Hey Sup Forums. The subject is clear enough i guess. I am fat myself (330 pounds) but it's actually a stomach related problem where I absorb everything in my food (I gained 5 pounds in 2 days recently). I actually tried dieting and working out for extended periods of time but it never really made a difference so I'm going through a surgery soon (however working out made me stronger so I'm less flobby than other people in my weigh range.) I hate other fat people especially when they do nothing to change their situation and when they claim that they are beautiful and healthy like that. The saddest thing is that they are generally perfectly able to change their situation, but no healthy at all sizes...
Fat people hate thread
What's the condition called?
The sin of Gluttony
>2 minute self bump
>making excuses for being a fat useless piece of shit broken human being
I don't know what's best to help you, OP...
Consider suicide?
I don't really understand but it's related to "endocrine disruptors", i've been fat since I was 2 years old. I did hit puberty when I was 10 yo and since then I started getting uncontrolably fat.
I honestly wish I was lying trust me.
I don't make excuses and besides being obese, no real social problem.
>muh condishuns
Nobody likes you, fatty.
The thing I most hate about fat people is when they tell you things like: "Ohh I don't want to only eat salad and diet bread or meat without the 100g of sugar sauce."
I went from fucking 270lb to 220lb in 4 fucking months by only cutting net carbs to 25-30g per day and doing some cardio when I have free time. Its so fucking easy that if I could I would slap the 16 year old me for saying it is impossible to lose weight.
You obviously don't but meh, what can I do about it ? Do you have anybody that really likes you, honestly ?
Fat people should get an extra tax placed on their food because they're disgusting
>5lbs in 2 days
That is water weight.
>muh stomach absorbshun
Your described problem is unknown to medicine. More likely you eat carb shit with zero fiber and it spends a month fermenting in your grotesquely large colon.
I hope to god this is a shill thread and no one is actually this stupid.
You wanted a fat hate thread, did you not?
Are you fucking retarded in addition to your crippling inability to muster the slightest control over what you put in your body?
smells like ketones
Nie wiem ile to 330 funtów ale brzmi jakbys był [spoiler]tłustym chujem frajerze[/spoiler]
Oh my god, her face is so tiny. I've only ever seen that in anti-SJW cartoons where they make the SJWs disgustingly obese.
Low carb diets really limit what you can eat though. I stick to a 1500 calorie diet and make sure to cut junk food and sugars out.
Weight training and exercise will make you lost weight fast.
Majin Buu Syndrome
Have you tried counting calories?
Hey I was fat too, I was 220 in high school then hit the gym after I graduated and got to 155lbs.
After that I got a job and gained weight back up to 190 then I changed my diet and I'm down to 170 and it's continuously dropping.
I also started only eating 2 meals a day and eating smaller portions, I can't eat as much as I did before.
They do limit what you can eat, but mostly because it cuts out processed foods. Low carb requires whole meats, vegetables, sparse fruits, and little-to-no junk food. Overall, depending on your region, a carb-restricted diet is almost always healthier than a low-calorie diet that still doesn't allow the body to address the issue of fat storage like a low-carb/keto diet does.
I'm a fat fuck, I'm 130kg, 190cm tall. I don't look fat but I fucking feel it every time I stand up or get out of a car.
Recently decided to do something about it, so I've cut out all junk food, sweets and sugar-drinks(Coke, Lemonade etc), cut back to two large meals a day instead of three medium sized meals plus snacks. I'm also parking my car about thirty minutes walk away from my work and walking an hour a day back and forwards to it.
I lost about 9kgs in 10 days, now I weighed myself the first time right after I'd eaten and had a big glass of water so it might only be about 8kgs lost, but I was nearly 140kgs two weeks ago and now I feel like I'm on a good path to getting down to around 100kgs by the start of summer in four months.
I still fucking hate myself for letting myself get this fucking fat but I also hate people who're fatter than me for just giving up.