Can we get an Australia celebration thread? I love these fucking guys...

Can we get an Australia celebration thread? I love these fucking guys. I love their natural ability to be banterous and funny, unlike faggot Canadians whose banter pisses everyone off. Australians are legit funny and I wish they posted more.

Moot was a faggot for hating Australians when Canadians are obviously the problem. Anyway, post anything and everything pro or funny Australian and anything bad about faggot Canadians.

Australian posters encouraged and welcomed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice slide thread


Thanks mate. It's hard being aussie with our reputation for shitposting but we try our best to live up to everyone's expectations.

Come down to straya one day and we can smash down some tinnies in my maloo while doing some circlework in the local maccas carpark

Well, would you take a look at that. A fucking leaf. Coming here to prove your exactly what I fucking said you were, a fucking faggot. Kys. This is not a slide thread, I want to fucking laugh at Australian shenanigans and laugh at how shitty your entire country is faggot.

>I want to fucking laugh at Australian shenanigans

Not Sup Forums related

Fuck off back to readdit

Enjoy your ban

>Come down to straya one day and we can smash down some tinnies in my maloo while doing some circlework in the local maccas carpark

I have no idea what this means but ok I will.

Was just watching this

And realized I love the very nature of Australians. I wish I was one. I might move there. You are a people of my own heart.

....said the newfag leaf asshole that everyone hates


>any attempts to disrupt the board will not be tolerated


Seeking validation this hard, fuck off back to readdit and enjoy your ban


my bad

Retarded faggot

Get fucked.

Kek. I guess my hatred for Canadians triggered this poor leaflet. You guys are faggots, just accept it.

This cartoon was too nice to Aboriginals.
The responsible cop is also portrayed as aboriginal, that's just not realistic.

Do any aboriginals or half aboriginals have any high functioning roles in society in Australia? Like, is anyone with aboriginal blood in science or finance, or do they all just work at gas stations or just live in the desert and do nothing? What is the average abo like?

Pakis and Afghans work at gas stations
Abos just sit in parks drinking and smoking, in their communities they fight with each other, the worst that can happen is they swear at you when you walk past them

The abos in higher functioning roles are the really white ones but even so that's rare because they just decide to either work at aboriginal communities or retail store jobs

There's a bit of affirmative action at work. Large government departments are required to employ aboriginal people at a rate consistent with their percentage of the general population.

Universities run specialised placements to try and get Aboriginal lawyers and doctors.

We have a few elected Aboriginals in our various Parliaments.

>Abos just sit in parks drinking and smoking, in their communities they fight with each other, the worst that can happen is they swear at you when you walk past them

So they're like nigger Chavs?

>There's a bit of affirmative action at work. Large government departments are required to employ aboriginal people at a rate consistent with their percentage of the general population.

God damn I hate affirmative action.

>Aboriginals elected to a meme party because "muh diversity"
All they want is more gibs and change our aussie drinking day date to a different one that they prefer

There are good abos and bad abos. And there are aboriginal cops.

I helped out in a few Abo communities in the Northen Territory. Some were top blokes with gr8 bantz, the others were shit cunts. But mostly its the youth.

The elders are fucking pissed off at the young ones, due to their culture of "when you're 13, you're a man".

Not even joking, when a few of my friends were on a journey to swim in a waterhole, we saw three abo kids (aged 11-13 I believe) drive A FUCKING STOLEN VAN right passed us.

After our dip in the hole, a couple of cops came up to us and started asking us questions about them.

The communities are getting better, because truth be told, they can't get any worse.

Hello trigglypuff!

Yeah, but it's mainly people with 1/10th Abo blood who make a career out of being an Aboriginal. We should make people like Stan Grant spend a year out with 'his people' and then maybe he will realise he has more in common with white European society and the Abs oppress themselves.

Truth be told, if we ever become a republic, I'd prefer that as the new Aussie day.

[spoiler]But it'd be pretty fucking funny if it was still on January 26[/spoiler]

>cared for this country

Thanks bro, knowing that my shitty banter triggers Americans eases the pain of living in a meme country.

Your butthurt doesn't do you any favours either, syrupface

Why do all the "aboriginal officers" in this video look white?

I had a friend visiting from overseas. Took her to the art gallery cuz thats what tourists wanna do. To my astonishment, there was an abo lady working there directing people to the different exhibitions.

I pointed her out to my friend like we were on safari and she was a rare and endangered species never seen with the naked eye, because I have literally never seen an abo working before.

To be fair, she looked like she was only about 1/4 abo.

This is correct. To be entitled to all the black-fella gibs you must be of Aboriginal descent (totally irrelevant whether that is 2% or 100%), and identify as an Aboriginal.

When Andrew Bolt (Aussie right wing columnist) suggested that the abbo gibs were largely wasted on mostly white appearing people with hardly any actual Aboriginal disadvantage, he was successfully prosecuted under our Racial Discrimination Act.

This fucking country is circling the drain and if I try to do anything about it I'll lose my job and get fined for hate speech. Being butthurt about it is a waste of time at this point.

