You rage, you lose.
Post examples of Western Society failing from lack of adherence to traditional values.
You rage, you lose.
Post examples of Western Society failing from lack of adherence to traditional values.
This one is rage worthy
I would get mad but Jesus Christ muh dick
Fake and gay.
Soldiers don't go 12 months without getting a break.
R&R is a thing. I got to come home for 15 days while in Iraq.
it is called R&R dumb fuck
Yea, and now you realize that she was probably faithful and that MSM has a liberal bias against war and sensationalizes titles.
Think of that bashed in cunny though. Would be like chucking a sausage in a wheelie bin
Whatever that's fake
I actually knew a couple who had trouble having a baby, they went to the IVF and shit, he was in the military and she actually got pregnant with his baby while he was over seas.
I'm just mad at the education system
He got cucked
That's a legit complaint.
if you're going to do this at least get the font right
He cucked himself?
Because again, he is the father, the doctor put the embryo in her
You do of course realize IVF is his sperm and her egg right?
I thought this was a rage thread now a feels thread
Come on, it might as well be real at this point.
This looks like one of those fucking "new headline generators" or whatever they call them. Notice how the channel logo is cut off and the MS paint dots at the lower right.
Then why doesnt he just kill himself?
why dont you shut the fuck up and work with what you have
This has been going around Facebook
where am I? /r9k/?
She's thick af though.
So what? Preferences change over time and people evolve different opinions.
She wants a janitor to clean up her cum stained life, she didn't want one a few years ago. What's wrong with that??
Lost. What a load of fucking horse shit... Is this real?
Jesus, what happened to kids helping around the house and doing chores. doing their own dishes and laundry. I always had to do this and I am male and had a stay at home mom. She taught us how to do this stuff and helped us sometimes while she cooked and organized bills and other things. Does this not exist anymore?
>women don't hold political, economic, and institutional power
>what is germany
>blacks don't hold political, economic, and institutional power
>what are 3rd world african nations
>that news report where the anti-cop nigger ended up going through a series of police-devised challenges to gauge whether or not lethal force was acceptable
>3 out of 3 times he fired when it was unnecessary or got "killed"
>blacks don't hold political, economic, and institutional power
>what are 3rd world african nations
>What is your nation?
Pointing a gun at a cop should not be a crime!
He should kill himself, and I mean that.
There is no hope for him as a man or a human.
yeah they just decided. In fact, they probably didn't decide. They just fucked and you happened. Welcome to the grand chessboard, sucks, eh.
there's no stay at home mom's anymore faggot
world war was the catalyst for the destruction of the family and now people grow up to be pieces of shit and suck black dicks and marry lonely betas and then divorce them to eat more cereal until muhammad comes along and rapes everyone in the name of the devil i mean allah
Fucking lost
this makes me a faggot how?
Sometimes I hate my state.
I dumb whore thinks she deserves a nice virgin who'd take care of her and doesn't even apologize for being a dumb whore.
What does this come from
because you didn't know why none of this shit existed and you're shocked
you were brought up in a ball fondling family and now you're suprised why jerome is raping amanda and susan left her husband of 20 years for LESBIAN WITCHCRAFT ABORTISTS
I hope she gets aids from a nigger and they both die.
Fucking kill him seriously.... How can we allow people like this to live? They do absolutely nothing for mankind.
not exactly, I was really questioning the "kids doing chores thing" not the "stay at home mom" thing. and I am well aware of why adults are degenerates, but wouldn't a degenerate force their kids at home to do their chores for them because they are lazy.
yeah they just leach of the government and claim its not their problem and get mad
we should put those people somewhere
and put a wall around them
too old
God i fucking hate women
This isnt YLYL but I lost
the adults dont know what the fuck their children are doing
they do force their children to do things but instead of teaching them (the degenerates dont know) they just yell at them until the child develops psychosis and then the parent goes to the club till 4am to get away from "stress"
>women do all this shit
>yet you guys still worship em
ultra cucked
It's a pretty legit question
dubs of truth my friend.
you're right dude, you can't polish a turd
>Jesus, what happened to kids helping around the house and doing chores. doing their own dishes and laundry.
Thats why libs are for open borders so immigrants can come clean their parents homes.
well some women are very pretty
and some smell very nice
and are smooth
and sound pleasant
and give sexual pleasure
and give illusory feelings of love or good treatment
you would know this if you weren't fucking boys achmed
>my wife is on a date with a man named Paulo
Good lord, I hope this ain't real.
Just kill it
>women that are nice exist
you'll find out the truth when you start dating women, virgin
>patricia hamburgerez
>I have never been raped
This is what feminists on campus would say
> They do absolutely nothing for mankind.
You're one to talk, Juan.
I would throw my book at the professor and walk away from college for the rest of my life if I saw that shit.
>why universal healthcare will never work in this country
shutup goat pussy lover
ive dated women and they are batshit insane
did i say anything about their minds or hearts or loyalty or good manners
i said they look, sound and smell good and sometimes trick you into feeling good
> I had a flashback to something that never happened
I laughed. She looks like a thanksgiving turkey
yes when u get old u have kids and ur wifes pussy gets looser, thats life.
>tfw 35 and have a kid and wife
Every time I read this, I want that woman dead.
at least the vagina of a goat is reachable
american women you gotta force their rolls together and pretend it's a pussy or lift her with a crane turn her over and climb on her to dive inside her like scuba
you obviously need some boipucci my man, you seem hurt and beaten by roasties
this shit just makes me laugh lmao
the distorted REAL NIGGA HOURS meme shit