America Thread

ITT: we ask Americans questions

Who do you actually shit yourselves in public?

Most people here would be humiliated by doing that - but not the American.

I've spoken to 3 Americans and all have said it's equivalent to the French rejection of deodorant
"it may be a little smelly but it's not unhygienic" literal quote from a US family member of mine.

I don't mean to offend but it really isn't accepted outside of your society.


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Delete this pls, Bruce.

The world is our loo.

Never seen it in real life.

Mostly it's either fat people or old people, also diet pills

How do you lose a war to an overgrown chicken?

We're too busy being the dominant world superpower in every aspect to stop and use a toilet.

Same. What gets me is that he appears to just be entering the store


America shits and the world wipes.

I don't know a single person who thinks shitting themselves in public is acceptable. This isn't India, you know.

wtf, i hate america now

thats a shop

i can tell from some of the pixels and from having shit myself in public at least a dozen times


If it's a log i'll hold it in but if i think it's going to be runny i just let it go. I thought everyone did that so you would have room for more food?

I usually try to shit my own pants, cause shitting someone else's is just rude, straya

Do you know how alpha you have to be to keep walking calmly after you take a deuce accidentally?

Only Americans are this alpha

I have literally never seen this.

I'll explain to you.

I was visiting America a few months ago when I noticed a foul stench as I was browsing one of their Target stores. I looked around and notice this very overweight woman who had clearly shit herself. Now at first I thought...ok she's obviously let herself go, whatever.

But as I kept walking, the stench was still there, different, but still there. So finally I asked this younger in shape Chad looking fella why everyone shits themselves, he looked at me with a dead pan face and said "what do you mean" I said "well, shouldn't you be shitting in a toilet?" I'll never forget what he said "America is about the freedom of shitting yourself, that is the ideal this nation was founded on and that is what we'll die with. You fucking canucks wouldn't understand it, but when you're working hard all day and givinger your all, sometimes you gotta make a dookie in your pants." I stuttered and couldn't believe what he had just said so I went "u-um ok b-but" when he interrupted me and said "look" as he turned around and showed me his shit stained pants "THAT is my post workout shit and I am PROUD of it"

I just walked away very slowly and got the fuck out of there. For the rest of the trip I counted roughly 10-20% of people walking around had shit themselves and NOBODY had a problem, actually most of the rest of the people were joking around how THEY hadn't shit themselves yet....

Anyways, I guess it's an old American tradition or something, but safe to say, I won't be going back to Buffalo anytime soon.

It's a fetish. Our toilet water is also high so us hung guys can get our dicks wet and mushy with pissy shit water. It's how I got into the fetish as a young teen, your dick touching the water was a point of pride and you left it there to pee underwater and not make any noise. Now I usually get a boner after it touches for a second though so I bend over the toilet mid shit and jerk off into it like Im milking a cow. Then I let my head sink back underwater when its soft

I've only seen this ONCE. And it was at a Walmart with a 400+ lbs woman. 90% sure this shit happens because of diet medication.

This meme needs to die. Everyone shits their pants every now and then.

"Pants" are unnatural in the first place. In the wild, we would just shit wherever it drops.

If you have a healthy diet, it's perfectly normal to spontaneously shit your pants from time to time.

This. I'm a shit sweeper and after we collect what's on the streets and around town we ship it off to India.

dude, I was in a Wal-Mart the other day and there was a literal trail of shit from the women's bathroom to the exit. One of the employees alerted me to it to make sure I didn't step in it, and the cart wheels actually smeared the shit all the way.

OP it's not seen as a "bad" thing here. We can afford to buy new pants, or wash them if they are still salvagable. It's about freedom, something you may not understand.

Shitting yourself in the US is a lot like farting in public in europe. Yeah, it's kind of embarassing, but we all do it a couple times a month. Part of the reason is the food we eat.

It's never bothered me.

Xenical/Orlistat use. Itnis a medication that makessome co-lipases stop working, makng the shit greasier. They can't hold it, the dumb fucks.

this is fuckin hilarious to me because I work at a gas station and never in my life have I seen someone shit their pants until today.

He left his shitty underwear in the garbage and his WHITE shorts were spotted in shit when he left... it was unbelievable.

And now I stumble across this thread lmfao, what an amazing coincidence. I guess OP is right, americans just shit themselves in public, it's true.

anime girls also shit themselves in public

>"it may be a little smelly but it's not unhygienic" literal quote from a US family member of mine.

Are they from mississippi or alabama?

We shit ourselves because we don't look at our toilet paper after we shit since we flush it down the toilet. So we have no idea if our assholes are clean.

this is a meme i can get behind

what you've heard and the pictures you've seen is lunacy. while these days a lot of americans don't understand dignity and self respect, i do. i think i'd rather die than face the dishonor and embarrasment of such a thing

It's a combination of that and Olestra in ghetto food.