>aboriginal doctors
pic related, class of 2014 UNSW

>Australians use proxies to appear as Leafs
>shitpost for days
>not funny at all
>everyone hates Canadians
>all eyes off of Straya's shitposting

I'm with OP on this. I've always said Australian shitposting is vital to the Sup Forums ecosystem. Removing Aussies would kill the board.

Shitpost on Straya. I'll eat at the Outback next time I go out just for you.

fuckin shitcunts

He was convicted because he printed lies, it was not about the racial make up of individuals. I agree with 1% Abos and their gobs but Bolt is a fucking clown who's drivel is on the same level as petrol sniffing. Anybody who cites him needs to be steralised to safeguard future generations.

What a fucking legend

I love canadian hate thread fucking gas yourself leaf

>Canadian tears

Reported for announcing reported desu

Fkn autocorrect

It's all the same leaf kek

You don't have to be full blood to claim 'Indigenous' status

Still 2nd best shit-posters.

Australians, back on Sup Forums and Sup Forums, were absolutely terrible and at around 3 AM the boards would go to complete shit.
With that being said, they've stepped their game up heavily and on Sup Forums actually make valuable, damn funny posts. I've seen some good fuck threads made by Australians, that remind me of 08 era Sup Forums.


Whatever you say, Sheila. Kek is with me.

>Take Britain
>Make it so they're able to fight
>Make it so they aren't flaming sissies
>Make them actual men
>Give them an America esque history
Fuck yea Straya

>tfw wanna make a podcast titled "The Daily Shitpost"
>its too similar to "The Daily Shoah"
>dont wanna copy based Morriakus format

thats actually really sad. If trump wins start a movement to join the US

That would be Japan

Guy I know became a doc he was only 1/16 abo. He did get 96% in the hsc. Still there would have been other cunts who got more and missed out.

KEK wills it

i love refugees

>Anybody who cites him needs to be steralised to safeguard future generations.
You fucking faggot SJW.

>Americans trying to suck up to us because they think it'll stop us totally annihilating them after we beat them in the Olympics

Fucking cunt,fucking cunt, fucking cunt.

Literally me yesterday as I slammed on the brakes and turned to miss this silly bitch who pulled out in front of me from a drive way and just hung there stationary when she realised how bad she screwed up. Missed her by less than metre.

We need a yank vs aussies basketball match so we can fuck their nigs up.

>If trump wins start a movement to join the US

I'm honestly considering moving to the US if Trump gets elected, and if he's half the man he says he is I hope they turn my ass down at the border.

Gary the Goat meets some friendly abos

>I have no idea what this means
"Come down to Australia one day and we can smash down some beers in my really nice vehicle while doing some donuts in the local McDonalds carpark"


You should hop over to Sup Forums m8, less alt-right wing fanatics there than here.

Really is impressive
Abos have been around for 40 thousand years and only invented the stick
We turn up and in 200 years we basically make USA 2.0

Fuck off niggerfaggot

Fuck off lelbourne no one asked you.

It truly is incredible how they managed to just plain not invent anything, or even so much as progress to simple shit like growing food.

But hey, Abo culture is like so totally awesome n shieeeet, and we're just big ol' wacist whitey. God I hated that shit in school.

>tfw i'm from lelbourne

christ I hate this leftist shithole
moving to nippon next year anyway for work, cant wait

And yeah, all our "history" classes were about the English coming over and putting a few boongs in chains
I remember my mate Mick (i think in year 9) said to the teacher in class "So a few white dudes come over and killed some black cunts, big woop" he got a 2 month suspension for that KEK

Daily Reminder that Australia is Americas favorite country. If we could genocide Canada instead of annexing it Id give it to Australia as a present provided they let us come over and raid their fridge for beer any time we wanted.

Would an Aussie please post the Abbo music special that truly moved my heart?

but thats my beer...

Fucking leaflets.

I funking love you guys I like the smell of your national crotch.

Waaay funnier than Belgians

Fuck off were full.

Hey man were giving you Canada, dont be greedy shitcunts, its a great deal.

We had a South African lady who spent a whole bunch of her class saying white men are automatically racist.

The education system needs an overhaul. Get rid of all this emotional manipulation bullshit that has no real use other than instilling white guilt into impressionable children.

I love how angry and jealous you burgers get

You can't even police your own third world nigger president 61% white 5/8 babies born to non-europeans streets though..

>less than metre.
What the fuck does he mean

We have bred such a violent and un-tolerant culture our hatred of foreigners has become recessive, and no matter how many new cultures come in, as long as they come into contact with our main culture they turn into us in the next generation, it's amazing to watch.

Who the fuck wants that price of shit?

Western Sydney proves you wrong.

Outback Steakhouse are absolute shitcunts that have nothing to do with Australia. The owners aren't Australian. The dishes aren't Australian and the fuckwit that does the TV ad is a kiwi putting on a fake Aussie accent.

that is the small pocket of unevolved ecology that will die next generation.
The only reason it appears to "still be there" is because that is specifically where FOB's go, so it appears as though it doesn't change where it actually is turning over just as fast, but when it does people leave.



Daily reminder that pavlova is 100% Australian.

2nd that

Fuck you, you stupid leftist cunt.