The Green Party National Convention is happening right now and no one is talking about it.
Green Party National Convention
greens are literally the worst of the worst communist cucks pedophiles hippies.
I'm a JillShill and even I don't really care tho
Sounds about right
It is because it is a 3rd party.. nobody will care.
Because it's irrelevant.
it's in a fucking cafeteria.
But that's the best part, nobody is talking about it. When your entire platform is total bullshit, nothing worth listening to can ever come out of it.
How about some pics of young Jill Stein? There's nothing out there.
>some typical sassy black women in a fedora chatting shite about a $15 minimum wage
what a coincidence, i was just looking for pics of young jill stein. yeah, there's nothing out there. she's a gilf either way though.
Fucking awful all the viewers are cuckolds
The talking singing monkey in a fedora?
vote winner there...
They sound just as nuts as the UK Greens.
She does look good for her age. Can someone post photos of her during her 20's?
I need it for a friend.
cause theres's no chance they will make any difference?
Jill Jill Jill Jill
Mummy :3
I would take her over Clinton any day.
so... it's a party for white people who wish they were black?
This is my kind of party.
Get Lucky gone Green.
The RNC and DNC didn't have music this funky. Why do hippies have such goos music taste?