>watching suicide squad yesterday
>audience claps at the end
>think about Sup Forums and memes
>fucking americlaps

don't be that way user. They know we do it.

Poo in loo for indians

But at least they know to take their rags off and squat before pooing

I'm pretty sure if I walk around Straya for long enough I could take pictures of some bogans that have shat themselves.

Only after eating chipotle.

>do you actually shit yourselves in public?
People actually do this?
The only time I ever see it is when it's a little kid.
Then again, I almost never go outside.

That looks more like a spilled black coffee while driving stain.

think it's cause the americans love arse sex 2bh

Funny thing is, they got the problem under control after a while.

What they now have is a frog plague. The cane toads.

You're a liar leaf, but you gave me a good laugh.


>Who do you actually shit yourselves in public?
What did he mean by this broken english?

Memes aside, I actually did shit my pants earlier this year.

Quit lying on the internet retard. This mystery was solved a long time ago. It's a diet pill that makes people incontinent if they don't actually change their diet to go with it.

Stupid people. Stupid people who buy stupid shit. Nobody in the US purposefully shits themselves. Cunt.

You probably could, but it seems like we barely need to type in "people of walmart" into google to see america as it is everywhere, unlike almost every other country where people know enough to remove their underwear before they shit

I-I do. I don't want to go around smelling like raw shit.

Walmart does attract a special kind of crowd here.

I've seen people in my shitty country shit themselves

I consider 1 person shitting themselves out of 6 million to be worse than 1 out of 320 million

those little wheels tough

>You will never have the freedom to defecate in public, on the fly, or the disposable income and efficient, cost-effective retail chain to simply get new pants every time I shit myself.

W-why is America always one step ahead?

It's not fair..

Make it positive user
I laugh everytime I turn my PC off clicking the "Shut it down"
Muffeds oy veys are part of my vocabulary

.yes they do

its beacauce they eat som mant burger

>be american

>wake up

>shit my pants

>go outside

>get shot

>pay reparations to BLM

>go to work

>get shot again

>get replaced by a robot for demanding 15$/hour

>get shot again

>shit my pants again

>go home

>wife leaves me and takes half my shit

>never see my children again

>go to bed

>get shot

was a good day.

Maybe he intends to buy new pants?

> This mystery was solved a long time ago.
Yeah Americans don't understand how toilets work so just shit themselves in public as shown by OP

> It's a diet pill that makes people incontinent if they don't actually change their diet to go with it.

So not only are Americans too fat and lazy to goto the toilet to void their bowels, they also don;t understand basic dieting and instead take drugs that makes them shit themselves?

>Stupid people. Stupid people who buy stupid shit.

Typical Americans?

> Nobody in the US purposefully shits themselves

Except the ones who willingly took a pill that makes them shit themselves and all those super fats who eat 5000+kcal a day then waddle/handi-drive to buy more food

>Quit lying on the internet retard
Practice what you preach

It starts off as an anti-bullying mechanism. No one wants to wedgie a kid if it means getting your hands shitty. You can tell the difference between a bully that doesn't mean much harm and the ones that are insane based on whether or not they'd wedgie a kid with shit-filled undies.

It eventually becomes habit. You can always tell who the kid shooters are: they're the ones that didn't shit their pants. If they did, maybe they wouldn't have been bullied.

you should try it some time. you australians would have fun with it, i'm sure.

its photoshopped you fucking mongoloids


The best is when you tilt your cock in such a way that the water rushes up your dickhole. I always make sure to tie a small rope tight around my glans to make sure all of the water stays in there.


Wew! that was pretty good. Almost a tl;dr but glad I waded through it. Some refinement around the edges and you might have a career in professional shitposting.

>1 out of 320 million
At least 200 million, Paddy

>it's equivalent to the French rejection of deodorant
Sorry, what ?

That sounds great. I can't do that though because I was cut too tightly. I might have been able to if I was circumcised just once, but my mother wanted to ensure my brothers each had the same amount of foreskin removed as to not favor one over the other.

Unfortunately, after my third surgery, there was too much removed and my cock has never been able to go beyond an inch flaccid. I bet my brothers are jealous that they didn't have three circumcisions. Thank God for the freedom to cut newborn penises.

Who is more degenerate, the guy who shat himself or the weirdo who took a picture of the shit covered pants then shared it with the world?

Kek, why have you forsaken us!?

Kek has no rules only the keks

People have been shitting themselves for various reason ever since we have worn clothes.
This is not unique to any nation and is not "accepted" as you imply.
Maybe you should ask why Americans are so quick to take pictures of other people who have shit themselves?

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Americans smell like shit
Americans smell like poo

It always gets caught in my foreskin. Shit and piss and little pieces of TP as I jerk off into the toilet, bending my boner down and hunching over slightly. It's the most convienent way by a longshot.