.

>shit tier
Wirathu frowns upon you

>putting mormons above catholics
>putting protestants above catholics

There's a reason Australia is shit OP.

There should be a religion board, this is like posting mlp porn on /x/, it doesn't belong on Sup Forums.

>worst tier

Forgetting the Roman Empire was pagan and catholicism has been the reason why the west has gone to shit for the last 500 years

whoa man
just take it easy
we were just kidding!
fedoras and neckbeards are awesome man
same with trench coats!

>mormons God tier

As an exmormon you've got that fucking backwards mate.

nice meme faggot

> Current Year
> Religion


>God tier
>not kek

You're right, atheist != fedora. But if you go out of your way to tell religious people that their beliefs are stupid and muh atheism is the only good set of beliefs, you're probably just like any other fedora wearing sperg that does it.