Mexican Intellectuals take aim at Donald Trump

>A group of 67 prominent intellectuals, scientists, artists and award-winning authors from Mexico and the rest of Ibero-America have signed a statement blasting Republican pre-candidate Donald Trump’s “hate speech,” which they say “recalls historical campaigns against other ethnic groups that led to millions of deaths.”

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Pick one.

Jesus Trump looks like a cuck in this photo

>he wants to deport illegals, that's hate speech.
>he wants to control immigration from Muslims, a group with one of the most hateful ideologies out there, that's hate speech
I don't really care if Trump wins but this, this is another level of stupid.

>Mexican intellectuals

>Jesus Trump looks like a cuck in this heavily photoshopped photo.



>Mexican intellectuals

Faggots. This is why I haven't read a book in years. They're all written by faggots.

>Entire nation throws fit over one nation enforcing its own laws
wtf I love Globalism now


lol it's ok, their just salty that they're going to have to pay for the wall


Came to post this.

>Mexican Intellectuals

>mexican intellectuals

Okay, that's bad.

>which they say “recalls historical campaigns against other ethnic groups that led to millions of deaths.”


>Mexican intellectuals

>If Trump win the hundreds of billions of dollars of US welfare money that gets sent here will dry up
>Trump's racist!

Mexico in full panic because they won't be able to send illegals to collect welfare and then send that money back to mexico.

Mexican Intellectuals


>Mexican intellectuals

Here we go again
>mexican intellectuals

They probably refer to mass killings under Communist regimes.

>A group of 67 prominent intellectuals, scientists, artists and award-winning authors from Mexico and the rest of Ibero-America have signed a statement agreeing to pay for Republican pre-candidate Donald Trump’s "wall," which they say "reminds them of their own wall with South America."

Please, not again


>mexicanned titilecticals



>A group of 67 prominent intellectuals, scientists, artists

>mexican intellectuals

>Mexican Warlocks

read some of that classic english literature, faggot

Building a wall and securing a border is genocide? I've had psycho girlfriends less codependent than that. Holy shit.

epic meme xD

Just taco my shit up

why don't they call them scholars or something else?

your parents should not allow you to browse Sup Forums

>Mexican Intellectuals

>Intellectuales Mexicanos

Never gets old.

Don't they collectively send like 8 million a month to Mexico?

>mexican intellectuals

>Mexican intellectuals

>Donald Trump’s “hate speech,” which they say “recalls historical campaigns against other ethnic groups that led to millions of deaths.”

Oy vey it's like another shoah

>has only said no more migrants
>mexico is now afraid that their worthless people can no longer flee to america
Fuck the mexican leadership man

>>mexican intellectuals
next you'll tell me brazil invented the airplane

lol they're country runs on money sent back by illegal taco merchants

>Mexican Intellectuals

>Mexican intellectuals


Just put us out of this misery burguers

Remind me why we care what artists and authors think

these are your most valuable minds


>mfw when the sjw's will chimp out against le drumpf wall

>smart spics

>>>Mexican intellectuals

Suprise suprise, mexico doesnt want a wall built. Their whole fucking economy probably relies on smuggling drugs to the US.

>Mexican Intellectuals

(((intellectual))) are part of the cancer that's killing Mexico.
The government cant apply the rule of law with out this asholles taking over all forms of media crying muh humans rights!!!
bunch of communist agitators that's what they are
they also control much of Mexico higher education brainwashing Mexican students.
This clowns wine and cry against any right wing policy but they will never criticize venezuela's goverment much less cuba's.
also jorge ramos,carmen aristegui,(((denisse dresser,and elena poniatowska))) need to take some helicopter rides.

>Mexican intellectuals

lol fuck off

the actual communists in the chiapas are better at running their state than mexican capitalists are at running their shitty country



>Mexican intellectuals

It's even funnier than cruzposting

ey hefe chu think if we ran real fast like we can just jump one of them bouncy floor things...we can make it over that wall essy then I can finally see my ruca

I know my child.

>Professor Torres, doctor of Masonry

Don't worry, my friend. We're going to build a wall. It's going to suffocate your Cartel. It's going to save your Mexican people by bringing them together.

Then maybe some day, when everything is beautiful, that wall can come down.

>Mexican intellectuals

>Mexican intellectuals

>mexican itellectuals

>Mexican Intellectuals

>Mexican intellectuals

>latino scholars

>Mexican intellectuals

I feel embarrassed that those guys are called intellectuals

And what is left
Enrique "I don't know whats the minimum wage because I'm not a housewive" Peña nieto
Felipe "War on drugs" Calderon

>Mexican Intellectuals

you do realize she is swatting cobwebs with the end piece. Right? that hose isn't even stretched out.

>colombian intellectuals also there
fuck SJWs,fuck all those pompous idiots

>mexican intellectuals

first post best post

>Mexican intellectuals

>A bunch of graduates from the most commie university of Mexico.

What a surprise.

>Mexican and Intellectuals

Getting a real kick out this one

>Intellectual Tacos


Did they also send a letter complaining about the DNC calling them "Taco bowl voters"?

>mexican intellectuals

Andres Manuel "The teachers dindu nuffin"