post them
Dead american soldiers/crusaders
Other urls found in this thread:
It's always this one retarded Turkish guy making this thread
Damn it! I thought you died in the coup
Same turkish faggot posting same shit again
Why didn't Erdogan behead you yet?
post bombed out convoys that were smuggling oil for ISIS through Turkey
What the fuck Swede? You're supposed to be an ally!
He's cucked and that's probably Jamal posting
Do you sandniggers even?
Do you even?
Eh fuck a goat, dead americans are beautiful sight but eh fuck a goat.
Always the same butthurt Dustmen posting this.
>dead americans are beautiful sight
You fucking little twat. We should have let Hitler have his way with your country
Oh, I see it now, turkroach using sven-proxy
Ye fuck off go murder some children and pay ISIS in your taxes mongrel
I teach my dogs to sit with the Shahada.
How does that make you feel?
Is he ok?
Fuck you ya shithead jobsworth plumber, stop attack americans on this site and fix my fucking boiler, they are not the americans we hate!
achmed, i see you have finally made it to sweden! congrats m8
Its a very sad world youre living in, mr roachman
You're a subhuman and you probably have a tiny little brown pee pee :)
Roaches, Svens, and Poles
My god they're everywhere
Ah you might be right ahmed, but still they're voting shillary
It's literally the same roach using proxy.
That is not an American soldier retard. Look at the Camo, gun, or mag carriers.
bery good, bery good. I still hate post-ataturk turkey more than us of a but bery good posts.
I really want to break something right now. Preferably the American nuclear launch codes such that the arsenal somehow finds its way to Ankara.
But that's a russian.
I got some dead americans from ww2 in the family military albums, do they count?
Also please take back your Kurds, they're joining up with Antifa, like Antifa wasn't annoying all by itself already
Go get fucked in the ass by hanz you dickless pussy.. fuckers blitzkrieged you faster than I go through a bag of doritos.
How many of these do you have?
cause youre a fat fuck its your problem
>Also please take back your Kurds
sorry m8. only way to get rid of them is genocide
aww i was hoping this faggot died in the coup.
This whole thread is some dumb turk not realizing that fucking ISIS/ISIL isn't killing American soldiers.
I mean he could at least post Afganistan/Iraq vids but I think out of the 50 kills posted maybe one or two were US troops.
Dumb sandnigger thinks white=american.
fuck you you Turkish roach cunt. How about pictures of your shit stain coup troopies getting raped and murdered in your shitbox prisons
It's okay to be butthurt Turkey.
You know your days are numbered once Shillary gets pushed through.
You will be another Iraq soon enough.
i'm honestly impressed at the levels of teenage angst this roach has.
he's quite literally renaming every single picture, "dead amerifat x"
clap clap, roach. glad you found something else to do besides fucking the communal goat
95% aren't even Americans dipshit.
he probably jerks off to that too
sand niggers don't care about anyone except for their 72 little boys
You may have a point Piotr, it's a struggle to tell the shills from the genuine Sup Forumsacks these days. It's become something of an invasion.
>le fat meme
I found your pic you ugly fuck
Medal of honor Michael P. Murphy
wikipedia had uncensored photos, but it was deleted, because "murica hero"
Hoped you died in the coup roach
Pint > Point
Turkey get a real hobby and stop posting dead soldiers.
muh greatest ally
Many of the pics aren't even americans
and turkroaches aren't you busy sucking some erdogan cock?
Thats not an American soldier. He would never be wearing a tan hat.
Come on turkroach.
>he posts pics but ignores the k/d ratio that makes kebab look worse than somalia
Like fuck senpai, someone post video of that guardsman who ghosted a whole hadji village then pissed on their dead bodies. Roachboy might get triggered enough to literally explode.
Seriously, not a single piece of gear on this dude is American.
Turkroach, are you stupid or just here to troll? All you post is dead Syrians and Russian soldiers.