If Hitler so fucking great, why is he fucking dead?

If Hitler so fucking great, why is he fucking dead?

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Because that female in the pucture is not naked.

Holy fuck you got me there. I'm now a #cuckold

wtf, i hate hitler now

He still lived longer than FDR

cause all good things must come to an end

HItler was a syphilis infected junky degenerate and National Socialism was a miserable failure.

Dresden 2 when?

I am now a #clintoris

Most people don't live past 130

If Jesus is so fucking great, why is he fucking dead?

he was a visionary but not a particularly great strategist.

>being this bluepilled

Holy shit she is hot, I want her to give me a tit job

I know it said not to step on my nob
But I want her to step on benis
Too good

If tits are so fucking great, why the fuck don't you show the nipples?

faggot. get the fuck out of here


Underrated post

Cause he was very old

> pls let it happen in quebec

History gets written by the winners.

Welcome to pol though,
where you get REAL education, not the circle jerk bullshit you're getting fed everyday by your media and educational system

Give it 3 years and you'll be like us

Because women still think men fall for flashing tits in 2016.
The clock of life is ticking. Soon, you will lose even your beauty.
Tick tock.

Jesus is great because he rose from the dead

>tfw i have the pic with her tits out


> tfw jew shills have been around since jesus time xD

Post the rest of her set asshole

Cmon m8, don't be a cheeky cunt, post them pics

>Stefanie was born into a family of high social status. Hitler fell in love with her after she passed by him during her daily daughter-mother stroll in Linz, glancing at him. Although madly in love with her to the point of suicide, Hitler never once spoke with her, and she later married an Austrian army officer. August Kubizek, a close childhood friend and later biographer of his childhood experience with Hitler, wrote about Hitler's passion for her in his book, Adolf Hitler, My Childhood Friend. Stefanie stated in interviews that she was unaware of Hitler's feelings towards her, and little is known about her life.
Hitler was a beta

if mozart is so great then why is he dead?

Him dying has nothing to do with how great he was.
That saying, he was a master gambler, but not a great man.

>Welcome to pol though,
>where you get REAL education
Top fucking kek, youtube videos and pictures made in paint don't count

If Churchill was so great why is he dead?

>REAL education

>not circle jerk bullshit

Can't tell if this is irony or not.

Stormfags on suicide watch

Old age. BTW, anyone want to know where his crypt is?

He didn't commit suicide like a little bitch now did he?


I'm reasonably certain that I've seen this exact OP, with this exact image before, not that I mind the image.

whos the slut bro?