and human?
Do you consider us white, christian, western
Other urls found in this thread:
moonman would like to have a word with you
I consider you a faggot, OP. How's that?
About as white as Indians. Seriously, little Spanish kids and little Indian kids are nigh-indistinguishable.
Yes (although >papist)
A bit but not really. A unified western civilisation is mostly a myth made up by Americans during the Cold War.
Of course not.
Depends on what you mean.
Upper class Mexicans that have less than 10% indio blood maybe yeah
and a huevoes de rancheroes to you too, good sir
Too much Amerindian blood in the average Mexican for them to be considered white.
Literal retards on Sup Forums think all mexicans are brown skin.
Mexico is a nationality you fucking rocks. There are white and black Mexicans just like there are indo trash beaners.
Sometimes I really think Sup Forums is full of people studying for their GED.
filthy dumb beaner scum
>yfw argentina is whiter than the US
No habra huevos rancheros para ti esta vez. Me has hecho enojar.
If Mexicans are Europeans African Americans are Irish.
When you see what passes for white in America you really start to realize how fucked we are.
So what, Europeans can't move to Mexico?
You realize there are Germans in Brazil. Mexico is a country not a race you dumb cuck.
What a goddess. Would lick the floor where she walked.
Alabado seas.
Yes, but some are meztizo but that's alright.
Obrigado irmao. Giselle e melhor btw.
Real white Mexicans(which do actually exist, albeit as a minority) do not need to seek validation like OP who keeps making these threads and posting edited images over and over.
Also, having light skin is not the only qualification for being white. There are plenty of Hispanic mongrels with light features. That doesn't mean they're white since they have a significant amount of indigenous ancestry.
costa rica confirmed for whitest nation in the new world.
most "white" americans have black hair and dark eyes. even if their skin isn't swarthy, which it often is, they look far more like arabs than europeans.
it's especially bad in large cities where virtually everyone is some sort of mutt with shitskin blood in them, so the people with light colored hair and eyes are typically first generation immigrants.
>Argentina more European than Canada
not on your fucking life is that true
I know your pain
I visit Argentina at least once per year and can confirm. The few non whites you see are generally from other south american countries
There are no pure races. I'm not a shitlib but that's the truth. Even village Europeans who never left Europe have "Middle Eastern farmer" ancestry in them from the stone age mixed with "Aryan" which is actually an Asiatic group lol. Not to mention Mongol, Hun, Berber, Jewish, etc. Of course not everybody is equal and some mixtures are preferable to others. But still. Don't kid yourselves with muh pure race.
I consider you to be shit.
Latin America is Mestizo, North America is Anglo-Saxon
It's really that simple.
Still I wish the American Southwest and Central America could come to a compromise on immigration because historical relationships.
The Wall is a stupid idea in America. I wish Europe had the gull to do it though.
Some of you could pass for white, like that woman, until you start to speak. But yes, you are human. The only ethnics that are truly questionable at times are blacks and abos.
Mexicans aren't white!!!!!!!!!
How is this not so obvious?!!
This. I can barely tell the difference between Indians (Both India and Native Americans) and Mexicans.
European descent
Mestizos have both european and native blood and count as european descendants
The majority of Mexicans still aren't white how is that not obvious
Spanish, Hatian, Indian, Jamaican,
Black, White, Cuban or Asian
And yet still aren't white and NEVER WILL BE.
Just look at them!
Brazil, if you are white, post your picture...
My post is too much for Sup Forums it seems.
Is it a fad for Mexicans with Spanish ancestry to give their children aztec/mayan type names?
Is this a Mexican version of 'White Flight' letting everyone know they prefer the Indians to the cowboys?
Girl in OP's pic doesn't look like a Ximena
>American SW and Central American compromise
What do you mean by this?
The SW and the West in general was typically full of whites years ago.
Build Wall
You talk as if there was any difference
Ximena is a Spanish name
These are brazilians...
these are white people...
learn the difference, it could save your life
and here are average mexicans
By your definition, purity may not exist, but it is something that should always be striven for. With that said, most of the white burger mutts in the U.S. are pushing 99%+ European ancestry, not 80% Indian or negro.
Your fault
Mexican with huichol outfit. Those are Huicholes or native americans.
I'm in the USA and I can attest that "pure whites" are only about 8% of our population.
Redneck """whites""" only think they are white, they look closer to a fucking Mexican though.
15 kids per woman
once abortion gets approved they will inherit Mexico
Still obviously not white.
Look at this average American redneck. He legitimately thinks he is white.
Of course not. Just a bunch of foreigners trying to undermine borders and aid immensely the goals of globalists. I have no pity for the mexican or african or jew since these are the faces I most often see when it comes to * anti-borders *
These Rednecks think they are white too. But just look at them... They're inbred as all fuck, unhealthy, fat, genetically FUCKED, and about 40% Mexican blood
the girl is fucking gorgeous.
would hardly fall under the stereotypical Mexican
you are all of that, just not first world
if Mexico sent people like this there wouldn't be an immigration debate
This desu
>of European descent
There's a Rio Grande of difference between the hundreds of millions of Americans that are >95% pure European and the population of Mexico who are claiming at
If you were actually white you would have a functioning country.
>not bavarian phenotype
>must be half mexican
>most "white" americans have black hair and dark eyes.
this may come as a surprise to an autist like you, but most european whites have dark hair/eyes too
In 10 years the first one will look like the second one. That's how mexicans age
That's just bait, he has been spamming that image on Sup Forums for months, real image shows actual percentage
This. Only 10% of Americans are ACTUALLY white.
>Is it a fad for Mexicans with Spanish ancestry to give their children aztec/mayan type names?
In Y Tu Mamá También, one of the characters is named Tenoch because his dad is a high-ranking politician in his town and he did it to appear more nationalistic and less Castillian. Or at least that's what I remember.
So probably.
no, yes, yes, no
It's important to note specific ethnicity/tribe and not just say " european " or " white "
North America , U.S and Canada are mostly Germanic or Celtic, which have recessive light features.
This is not the case for central and south america colonials
And to be honest, is not because we are white, but because you are starting to look like Mexicans.
That doesn't account for race-mixing at all, the mulattos in Brazil are white according to this.
Britbong here. Outright black hair is actually pretty rare except for minorities and half-breeds. It's different in areas that were formerly Caliphate land of course. Maybe your ancestor was raped by a moor.
What about these?
They're all a nuclear family.
that's what happened since the revolution
the new government (pri) went full Marxist and encouraged mestizaje to create the cosmic race.because we wuz aztecz kangs and shiiet.
just ended deluding what little whiteness Mexico had and most of Mexico's founders being forgotten and now the father of Mexico became Benito Juarez
who cares about the country's whiteness, i'm brown :^)
Not really
>you can't govern yourselves without becoming a corrupt failed state, a corrupt narco state, or both.
>Same as all brown people
>these are the people that call you brown on Sup Forums
>barely 60% white
They look as white as the average American does
pictured: a "white" man in Mexico
>avg. mexican
>pic related will never be my waifu irl
Do I have reason to live?
this, it's the same here, i remember noticing once in my last year of high school only one student in my year actually had black hair, and that was a maori
really makes jew think...
>Of-course Sweden thinks this the average white person.
I'd lick her cleavage fur
again with the fucking misconceptions and Protestant memes
Only Anglos are white.