What does Sup Forums think about global warming? Are we really fucking up Earth's climate?
What does Sup Forums think about global warming? Are we really fucking up Earth's climate?
Earth's climate has always been fucking retarded.
yeah, it's really happening in this case
Not human made at least
CO2 make less than 0.5% of overall gases in the atmosphere.
It does happen but the good news is it'll most probably only exterminate the human race and some others, life itself will still go on without us
No. Are you gonna blame humans for the last Ice Age?
no, the world is just coming out of an ice age.
We're still in an ice age. You don't know anything useful about climate change it seems.
The Earth has gone from a ball of fire to a ball of ice, to a fucking water ball with the occasional island here and there, over a course of billions of years.
We are too small and insignificant to actually make a difference.
Earth will cope with our shit.
The question is whether WE will manage to cope with our shit in the end of the day.
Look at Chernobyl. There are still grandmas and grandpas living there. Eating local fruits and animals.
>it thinks it comprehends
This is what happens when you teach monkeys to speak.
Climate change is real. No, we arent fucking up Earth's climate.
pic related
There is a zero percent chance that we will 'fuck up earth', a zero percent chance that we will destroy earth.
There is a 100% chance that the earth will 'reset' many times before the world 'ends'.
The ONLY thing of concern about global warming is if we are going to wipe out ourselves/our current earth-iteration sooner rather then later.
It is almost laughable that people genuinely seem to think we are 'destroying the earth' any more then what is ABSOLUTELY going to happen at some point in the future, whether in a world-changing cataclysmic event like a gigantic asteroid impact, or slowly over millions of years.
Either way it is just another almost-unaccountably-small amount of time in Earths life cycle, like flushing the toilet each time it is filled with shit to get a new toilet-full of fresh water.
Apparently neither do you fucking faggot hippie
Mars is also a little warmer over the last 50 years. Fucking SUVs.
Climate change is real but we are not causing it
if a disaster happens and population dwindle the world will re-adjust itself and cleanse
Yeah, duh
Its just that we cant react properly and quickly enough because it would fuck up economy.
I'll "believe" in it after it floods Manhattan, then the good work was finished.
We're still literally in an ice age. Denying liberal propaganda is okay because it's an opinion. Denying science means you're fucking retarded. Nothing hippie about it. Your life would be complete shit without science.
That's exactly what I said.
The long and short of it is that whatever is happening right now literally does not actually matter to Earth, Earth will be absolutely just fine (unless we actually figure out a way to blow it to literally dust and do that, which global-warming certainly isn't going to do).
So no matter what people say about 'save the rain-forests' and this and that to support their agendas about being the ones that are 'nice' it still comes down to something that is inevitable. All of the baby seals are going to be gone at some point and it literally won't matter one iota to Planet Earth, which will keep on trucking, producing a new set of life from a new set of primordial-whatever in a new blip-of-time.
Guys I have a confession to make.
I think Greece is causing global warming with all the gyros rotisseries.
Seriously, have you been near one of those things? VERY hot.
pls forgive
Likely not, there's direct evidence to support that we are causing 'global warming'
>tfw talking to a breed of super spider with a ornithorhynchus
No, God just reconsidered his Covenant with Noah due to how degenerate modern society is and decided to break it. We're bring flooded again and God is hitting the reset button because of the faggots and liberals.
Nice argument!
It's the best, and I mean only, "argument" that gets trotted out the second someone comes to the reasonable conclusion that there isn't enough evidence to support that climate change is man made or that any action on behalf of humans can turn it around.
It doesn't matter if we are or not, fossil fuel use has freed people from manual labor, and it continues to be the most efficient and cheap power source available. If wind and solar become as efficient and cheap then we will switch to them, since that is basic market forces, but until then I care more about humans than ecosystems or whatever.
Fossil fuels have enabled us to make farming 100x more effective, fertilizer is made from natural gas, and transporting food and goods has become next to free.
There is a huge correlation between energy use and quality of life. I care about humans, so we want to maximise our quality of life. Until fossil fuels become too expensive to use, it doesn't matter how bad they are for 'mother nature', humans are the most important thing that we are so far aware of in the universe, and we must ensure human flourishing.
Yes, although the problem isn't climate change itself, but the rate at which it's happening
I work at a (very clean) biomass power plant. I can't tell you about the state of the global biosphere, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that "pollution control" authorities are a bunch of lackwits and you cannot debate them. The flue emissions from our combustion are literally less than what you would have from letting the wood and grain chaff rot in the ground, but we get villainized anyway. Their idea of science is bullshit and they have no interest in the actual pursuit of truth.
Climate change is anthropologenic, but still beneficial
Large swaths of Canada and Northern Asia will become useful land, and humanity will benefit from it. We'll have longer growing seasons in the temperate areas, and the equatorial/tropical zones will see little difference.
Cockroaches will continue to thrive
Maybe even become the dominant species
Yes. But think of all the profit to be made! By the time the earth is really hosed, we'll be dead anyhow, so it's not really our problem, is it?
Earth is going to come out of ice at higher temperature. There is change and humans contribute to it.
guess that dog picked the wrong place to sit
No way too know.
Sources? Didn't think so.
We are still technically in an ice age, so yes, earth is heating up in the sense that it's actually -supposed- to be a bit warmer.
Man made CO2 is insignificant compared to the staggering amount released by volcanic activity. Methane is a problem but not a massive one because it only has a half life of ~7 years in the upper atmosphere, so we only have 7 years worth of methane pollution to deal with at any given time. The big factor is the oceans heating enough to begin melting the frozen methane vents in the ocean floor, which would cause significant heat buildup via greenhouse gasses, which would then heat the ocean more, which would melt more methane, etc.
Chernobyl? No there aren't.
>factories made smoke so, global warming
nice argument, but the pollution from the industrial era is long gone.
it's starting to trigger me when people correlate these pictures of polar bears on a small piece of ice looking helpless with global warming
can't polar bears swim for like 30 miles?
30 miles is an 'average trip' for them. They can swim vast distances, they just generally don't.